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Kamala Harris: Open Border Czar, Climate Alarmist, Energy Luddite

From the article: Kamala Harris: Climate Alarmist, Energy Luddite, by Christopher Talgo, Townhall, 23 July 2024:

Thanks to the Biden-Harris administration’s pea-brained energy policies, American families have spent more than $2,500 in higher energy prices since 2021.

Specifically, as detailed in a new policy...

We Don't Have A President Right Now
Biden Transfers His Presidential Powers to His Cabinet
Geller Report

Biden delegates presidential duties 22 July 2024:

With Joe Biden Out Of Sight, We Effectively Have No President Right Now, by John Daniel Davidson, 23 July 2024:

... we have an eerie silence. Joe Biden is simply gone, ousted in what amounts to a coup d’état. As if on cue, the media have shifted to...

The Chosen One
It is unquestionable that Divine Providence was watching over President Donald Trump that day.
American greatness

It is quite impossible to exaggerate the historic nature of the moment in which we are all currently living. Our nation, our civilization, our very world is at a crossroads, and there is only one man capable of leading us back to the right path...

Within seconds, the imagery of President Trump defiantly raising a fist...

It's The Communism Stupid!
Zero Hedge

[Eric Weinstein, a former managing director of Peter Thiel's investment firm, Thiel Capital] ... said the Democratic Party does not identify as a communist. He noted that some see elements of the party's agenda - such as DEI initiatives, social justice movements, and progressive policies - as precursors to revolutionary...

The Standard Of 'Are You Better Off?'
The Daily Caller

In what was arguably the most memorable moment of the sole debate between President Jimmy Carter and Gov. Ronald Reagan in the 1980 presidential campaign, Reagan famously asked the American people: "Are you better off than you were four years ago?"

Less well known was then-Sen. Joseph R. Biden's cringe-worthy response...

Dark Questions On The Attempted Assassination Of President Donald Trump

1. The Dark Questions

2. Multiple Shooters

1. The Dark Questions

The Dark Questions We Don't Want To Ask, But Have To Ask, About The Secret Service, Revolver, 14 July 2024:

Yesterday's assassination attempt on President Trump has stunned the world...

To get a sense of how bad the screw...

The Biden / Harris Titanic

... Biden's track record as president may be more concerning than his cognitive decline. He has literally destroyed the U.S. border, deliberately allowing the entry of more than 10 million illegal aliens. His callous handlers' agenda was to import abjectly poor constituencies in need of vast government services without...

Lying Liars and the People Who Believe Them
Gatew of Vienna

The serialization of Paul Weston’s book about the COVID-19 scam (most recent chapter here) has made me ruminate on the official mendacity that has been the main feature of whole deadly process. We were lied to about how dangerous the disease was. We were lied to about its origin. We were lied to about the PCR testing regimen...

Beware the ranked-choice voting Trojan horse
Complete Colorado

In the last hours of the 2024 Colorado legislative session, a group of county clerks crafted an amendment to Senate Bill 24-210 to temper the rush-to-judgment of a November ballot initiative that would impose statewide ranked-choice voting.  They were concerned about public confusion over RCV, added costs, errors, and long...

Colorado Governor Declares Disaster Emergency Over Bird Flu Outbreak
Zero Hedge

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis issued an emergency disaster declaration in his state over an outbreak of highly pathogenic bird flu in northeastern Weld County as officials recently reported that 1.8 million chickens were impacted by the virus.

The governor “verbally” declared a disaster after “an avian flu outbreak in a...

Biden / Harris Flood Ohio Town with 20,000 Haitian Migrants
Ten to a Bedroom

Residents of the west-central town of Springfield, Ohio, are demanding that their city council do something to stem the tide of the Haitian immigrants that have flooded the city, especially in the aftermath of the death of a child in a school bus accident caused by a migrant driving illegally.

The town situated just...

A Respectful Response To Never-Trump Republicans
The Aspen Beat

... he [Donald Trump] pushed through potent tax cuts that produced the best (or is it the goodest?) economy in three generations. Contrary to the claim of the current White House occupant, inflation was not 9% but less than 2% at the close of Trump’s term and unemployment was at record lows.

He engineered the Abraham...

The Single Reason Why Democrats Oppose Proof Of Citizenship To Vote
The Federalist

As the Republican-controlled House is expected to take up a bill Wednesday aimed at making sure only U.S. citizens vote in federal elections...

Democrats will, however, be forced to explain why they oppose the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which requires documentary proof of citizenship to vote for...

House Passes Bill Requiring Proof of Citizenship to Vote

The House on Wednesday passed legislation that would expand proof-of-citizenship requirements to vote in federal elections and impose voter roll purge requirements on states.

The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act passed through the House in a 221-198 vote, with five Democrats voting in favor of the...

Democrats 'Bringing Out Big Guns' to Allow Illegal Aliens to Vote
Gateway Pundit

... House Democrat leadership is rallying its forces against a Republican bill due for a vote next week.

The bill in question, the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act (SAVE Act), seeks to mandate proof of U.S. citizenship for voting in federal elections.

Stephen Miller, Senior Advisor to President Trump...

The Best Trump Campaign Ad Ever!
Agenda 47

Woke influencer lists all of the "terrifying" things that President Trump will do if he wins. This is the most epic Trump campaign ad ever!

Agenda 47:

Woke influencer lists all of the "terrifying" things that Trump will do if he wins and accidentally made him the most epic...

Are you better off today than you were four years ago?

In the 26 June 2024 American Thinker article, Trump Needs to Hammer This During the Debate, Brian C. Joondeph writes:

Trump can really win the debate bigly by asking the question Ronald Reagan asked the hapless Jimmy Carter during a 1980 presidential debate, "Are you better off today than you were four years ago?"...

Updates on the Invasion of Europe

How many French synagogues and cathedrals can burn due to 'incidents'? Israel National News, 20 July 2024.

Ashura in Sweden: Thousands of Black-Clad Muslims Seize Control of the Streets (Video), RAIR Foundation, 19 July 2024:

Video: The New Normal Barcelona, 20 July 2024.

Video: The red double...

How TDS Destroyed the Democrats
American Thinker

... I would say it all began with Hillary Clinton and Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).

In 2016, Democrats were extremely confident that Hillary would demolish Trump in the presidential election. When she didn’t, the shock was huge, and many Democrats instantly lost their minds...

...  the Hillary campaign and...

Biden's failure vs. Trump's success
American Thinker

... Under Trump's administration, significant strides were made to fortify America's borders and overhaul the immigration system, which are fundamental pillars of national security and economic stability...

...  drastically reducing refugee resettlement by 85%...

Equally pivotal was the comprehensive overhaul...

The Horror of KFC Halal
Bare Naked Islam

Buying KFC chicken in Canada means you are supporting barbaric animal abuse and Islamic terrorism.

Now when you go to the world’s second largest fast-food chain, KFC, located in Ontario, Canada, all the chicken you buy there will be “Halal Certified” (Islamic sharia-approved). And don’t dare ask for bacon on your...

Ballot busting

This was not just election fraud, it was a coup.

The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything - Joseph Stalin The only thing we did on Election Day was tell them how many votes they needed on Election Night. - Andy Swan (@AndySwan) November 4,...
Constitution protects Jack Phillips' rights
The flip side to the right to expression is the right to be silent. The government cannot coerce individuals into advocating beliefs contrary to their own.

... The First Amendment prevents Congress from making laws that abridge the right to free expression and free exercise of religion and thanks to the 14th Amendment, state and local governments, cannot make such laws either.

The flip side to the right to expression is the right to be silent. The government cannot...

Joe Biden Catches Cold
The Burning Platform

...  why on earth did the Democratic Party and its media handmaidens persist in pretending month-after-month that "Joe Biden" was a fit candidate for another four-year term? Last night, he didn't appear capable of even finishing the current term...

... the news networks have worked tirelessly (and with stunning...

What Now That The Gaslighting is Over?
American Thinker

... How much was the American public the victim of gaslighting designed to dispel the notion that... Biden was mentally and physically unfit to hold the office of president? Let me count the ways...

The truth is if Biden doesn’t willingly withdraw, the Democrats are in big trouble, and even if he does -- at this late...

Julian Assange Is Finally Free
The WikiLeaks publisher left Belmarsh Prison on Monday morning and departed the U.K. headed to Australia, WikiLeaks said.
Consortium News

Julian Assange has agreed to a plea deal with the United States. He left Belmarsh on Monday and is headed to Australia, WikiLeaks said.

“He was granted bail by the High Court in London and was released at Stansted airport during the afternoon, where he boarded a plane and departed the UK,” WikiLeaks said in a tweet...

The Diminishing Likelihood of a Fair Election
The American Mind

It is not the purpose of this essay to discourage anyone from participating in the 2024 election. Quite the opposite. Its purpose is to encourage unprecedented numbers of citizens and their elected representatives to work together to ensure that the election will be fair and free from, among other things, interference by...

Highlights of Debate with President Trump and Joe Biden

In the 28 June 2024 debate between President Trump and Joe Biden, everything - the rules, the moderators, the network - was stacked against President Trump. Here are highlights from the debate.

I'll admit I was not sure this debate was a good idea for Trump. Everything-- the rules,...

An Immigration Crisis Beyond Imagining
Hillsdale College Imprimis

In 1960, the Eisenhower administration began counting the number of foreign nationals “apprehended” or “encountered” by what was then called the U.S. Border Control when crossing into the U.S. over its southern border with Mexico. These figures have been published and closely monitored through the years, and there has never...

Democrat Lawfare Updates

SCOTUS Rules in Favor of Trump in Immunity Case, American Conservative, 1 July 2024: 

The court’s ruling states that presidents and former presidents have immunity from prosecution for actions taken in their official capacity, but not for those taken in a private capacity...

The Supreme Court’s ruling is in...

Congressional Report: CIA Interfered in 2020 Election, Colluded with Biden Campaign
Colluded to Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop Story

The CIA interfered in the 2020 election by colluding with the Biden campaign to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop story, a congressional report found Tuesday...

The House Judiciary report on Monday alleged three key facts about the CIA’s involvement in the 2020 election:

High ranking CIA officials, up to and...
The Logic in All the Madness
American Greatness

Most Americans believe it is unhinged to deliberately destroy the border and allow 10 million illegal aliens to enter the country without background audits... And worse still, why would federal authorities be ordered to release repeat violent felons...

Equally perplexing to most Americans is borrowing $1 trillion...

Beware The Darien Gap Deal
Likely Cover For More Fraudulent Asylum Claimants

The Biden Regime announced a deal to help Panama close the Darien Gap chokepoint for illegal aliens making their way north, mostly from Africa, South America, and the Middle East, at least ostensibly. Panama is a signatory to the Refugee Convention and has asylum laws that meet so-called international standards. But no...

Jack Phillips Is Back in Court
National Review

America’s favorite baker, Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop, is back in front of the Colorado supreme court today for yet another round of state-sponsored persecution. The question before the court: Does the First Amendment apply in Colorado, or can the state continue to harass, target, and bully speakers who don’t...

President Trump Video Interview With Four Successful Venture Capitalists
The All-In Podcast

A masterful interview with President Trump:

E184: in conversation with @realDonaldTrump, live on @X

(0:00) bestie intros: big house talk!

(1:37) economy: regulation, taxes, tariffs, taming inflation, de-dollarization

(12:02) federal debt: growth, spend control,...

Green parties lose big in EU by ignoring immigration - environmental damage
Overpopulation project

Green and left-wing parties lost ground in recent elections to the European Union Parliament, in part by neglecting and even denying the relationship between population growth by immigration and environmental stress. They could have used the topic to their advantage, but failed to do so. Instead it became the flagship issue...

Islam's War on Israel

Screams Before Silence must-watch video documentary.

Graphic Depictions of Violence: NOVA, Geller Report, 27 May 2024. Watch the film Nova on X.

Video: Is Israel Committing Genocide? Definitely not. Apostate Prophet, 24 June 2024.

There are no civilians in Gaza, Jewish News Syndicate, 18 June 2024....

Ballot Counting Fraud: Election Results Will Not Match Polling
Conservative Treehouse

... Remember, elections are no longer about "votes," modern elections are about "ballots". The election winner is not the person who gets the most votes. The election winner is the person who collects, submits and counts the most ballots. The contest for electoral victory is who gains the most ballots, not votes...


In Praise of Population Decline
Negative Population Growth, Inc.

To most Americans, a falling birth rate is not viewed as a bad thing. Public opinion polling shows that most people on Earth want to live alongside fewer people, not more. Americans are no exception. But our country's leaders, the pundit class, its most myopic economists, and the press corps continue to insist that...

Combatting the 'Long Count'
American Thinker

The Trump era has seen a new election phenomenon: Modern-day American Bolsheviks in blue cities have been distorting local elections by counting votes well past election day. Fortunately, there are ways to combat this election distortion plague.

Remember how the Democrat mantra was "every vote must be counted" rather...

The Party of Chaos Blows Its Cover - Ukraine Conflict Updates
Putin Ushers In The New Geopolitical Game Board

Ukraine Conflict Daily Updates, Institute for the Study of War.

Here's something you must understand. We were not given any opportunity to act differently. - Vladimir Putin Above all, while defending our own vital interests, nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a...
Biden's Border Scam Shuts Down Nothing, Makes Invasion Permanent

... Joe Biden is expected to sign an executive order Tuesday that would allow his regime to halt asylum claims at the US-Mexico border once apprehensions reach 2,500 per day. Yes, you heard that right: AFTER apprehensions hit 2,500 per day. Talk about closing the barn door when the horse has already bolted - but actually, it...

The Ongoing Costs of Denver Migrants
Common Sense Institute

Since December 2022, Denver became a major destination for migrants [illegal alien invaders] arriving through the southern border from South and Central American countries. About 42,000 migrants have arrived in the Denver metro area since December 2022, about 1,800 of which have now been authorized to work as a...

If voters adopt statewide ranked choice voting, Colorado may prevent it from taking effect
Colorado Sun

f Colorado voters decide in November to pass a ballot measure making big changes to the way the state’s elections are conducted, it may be years before they go into effect — if ever.

That’s because of a last-minute amendment added to a broad bipartisan election bill awaiting Gov. Jared Polis’ signature. The provisions...

MAGA and the Uniparty
The Last Refuge

The article, Rejected Ron DeSantis Positions His Voice Following Trump Conviction, discusses the irreconcilable differences between MAGA and the Uniparty. Excerpts follow.

...The illusion of the two-party system is comfortable to the psyche, and the beneficiaries of the cognitive dissonance work earnestly to keep up...

It's High Time We Kicked All the Tyrants and Traitors to the Curb
At this critical moment in our nation's history, we can no longer allow tyrants to rule our precious halls of government.
American Greatness

... It has been undeniably clear that since day one of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ installation in the White House, they have insisted on leaving our southern border wide open. Unvetted "newcomers"... [illegal alien invaders] have poured in through the southern states, then, in many cases, conveniently flown across the...

Weaponized Lawfare Against President Trump

Federal Judge Tosses Documents Case Against Trump; Jack Smith Appointment Unconstitutional, Breitbart, 15 July 2024.


From Ted Cruz, 30 May 2024:

This is a dark day for America.

This entire trial has been a sham, and it is nothing more than political persecution. The only reason they prosecuted...

Denver's Guide on Turning Cities into Taxpayer-Funded Illegal AlienSanctuaries

The Democrat-led city of Denver, Colorado, is offering a how-to guide to help other cities turn into immigrant [illegal alien invader] sanctuaries at the expense of taxpayers.

The guide is titled “Newcomers Playbook: A Guide to Welcoming Newcomers into Your City,” and its authors say they are “thrilled” to offer their...

The Murder of a Civilization
Lew Rockwell

A month ago I wrote about... Eva Vlaardingerbroek, a young female Dutch lawyer, who has undertaken the task of encouraging white Europeans to take a stand against the replacement of countries consisting of ethnic nationalities, such as Germans, English, French, Italians, Dutch, Spanish, Hungarians, with towers of babel......

Here Is What Scares Me

Can Donald Trump actually win the election this year? Frankly, I am still very fearful that Joe Biden will be re-elected in November... all the polls really tell us is how much the Democrats will have to cheat to win. Because they WILL cheat, we all know that...

As a trained historian, it is my opinion that Joe Biden...

Colorado Dems Focus on Getting Criminals to Vote
Every serial killer's vote counts.
FrontPage Magazine

They say that Democrats don’t care about crime, but that’s a hideous slander. Of course Democrats care about crime. Rapists, murderers, and muggers eventually go to prison. A small enclosed space where there’s nothing for them to do except smuggle in drugs, work out and vote. And who are they gonna vote for? Them!


Keeps Fallin'
Keeps Fallin'

Biden Keeps Fallin'

Also available on Odysee: Joe Biden And The Alzheimers - Keeps Falling.

Original video on X: - Jimmy Failla (@jimmyfailla), 16 May 2024.


Biden: Working On Becoming The Worst President, Ever!



Kamala: "...
Illegal Alien Criminal Behavior 'Enough to Disqualify Biden'

Friday on FNC’s “Hannity,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said while the potential terror threat from illegal immigrants was a cause for concern, the regular criminal behavior should be enough to disqualify... Biden’s reelection.

According to the Kentucky Republican, Biden could have stopped the border situation if he wanted...

Federal Court Strikes Down Colorado University’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate as Unconstitutional
Gateway Pundit

In a landmark decision earlier this month, the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit delivered a scathing rebuke to the University of Colorado Anschutz School of Medicine, declaring its COVID-19 vaccine mandate unconstitutional.

The 55-page ruling highlighted that the mandate, which excluded religious...

Watching Washington Foment Nuclear War
The Burning Platform
For two years Biden was absolutely adamant that no US weapons could be used to strike Russia. Now he reverses the policy - aka, he lied. So where’s the pushback? Congress, media? What could be of greater consequence than lying the country into war with a nuclear superpower? Michael Tracey

Biden, Blinken, and NATO have made...

Biden breaks law to give millions of illegal alien invaders work permits
New York Post

In many cases, migrants [illegal alien invaders] are given the right to work before they are even given asylum, a green card or other legal documentation that allows them to stay.

Not so long ago, the work permit rightly was considered an unwanted immigration "pull factor" and a key to managing immigration flows....

100 years ago, the US took a break from immigration - and America thrived
New York Post

One hundred years ago this Sunday, the Ellis Island wave of immigration was brought to an end.

And all Americans are better for it.

For decades we've been taught to be ashamed of the period of immigration restriction the law inaugurated.

And it's true that many supporters of the 1924 immigration law were...

Dangerous WHO Pandemic Treaty Nearing Vote
‘Ultimately, the goal of these instruments isn’t to protect public health,’ states a letter in opposition from 22 state attorneys general.
Epoch Times

The World Health Organization (WHO) has watered down some provisions of its pandemic agreements ahead of the upcoming World Health Assembly on May 27. Critics in the United States, however, say the changes don’t do enough to address the concerns over the policy.

Provisions in prior drafts of the WHO pandemic treaty...

Biden's open-border idiocy will be to blame for terrorist attacks
As a former FBI Assistant Director, I have never been more terrified of an imminent terror attack on US soil, warns Chris Swecker
Daily Mail

America's top law enforcement officials couldn't be any clearer: the threat of a terror attack inside the U.S. is now imminent.

'Every morning, we worry,' Attorney General Merrick Garland told a House hearing on Tuesday.

The risk of a strike, he said, has 'gone up enormously.'

FBI Director Christopher...

Transnational Criminal Organizations Expanding Under Biden Regime
Daily Mail

America's migrant gang invasion MAPPED: ISIS in LA, Venezuelan sex-traffickers in Texas and Chinese drug lords in Maine. Now check if a violent enclave has sprung up in YOUR neighborhood...

A brutal Venezuelan sex-trafficking gang is now in America's biggest cities.

Chinese organized crime syndicates are...

Video: Weapons of Mass Migration - Important Documentary
Epoch TV

Watch this important documentary: Video: Weapons of Mass Migration. (Also see trailer).

Over 7.2 million illegal aliens have entered the United States since... Biden came into office. This record border crisis is not organic, behind it are official policies, heavy financing, and agreements between the U.S....

Time to Rethink Your Never Trumpism

Okay, my Trump-shy friends, it’s time to put aside your fussy principles about how icky Donald Trump is. This is serious, and we need all hands on deck to throw Biden overboard before he gets a whole lot more Americans killed. I get that you don’t like Trump. Let’s agree that he’s icky for the purposes of this discussion...

Why the Biden Regime Is Saving Hamas

... So why is the Biden administration throwing the full weight of the U.S. government at Israel to prevent it from routing Hamas?...

It's useful to remember that what distinguishes the Palestinians from other ethno-national groups born of the breakup of the multiethnic empires of Europe and the Levant after World War...

Screams Before Silence

A must-watch documentary. #ScreamsBeforeSilence sheds light on the unspeakable sexual violence committed on October 7. As heartbreaking as these stories in the documentary are, we cannot afford to look away.

Never-before-heard eyewitness accounts from released hostages, survivors, and first responders.

The Three Reasons People Hate Trump
and you can change two of them
American Greatness

... First are the "sillies." These are people who hate Trump purely because of his demeanor. They don't like the way he throws insults around, the way he has been caught on tape talking about women, or any of a number of other reasons that relate to personal attributes as opposed to matters of policy or his ability to govern...

The Slow-Motion Execution Of Julian Assange Continues
Zero Hedge

The decision by the High Court in London to grant Julian Assange the right to appeal the order to extradite him to the United States may prove to be a Pyrrhic victory. It does not mean Julian will elude extradition. It does not mean the court has ruled, as it should, that he is a journalist whose only "crime" was providing...

Will the GOP Be Able to Keep Noncitizens Out of the Census?
Hot Air

To answer the title question, House Republicans are certainly giving it a try, though the prospects for success appear to be thin at best. The House GOP voted last night to add a citizenship question to the 2030 census form. If successful, this would be done with the intent of not counting noncitizens [illegal aliens] in...

This List of Schemes and Hoaxes Shows What Trump Is Up Against
American Conservative

There has been an unprecedented effort to destroy Donald Trump rather than defeat him at the polls... In no particular order:

The Russian collusion and dossier hoax

Pee tape accusation

Obama's CIA asked foreign intel agencies to spy on Trump campaign

2016 post-election effort to turn state...

Mayorkas And Biden Implementing ICE SVU Identification Card Amnesty

After a long roll-out, almost two years from concept to implementation, the Biden Regime will be implementing their latest amnesty, this time the ID Card Amnesty, first reported in July 2022: see Biden Regime Beginning Program To Give Amnesty-Lite To Illegal Aliens.

It’s just treason...

An Urgent Matter
If the government can suspend your rights anytime it deems something is a crisis, you don’t have rights. You have permissions. "Pismo" on X

... the World Health Organization (WHO) puts the final touches on a nice bit of fuckery called its Pandemic Treaty on International Health Regulations (IHR) or "One Health" initiative,...

Will A Trump Victory Cause Crops To Rot In The Fields?
Treason Bar And Globalists Are Worried

When accusations of racism don't work, the open borders advocates, Aaron Reichlin-Melnick, of the Treason Bar, among the many, claim that Americans will starve to death because the crops will be rotting in the fields for lack of illegal alien field workers. Unmentioned is that the same open borders advocates who want illegal...

America Is Likely Being Invaded By Hostiles - video

"America Is Likely Being Invaded By Hostiles" - Warning On The Migrant Crisis | Bret Weinstein


"We Don't Control the Border. The Cartel Controls the Border" - Border Patrol Whistleblower Reveals What Agents Are Up Against Thanks to Joe Biden (VIDEO), Gateway Pundit, 9 May 2024.

Video: Weapons...

SAVE Act Is Required To Keep Illegal Aliens From Voting
Without The SAVE Act, The Only Thing Keeping Foreigners From Voting Is The Honor System

Now more than ever, we need to make sure that our elections are fair, lawfully conducted, and free of foreign influence.

Congressional Democrats insist that the SAVE Act — which requires proof of citizenship to establish eligibility to vote in federal elections — is unnecessary because federal law (18 USC § 611)...

Change in Household Net Worth Since Start of Trump vs Biden Presidency

The following graph shows change in household net worth since start of President Trump vs Joe Biden terms. Since Biden took office, household net worth has plummeted, sharply contrasting the financial stability under President Trump.

My goodness


Bidenflation at the Grocery Store

The propaganda media and the Joe Biden campaign have a big challenge.

They must somehow create advertisements (and news stories) designed to make the American people believe things that are demonstrably false.

The best example of this is the Biden-media message on inflation.

Virtually every major poll...

Looking Back on Cloward-Piven
Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis
American Thinker

The following article was originally published on 28 September, 2008. It discusses the Cloward-Piven strategy of orchestrated crisis in the context of presidential candidate Barak Obama. Sixteen years later we are witnessing the full manifestation of this Marxist strategy.

Despite the mass media news blackout, a...

Colorado House passes three radical gun control bills
Colorado Politics

House Democrats voted to pass three gun bills late on Saturday night, including one that would require gun owners to obtain a liability insurance policy for their firearms...

House Bill 1270 mandates that firearm owners must have liability insurance and requires insurance companies to offer firearm liability coverage...

The left's assault on American patriotism
Complete Colorado

The conventional definition of patriotism is love for and loyalty to one's country...

What has doused that American spirit? The American left.

It’s been a long slog but I’d trace its roots to the 1960s and 70s with the emergence of what came to be called the "New Left." Violent political demonstrations from...

What Is Mass Migration for and Why Will Nobody Stop It?

You might have noticed that mass migration to the West is a huge problem.

It is very bad for native Westerners, because it promises to transform our societies utterly, in permanent ways and not for the better. Curiously, it is also far from great for the centre-left political establishment responsible for promoting...

Democrats Mob Rule: Maine Abolishes Electoral College

“If it was not for the brilliant concept of the Electoral College, every Presidential election would be decided by only three for four urban areas.” (commenter)

‘Unlimited majority rule is an instance of the principle of tyranny.’

‘Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to...

NPR makes the case for its own defunding
American Thinker

The NPR story gets more and more strange. Some of us were hoping for a little reflection and maybe rebranding from a woke playlist to more bipartisan  information. Instead, the woke circled the wagons and shot back.   
And poor Mr. Uri Berliner, who exposed NPR's monolithic leftism, is learning the hard way...

Mayorkas: No Measures to Block Illegal Aliens from Unlawfully Voting
"We Do Not Oversee the Election Enrollment Process"
Gateway Pundit

The embattled Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Alejandro Mayorkas, admitted that his department has no mechanisms in place to prevent illegal immigrants [illegal alien invaders] from unlawfully registering and voting in U.S. elections...

The path non-citizens who cross our border illegally take...

RFK Jr. Takes on Trump and Biden Over Four Existential Issues - video
Epoch TV

Watch the Video: RFK Jr. Takes on Trump and Biden Over Four ‘Existential’ Issues:

... We have a $34 trillion debt. We’ve added a trillion dollars in the last hundred days and it’s growing exponentially. The cost of servicing that debt now exceeds our defense budget. Within five years, the cost of servicing this debt...

'Bidenbucks' Make 'Zuckbucks' Look Like Chump Change
The Federalist

Election integrity watchdogs say private funds in elections pale in comparison to what Biden has wrought through the power of his pen.

Earlier this month, Wisconsin became the 28th state to tell Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and the private-money-in-elections mob to go Zuck themselves - and for good reason...

Video: The Real Reason Republicans Aren't Stopping the Invasion

The Real Reason Republicans Aren’t Stopping the Invasion


Cloward-Piven strategy - fundamentally transforming America

Obama, 'Biden Doctrine' fundamentally transforming America

The Third Fall of Rome

The Great Replacement Is an Electoral Strategy

The Democrats' Long...

Supercharging Mass Migration From The Middle East
$3.5 Billion Slipped Into Ukraine-Israel Aid Bill
Zero Hedge

Tucked away in the $95 billion military aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan is a $3.5 billion slush fund to open new processing centers for Muslim migrants, in what Sen. Eric Schmitt described as a bid to "supercharge mass migration from the Middle East."...

And as Breitbart points out, the $95 billion package...

We Now Know Where The Biden Regime Has Been Flying Illegal Aliens
A House committee data release confirms a CIS report, and offers additional information
Center for Immigration Studies

... Americans can now know the locations of 45 U.S. cities whose domestic airports have received flights carrying hundreds of thousands of inadmissible aliens the Biden administration authorized to fly over the border into the interior of the country but then determinedly fought to shield from public knowledge.


Mass Migration NOT Driving Economic Growth, Report Finds

In a rebuke of the neo-liberal orthodoxy which has dominated both major political parties in Britain, a study has found that mass migration has not actually stimulated the economy and has been a major drag on public services and the housing sector.

A report from the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) and co-authored by...

Colorado County Sues State For Banning Local Enforcement Of Immigration Laws
The Federalist

Colorado’s sixth-most populous county is suing the state over a pair of laws that prohibit local governments from assisting federal officials with immigration enforcement. On Monday, commissioners for Douglas County, an affluent suburban area located between Denver and Colorado Springs, gave a press conference with community...

Denver Mayor Defunding Police, Fire Depts to Pay for More Illegal Alien Services

Denver Mayor Mike Johnston proposes defunding the city’s police and fire departments to put more cash to house and care for illegals as the city continues to drown in a wave of illegal aliens and the costs wash over the Mile High City like a tidal wave.

The city is not only increasing its spending on free food,...

Colorado gun control bills aimed at racial minorities
Complete Colorado

...  The legislature is making clear that Black and Brown people, since they are statistically poorer, shouldn’t own firearms, or at least should face a substantially higher hurdle to exercise this right.

Despite whatever flowery words they use to describe it, their actions assert White upper-class citizens can be...

Colorado lawmakers push state permitting for gun sellers; federal license already required
Complete Colorado

... Majority Democrats in the Colorado legislature continue to introduce one gun rights restricting bill after another, with the latest being a state permitting scheme for gun dealers.

House Bill 24-1353, Firearms Dealer Requirements & Permit, was introduced on February 29 and is sponsored in the House by...

Democrats Used a Bold Strategy to Turn Colorado Blue
Now the GOP Wants to Win It Back
Epoch Times

... Younger generations may find this hard to believe, but two decades ago, the Centennial State was controlled by Republicans at almost all levels...

Today, Colorado’s governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, attorney general, and treasurer are Democrats, as are both its U.S. senators and most of its U.S....

RFK Got It Right on Biden
Biden smugly refuses to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.
American Mind

When presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told CNN last week that he sees... Joe Biden as a greater threat to democracy than Donald Trump, mainstream media, academics, and elected Democrats exploded in vitriol.

Speaking on CNN’s Erin Burnett OutFront, Kennedy said, “I can make the argument that President Biden...

FISA Reform Failed: The Whole Point Of Section 702 Is To Spy On Americans
The Federalist

The whole point of Section 702 is to spy on Americans. Why would the intelligence community want to reform it?...

A group of 19 Republican lawmakers on Wednesday joined with Democrats to block a bill that would have reauthorized the federal government’s spying authority with a few minor tweaks. At issue is Section 702...

42 Questions Trump Jury Pool Must Answer (To Skew The Jury) in Rigged Trial
Geller Report

... Trump must attend the trial every day because this is a criminal case in New York’s  kangaroo court. This lengthy trial will keep Trump off the campaign trail. This is by design.

Keep in mind that this Kafkaesque trial is based entirely on lies...

Potential Trump hush money trial jurors being asked 42...

Is The Great Illusion In Ruins?

In 2021, Joe Biden was elected...

Americans were then set to witness a great experiment. For the first time in their lives, a truly radical socialist program would supposedly fundamentally transform the way America dealt with the border, immigration, the economy, race relations, foreign policy, energy, law enforcement...

What has gone disastrously wrong with Boeing
It's an Empty Executive Suite
City Journal

Boeing is - or was - a great company. From its manufacturing plants in Seattle, it produced the world’s most reliable, efficient aircraft. But after merging with McDonnell Douglas, shifting production around the world, and moving its headquarters to Chicago and then Arlington, Virginia, the Boeing Company has been adrift...

Video: Tucker Carlson Encounter: Dr. Naomi Wolf

Video Tucker Carlson Encounter: Dr. Naomi Wolf - on the China Virus, tyranny, and religion. A full hour video. If you are short for time, watch the first 15 to 30 minutes.



Commentary from Vlad Tepes blog:

This is quite enjoyable. But I think Tucker is way off on his attempt to nail a...

Democrats Move To Prevent Trump From Firing Disloyal Federal Employees

... The law is nothing more than words on a piece of paper. It takes a person (usually a man) to go out and actually implement it. Which brings us to "Personnel is policy." For some reason, government bureaucrats lean overwhelmingly left. Obama before him and now Biden are trying to hire and keep in place as many far Leftist...
