Judge says Colorado sheriffs can hold immigration suspects for ICE

Article publisher: 
Pueblo Chieftan
Article date: 
22 August 2018
Article category: 
Colorado News
Article Body: 
County sheriffs in Colorado will be reviewing their policies on refusing detainer requests from federal immigration authorities after a state district judge on Monday endorsed Teller County Sheriff Jason Mikesell's decision to keep an illegal immigrant in jail for federal agents even after the detainee could pay his $800 bail.
The ruling from District Judge Lin Billings-Vela rebukes the position that the County Sheriffs of Colorado Association adopted that says county jails can't hold illegal immigrants at the request of federal agents unless the county is presented with a signed federal warrant for that person.
The sheriffs' association had relied on three previous federal court rulings that said a person can't be held in jail past release date simply on a request from federal officers. In one case, the affected county was held liable for monetary damages....
The American Civil Liberties Union filed a suit on Salinas' behalf, arguing Mikesell couldn't legally hold the man after he'd demonstrated he could make bail on the misdemeanor complaints....

