HBD: Why We Westerners Are WEIRD - Less Inbreeding

I find the study of Human BioDiversity (HBD) fascinating. I think it ultimately explains a lot of the differences between ethnic groups and nationalities, especially regarding fertility, altruism, and the construction of complex societies like Western Civilization.

Here is an interesting article (to me, at least):

Why We Westerners Are WEIRD--Less Inbreeding
by Steve Sailer, VDare, June 22, 2018


Some guys in human evolutionary biology and economics write-up HBD Chick's main theory. From PsyArXiv Preprints:


The Origins of WEIRD Psychology


Jonathan Schulz, Duman Bahrami-Rad, Jonathan Beauchamp, and Joseph Henrich


Recent research not only confirms the existence of substantial psychological variation around the globe but also highlights the peculiarity of populations that are Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic (WEIRD). We propose that much of this variation arose as people psychologically adapted to differing kin-based institutions-the set of social norms governing descent, marriage, residence and related domains. We further propose that part of the variation in these institutions arose historically from the Catholic Church's marriage and family policies, which contributed to the dissolution of Europe's traditional kin-based institutions, leading eventually to the predominance of nuclear families and impersonal institutions...

The medieval Catholic Church was against Catholics marrying even moderately distant cousins and other kin, which HBD Chick has long argued is a key reason why Westerners are the way they are (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic: WEIRD)....

A growing body of research suggests that populations around the globe vary substantially along several important psychological dimensions, and that people from societies characterized as Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic (WEIRD) are particularly unusual...

Often at the extremes of global distributions, people from WEIRD populations tend to be more individualistic, independent, analytically-minded and impersonally prosocial (e.g., trusting strangers) while revealing less conformity, obedience, in-group loyalty and nepotism...


Here are a few resources on HBD:

hbd chick

West Hunter

The Behavioral Genetics Page
JayMan, Unz Review,March 2, 2016

HBD Bibliography

HBD Fundamentals

Life history theory

Big Think
Satoshi Kanazawa

Staffan's Personality Blog