Biden Regime To Send $300 Million To Taliban Controlled Afghanistan

Article publisher: 
Geller Report
Article date: 
9 January 2022
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 
White House to send more than $300 million in aid to Afghanistan despite Taliban control...
By Madeleine Hubbard, Just The News January 11, 2022 – 11:34pm
The White House announced plans Tuesday to send more than $308 million in humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan as millions face starvation under the new Taliban government following President Joe Biden’s withdrawal.
The assistance would be given by the United States Agency for International Development through “independent humanitarian organizations” to the Afghan people, National Security Council spokesperson Emily Horne said.
The administration has been criticized for sending aid to Afghanistan previously. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) warned that it would be “foolish” and asserted that the Taliban “would take the money.”
“This brings total U.S. humanitarian aid in Afghanistan and for Afghan refugees in the region to nearly $782 million since October 2021, and we remain the single largest donor of humanitarian aid in Afghanistan,” Horne said, adding that the U.S. has also given 4.3 million COVID-19 doses to the Afghan people....


The Afghan Refugee Debacle - They Are Not Americans

Senate Report: Thousands of Americans Were Left Behind in Afghanistan Following Biden Regime’s Botched Withdrawal, American Greatness, 5 February 2022.