White Advocacy
What better way to dismantle Western civilization than by a Great Replacement that imports peoples with values antagonistic to traditional, cohesive American values?
Census Bureau projections show that the U.S. population will be "majority-minority" sometime between 2040 and 2050.
Western Civilization was founded by Whites. Theophilus Chilton notes in his 4 July 2024 article, The West IS White Supremacist that:
When someone is - literally - trying to destroy your culture and civilisation and people, it is natural to want to fight back and to expel the intruders, especially when the intruders have a much greater tendency to be socially dyscivic criminals, rapists, welfare mooches, and general troublemakers...
... however, they are correct in their bare assertions about the white supremacist nature of our institutions...
Let me begin by dispensing with the ridiculous civic nationalist notion that the West, while built by white Europeans and their descendants, could have been done by anyone. This is not at all the case. Whites - Europeans and their child stocks - are different people from others. The fundamental reality about human biodiversity as it relates to whites vis-a-vis everyone else is that they are generally higher IQ than most everyone except for the northeast Asians, and they are generally more aggressive and inventive than the northeast Asians. Whites combined these and other traits - intelligence, aggressiveness, individualism, inventiveness, speculativeness, and others - to develop a unique set of cultures (Western civilisation) which is really quite different from every other civilisation that this world has produced...
As such, it IS fair to say that institutions in white countries were built by white people and FOR white people. Hence, they ARE white supremacist in the sense that they operate on essentially white, European-derived norms...
In point of fact, there is absolutely nothing wrong - not a single, solitary, blessed thing - with whites developing institutions that work for them...
Thus, when the professional PoCs [Peoples of Color] talk about "fighting white supremacy," what they really, actually, truly mean is "overturning Western civilisation," since that civilisation was built by and for white Europeans...
Do Whites have the right to advocate for their race and the civilization their ancestors built? Yes. Indeed, they have an obligation to do so.
Gregory Hood points out in his 21 January 2025 American Renaissance article White Advocacy Is for All of Us that:
Racial identity means that being part of a people has inherent worth. It means that every white person is important because he or she is white. All are our people. Race is our extended family.
Patriotism is similar. We owe more loyalty to countrymen than to foreigners. Patriotism grew out of racial or ethnic solidarity when European countries were homogenous, but today it is largely an abstraction.
It is easy to sneer at it, but national loyalty is still the bedrock of the international system...
Non-whites see us as white, not as "Christians," "Americans," or "Westerners."... One of the reasons economic elites prize "diversity" is because it makes it harder for workers to organize. White racial consciousness is potentially the most powerful political force in the world. That’s why it must be suppressed...
Often, it seems that the purpose of Conservatism Inc. is to tell us that our principles forbid us from defending our interests. The story of the Trump years is one of the conservative base turning its back on Conservatism Inc...
White Americans are essentially a stateless people... The government discriminates against us, funds propaganda against us, and replaces us with aliens. White decline in the United States and throughout the Western world under American hegemony is unprecedented outside of catastrophic military defeat...
White advocacy is saying that our fate is tied to that of our people. We fight for racial advancement... Instead, we want a nation - a world - worth living in. Whites have done more than anyone else to make such a world possible.
The US White Majority Will Soon Disappear Forever
Critical Race Theory: Subjugating Whites
Why The Engineered Cultural Replacement?
Why the Announcement of a Looming White Minority Makes Demographers Nervous
Why is White Nationalism on the Rise?
White America: Disappeared and Replaced
When White America Becomes The New Minority
The Nation Is a Biological Group
Tucker Carlson Challenges Liberal Shibboleth of Diversity
Open Borders, IQ, and Western Civilization
White and black slavery in North Africa and America
White British Minority by 2050: Open Borders Experiment by Design