Naomi Wolf on the ten steps to close down an open Western society

The Vlad Tepes Blog has done a good job of covering political aspects of the China virus. I came across the following post and video. I did a DuckDuckGo search and found Wikipedia's first sentence on her brands her as a conspiracy theorist.

Here's her website and book list.

Anyway, after reading Wikipedia's slant on her, and finding that her video below has been disappeared by big tech, I watched the video. I recommend the first 25 minutes during which she discusses how the China virus has been used to close down open societies - that is, Western societies. Near the end she makes some politically correct comments about immigrants and citizenship, but other that that, her commentary is pretty much fact-based observation and concerns.

From the blog post:

Naomi Wolf speaks to German freedom activists on the ten steps to close down an open society, and where we all are now

March 15, 2021

This is important.

And from what I have seen on Twitter, this video is being removed, or disabled on multiple platforms. Someone on Twitter had the wherewithall to create a Wetransfer download for it, and we put it on 3Speak after making use of that WeTransfer link. Now, even the tweet is “unavailable” where the link for the WeTransfer was. But here it is for all who want to download the video.

Here is the Naomi Wolf video on 3speak.

Here are some other interviews with Naomi Wolf, including Tucker Carlson, archived on Rumble.

Naomi Wolf on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Daily Caller, February 22, 2021, archived on Rumble.

Here are some other interviews with Naomi Wolf, archived on Bitchute.


The elites want COVID-19 lockdowns to usher in a 'Great Reset' and that should terrify you, by Tucker Carlso, Fox, November 17, 2020.


The End of America?, by Naomi Wolf, American Institute for Economic Research, March 19, 2021:

... We – my brave publisher, Chelsea Green, and I — are releasing the first and last chapters of The End of America now, in 2021, for free, and I am calling the sequel to this book, which I am now writing, Step Ten – because as of March of last year, we have indeed, I am so sad to say, arrived at and begun to inhabit Step Ten of the ten steps to fascism....

In 2015, I cautioned that infectious diseases could be used as a justification for ushering in a suppression of liberties, always under the guise of emergency measures....

In the United States we now have:

1. Emergency measures in many states, which suspend due process of law....

2. The closures of schools, which break the social contract with the next generation.

3. Bills being passed for “vaccine passports,” which bypass the Fourth Amendment to the constitution...

4. Forced closures of businesses. By intervening directly in the economy and allowing certain businesses to flourish (Amazon, Wal-Mart, Target) at the expense of small businesses, Main Street shops, restaurants, and sole proprietor businesses in general...

5. Restrictions on assembly. Some states such as California are fining people for seeing their friends in their homes...

6. Forced face coverings. In Massachusetts, people are fined if they are not wearing masks outdoors...

7. Suppression of free speech....

8. Science has been hijacked in the interests of “biofascism.” By heavily funding scientific commentators such as Dr Fauci in the United States, Imperial College and SAGE in the UK, and Dr Christian Drosten in Germany, a dominant set of policies and pronouncements about Covid that benefit a small group of bad actors – notably tech and pharmaceutical interests, acting in concert with governments – have had secured credentialled supporters....

9. Data have been hijacked to serve the interests of this biofascism. This manipulation of truth, which I foreshadowed in The End of America, is typical of the Soviet censors...

10. Attacks on religious minorities....

11. Policies that weaken bonds between human beings and weaken the family have been introduced and policed. This is the most serious development of all.

Video: STEP 10: Naomi Wolf updates her New York Times Bestseller THE END OF AMERICA


Also see: Degrowth and the Great Reset