Cancel the Cancel Culture

Article date: 
27 June 2020
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

The summer of anti-American hatred is upon us. In coordinated nation-wide efforts, Marxist rioters are attacking America's history and foundational values. Rioters are destroying American statues depicting Whites, but only Whites. See the video and transcript: Video: Target: The White Man.

It is up to patriotic Americans, including Whites and those of all races, to cancel the Cancel Culture before there is noting left to preserve.

This article explains how Social Justice Warriors and the Cancel Culture are at odds even with traditional liberalism.

Ending Cancel Culture Is Up To You, by Roy Meredith, June 24, 2020:

A revolution is taking place. A deafening chorus of influential voices floods our workspaces, our streets, and our media and threatens the most intimate right of open society: the right to speak freely and honestly with each other. Every day the situation grows worse....

The success of cancel culture means the destruction of liberalism, the foundation of every successful progressive movement since the Enlightenment. Liberalism celebrates the freedom and innocence of the individual, not the tribe. It declares us equal in worth and unique in our abilities. It says that truth is possible and that the truth belongs to us all. No other political philosophy champions so boldly the freedom of speech...

Cancel culture, on the other hand, is a Frankenstein monster created in the labs of Critical Social Justice, a term popularized by James Lindsay to distinguish it from true social justice. Critical Social Justice is a totalitarian ideology that preaches winner-take-all revolutionary change. It explicitly denies the possibility of truth and flattens our world into an eternal struggle for power....

Critical Social Justice is more like communism than liberalism. Activists beholden to this worldview–sometimes known as social justice warriors—view people as either allies or obstacles....

Cancel culture will not go away on its own. You and I have to stop it.


The following article further explains the intolerance of Social Justice Warriors and the Cancel Culture Taliban.

When Marxist Mobs Come for the Liberals - The chickens are coming home to roost, by Deniel Greenfield, FrontPage Mag, June 26, 2020:

... The Socialist Taliban pulling down statues have gone after Confederate statues, but their real targets have been the civic monuments that symbolized unity and progressive politics....

... the old progressivism, rooted in the conviction that America was a basically good country that would come to fully embody goodness, is still a competitor for the hearts and minds of the people that BLM and Antifa would like to see join them....

The previous assaults on Lincoln, Grant, Union commanders, and even the ‘Glory’ memorial to an African-American Civil War regiment, are not the work of ignorant people, but of radicals who are attacking the symbols of the progressive historical narrative that they hate because it undermines their agenda....

Many critics of the 1619 Project have missed the most important point, which is that the revisionist history not only falsely accuses America of having been built around slavery, but is a component of a larger argument that slavery still exists today and operates using disguised modern institutions....

America will be as racist and oppressive as it is white. The only way to advance is through destruction....

The old progressives claimed that they wanted to rediscover the nation’s fundamental progressive values. The new progressives don’t believe that there is any such thing though some, like Barack Obama, were expert at echoing the old progressives to win over modern liberals....

Destroying the work of the old progressives has more in common with the Taliban than just the demolition of old statues. Like Islamic theocrats, the leftist mobs are destroying symbols of heresy....

The mobs are coming for our history and our future. They’re coming for America and for progress. Americans used to believe that things will get better. The mobs are here to destroy that hope.


This article explains how Nihilism and Post-Modernism allow seemingly well-educated youth to be drawn into activism of mindless destruction. The underlying cause of this mindlessness is the deliberate failure of our educational systems to teach the history, importance, and morality of Western Civilization and the greatness of our American nation. 

The Philosophy Behind Our Culture Wars and the Advancing Nihilism: Post-Modernism - And how to cast it into the dustbin of history, by Jason D. Hill, FrontPage Mag, June 26, 2020:

... moral relativism advances the idea that there are no objective criteria to adjudicate among competing truth claims. Its ruling principle is subjectivism. What one feels is the truth constitutes the truth. Logic and reason, according to the more radical school of subjectivism, is the creation of racist and imperialist white constructs.

That school of thought is postmodernism. If you want to see the connection between calls for a decolonized syllabus and indiscriminate vandalism of all statues because they are simply representations of the past and representative of men of a racial orientation; if you want to see metaphysical rage directed aimlessly at the universe, anger directed at everyone but no one in particular, look no further than the school of postmodernism--a vicious anti-reason and, therefore, anti-life phenomenon that robs human beings of a particular method of cognition. It deprives them of integrating fundamental principles in order to offer clear and lucid thinking that leads to intelligible and reasonable actions. It cuts away at the idea of an objective reality and replaces it with an unbridled and amorphous, necrotic lump of feelings that are treated as tools of cognition....

Post modernism rejects humanism and, above all, rejects what I would term as the greatest moral, political achievement so far in history: representative liberal democracy. Post-modernism hails a de-centering approach to all spheres of life or knowledge and categories. De-centering refers to an absence of everything and anything at the center of a thought system, or any overriding truth. It prefers concentrating at the margins.... It adopts an anti-foundational stance that discounts serious qualitative differences among viewpoints and then champions equal treatment of all....

... in manifestations of Cancel Culture, endless accusations of cultural appropriation, and successful efforts to suppress offending speech, we are witnessing the wholesale death of our civilization by this philosophy...

In the West it is important not just to rediscover the Enlightenment values that have informed our republic and crafted moral personalities in all of us. We must consciously find those who are purveyors of this deadly moral virus and extinguish them in ways that are legal but culturally and morally forceful....


Lastly, this excellent article emphasizes the necessity and importance of wresting our country from the grips of Marxist anarchists.

The Future of Western Civilization Is Imperiled by Mob Rule. Now Is the Time for Courage and Leadership, by Jarrett Stepman, Daily Signal, June 26, 2020:

... As I explained in my book, “The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America’s Past,” the attacks on our shared history go beyond any individual or statue.

What’s in peril now is not just the reputation of Christopher Columbus, the merits of the Founding Fathers, or the legacy of the Civil War. It’s something much broader and deeper.

What’s being threatened is the long history of ideas and institutions created and developed in the West.

The United States, of course, has been the prime target of radicals, because—whether we chose this role or not—it is the pinnacle of Western prosperity and strength....

Those who do stand up to the statue topplers and radicals—even those who could be broadly defined as “liberal” or on the left—will be drowned out and castigated, will be accused of being racist, and purged by the inquisitors of social justice....

The purge and erasure of history require dissent to be silenced. No one may question the narrative. No one may be allowed to freely pursue the truth.... That’s what the war on history is leading to. It’s a war on 1776....

In words striking in the face of our challenges today, Churchill said: “Civilization will not last, freedom will not survive, peace will not be kept, unless a very large majority of mankind unite together to defend them and show themselves possessed of a constabulary power before which barbaric and atavistic forces will stand in awe.”...

In an era of mob rule—where the very basis of American and Western civilization is being questioned and attacked from within, and when rising superpowers like communist China that stand in opposition to everything we represent are on the march—it is essential that free people resist the impulses leading to our self-immolation....