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Immigration Deluge Will Drain Water Resources
1 June 2013
Boulder sheriff, immigration activists agree: Repeal SB 90
2 August 2012
Exponential population growth possibly a problem
23 June 2012
How many refugees are resettled in Colorado?
17 June 2012
Easier access sought for driver’s licenses
8 June 2012
Colorado’s Illegal Alien Crime Wave
21 June 2011
Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children
2 April 2011
The Colorado legislature - bills, legislative calendars, find your legislator
First Data Immigration Reform panel in Denver (2004)
Human Smuggling in Colorado
Time to end Sanctuary Cities
The Mexican matricula consular ID card: safe or sorry? (2003)
Discrimination in Colorado
Denver Post sets new low for biased, unprofessional reporting
The Myth of Sustainable Growth: Population, Immigration, Environmental Degradation - Aspen (1999)
HB 1224 - Colorado Secure and Verifiable Identity Document Act
Metro State - last year and this year
CAIR newsletters (mid to late 1990s)
Act now! Colorado's last ditch effort to ram through a sanctuary state bill!
Colorado's Illegal Alien Crime Wave
The Aspen Resolution (1999-2001)
Colorado legislative process
Act now! Contact Gov. Polis - VETO Colorado Sanctuary State bill!
Donate to Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform (CAIRCO)
Rural Resort Region lawsuit (2001)
Reducing illegal alien crime in Colorado
About Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform - CAIRCO
Population and Immigration Data, Projections and Graphs - Colorado
Colorado Alert: SB 213 Residential Land Use
Report on the Lakewood, Colorado Obama open borders protest on July 19, 2014
Colorado’s Votes for President should go to the candidate who gets the most votes IN COLORADO
Crime and illegal aliens in Colorado
Sign up for CAIRCO action alerts - update your profile
Cost of illegal immigration to Colorado taxpayers
Fact Sheet - Taxpayer Costs of Criminal Aliens in Colorado Jails and Prisons
The consequences of sanctuary policies for illegal aliens
Billboard Colorado (2006)
Welcome to our new website!
Stop Amnesty (2004)
Colorado Legislature
Flipping Colorado Blue: Democrat Blueprint for America
Defend Colorado Now ballot initiative (2006)
CAIRCO Billboards (2000)
Fiscal cost of sanctuary cities
Press conference and protest of Denver sanctuary policy (2005)
2024 Colorado Voting Guide
Denver's El Centro hiring hall for illegal aliens (2005-2006)
Protest bogus matricula consular cards at Colorado Springs Sand Creek library (2006)
The Colorado Illegal-Immigration Crisis: Colorado Solutions (2005)
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