Birthright Citizenship Is A Pernicious Lie That's Destroying America

Article author: 
John Daniel Davidson
Article publisher: 
The Federalist
Article date: 
25 January 2025
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

On his first day in office, President Trump did the country a great service by issuing an executive order rejecting birthright citizenship as a requirement of the 14th Amendment...

For far too long we have accepted without question the outlandish idea that every single person born on U.S. soil automatically becomes an American citizen, and that the 14th Amendment somehow mandates this suicidal policy...

... it wasn’t until about the middle of the 20th century, amid massive upheavals in American life, that the notion of “birthright citizenship” was adopted...

... the children of illegal immigrants [illegal alien invaders], or those here on a temporary basis, were not American citizens. That’s what the drafters of the 14th Amendment said at the time and that’s how the Supreme Court understood it when ruling on 14th Amendment-related cases in the decades following ratification...

America is not in fact a merely propositional country. Contrary to what has been drilled into most of us since grade school, not everyone can really become an American. Being an American means more than simply assenting to live by our laws and paying taxes, because America is more than an idea. (As others have noted, if America is just an idea we can write it down and send it overseas, and foreigners need not come here at all.)...

Simply put, America is a nation. We have a common language and a shared history. We have a certain way of life and customs. We have a distinctly American identity... An American is not just someone who happens to be born here. For a foreign national to become an American, he has to thoroughly adopt our culture, language, and way of life...

... Because America itself is first and foremost for native-born Americans. It’s the only homeland we will ever have or ever can have...


The Fourteenth Amendment and Misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment

Anchor babies, birthright citizenship, and the 14th Amendment

1,100 anchor babies born every day in America

Becoming a U.S. citizen should require more than your mother successfully sneaking past the U.S. Border Patrol.