Soros-Funded Group: Vote-By-Mail ‘Must Become the Default Option’

Article publisher: 
Article date: 
16 May 2020
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 
Vote-by-mail “must become the default option for the vast majority of Americans” during the coronavirus epidemic, declared the Center for American Progress.
The Center for American Progress (CAP), which functions as somewhat of an idea factory for the Democratic Party, has been a central part of the progressive nerve center pushing the vote-by-mail scheme.
CAP is funded by Soros’s Open Society Foundations and joins scores of other Soros-financed groups using the virus to lobby for the overhaul of the U.S. election system.
Analysts have posited that such proposals help the Democratic Party. Republicans specifically fear the prospect of voter fraud, since mail-in voting would be harder to authenticate....
The Soros-funded Brennan Center’s mail-in ballot plan was weaponized by the Stand Up America activist group, which launched a nationwide program urging Americans to nudge Congress to fund the voting changes.  The group’s activities reportedly resulted in more than 19,000 calls to congressional offices in one day alone....
The massively Soros-funded American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which routinely partners with Brennan, has been pumping materials urging coronavirus voting legislation that pushes mail-in voting.
Soros’s Open Society Foundations donated $50 million to the ACLU. The Brennan Center has been the recipient of numerous grants from Soros’s Open Society Foundations totaling over $7,466,000 from 2000 to 2010....