Video: Absolute Proof

Article author: 
Mike Lindell
Article publisher: 
Article date: 
7 February 2021
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

Absolute Proof video by Mike Lindell, watch on Bitchute, February 5, 2021:


16 minute video: My Pillow Guy Releases Second Election Fraud Video, Bitchute, February 8, 2021.


It appears that Rumble censored the video on February 8, 2020: Absolute Proof - Mike Lindell Election Documentary (FULL), watch on Rumble:



A Closer Look at the Hammer and Scorecard, by Larry Johnson, Gateway Pundit, February 8, 2021.


Call 602-926-5874 & 602-926-4136. Demand inspection of Ballots using "Kinematic artifacts analysis", January 30, 2021.

We need to make sure that the Audit of the Ballots includes an inspection of Kinematic artifacts.

An Expert in Ballot analysis explains what they look for in a forensic audit of the paper Ballots. Call Az. State Senate to request they include this analysis in the upcoming Audit.