Most new California licenses go to drivers in country illegally

Article publisher: 
Fox News
Article date: 
18 July 2015
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

More than half of all new California driver’s licenses this year have gone to people who are in the country illegally, the state said Friday

The California Department of Motor Vehicles reported it has issued roughly 397,000 licenses to people who live in the country illegally ...

New drivers say having a license means they can travel more freely for work or pleasure ...

Roy Beck, president of NumbersUSA, which advocates for legal and limited immigration, criticized California for making life easier for people in the country illegally, at the expense of citizens and legal residents.

"There are now 400,000 more signals to people all over the world that working illegally in California is encouraged by the government itself," he said ...

CAIRCO Research

El Chapo Guzman Has California Driver's License; How Did He Obtain It?

When "El Chapo" was issued the driver's license, he was already a wanted man by the DEA ...