If Presidents Can’t Control Executive Agencies, Elections Are Fake

Article author: 
Joy Pullmann
Article publisher: 
The Federalist
Article date: 
3 February 2025
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

The Department of Justice, FBI, and USAID are posing prominent test cases for how the Trump administration can reform a malignant federal bureaucracy...

The Office of Personnel Management and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) are also posing prominent test cases for how the Trump administration can reform a federal bureaucracy that has, by design, resisted elected control since its inception. The administration is considering folding USAID into the State Department...

USAID is widely perceived as a CIA front organization. Former State Department official Mike Benz says USAID has funded international censorship and regime change operations. As demonstrated by journalists Diana West and M. Stanton Evans, the State Department has embedded Communist subversives from well before Whittaker Chambers all the way through secretaries Hillary Clinton and Antony Blinken, making it another top strategic threat to American self-governance...

USAID has funded organizations facilitating illegal migration into the United States, foreign abortions, climate change hysteria, transgender ideology, international Marxism, and anti-white racism, according to a 2022 Heritage Foundation report...

If the executive cannot control his own personnel, agencies, and funding lawfully given to him by a duly elected Congress, elections mean nothing. If the executive is not actually an executor, then the entire bureaucracy... runs the country, not any elected official.

The Constitution limits Presidential Powers