The End of Suicidal Universalism

Article author: 
Christopher Roach
Article publisher: 
American Greatness
Article date: 
10 February 2025
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

Trump's conflict with the governing class arises from his rejection of universalism, challenging the liberal belief that all people deserve equal treatment, even at the cost of national interests...

Much of the friction Trump has with the governing class arises from his rejection of universalism, the metaprinciple at the heart of liberalism. This principle declares that one’s brother, father, wife, child, neighbor, countryman, coreligionist, or fellow tribe member are all supposed to be treated no differently from an absolute stranger...

In the spirit of universalism, we have been taught for many years that America is chiefly an idea or a creed, but these teachers forget to acknowledge that we are also a particular people with a shared history and a shared ancestry living on a particular piece of geography . . . in other words, a nation...

Universalism ain’t cheap. The waves of illegals who arrived under Joe Biden depend upon an extensive network of nonprofits, NGOs, foundations, charities, and other institutions that paved the way for their arrival, helped them get government aid, or sometimes directly gave them money with no conditions, and collectively have done absolutely nothing to strengthen our country or improve the lot of citizens.

This collection of nonprofits, government-funded NGOs, and charities has become a parallel path for the managerial class, a place to make a living or kill time between administrations. The estimable Z Man has presciently described this ring of organizations as a “shadow government.”...

The portion of that money spent subsidizing an army of unskilled, unemployed, and hostile foreigners is a perverse mockery of what every government is supposed to do...