Looking Ahead to 2050: Roger Devlin At The Scandza Forum

Article author: 
F. Roger Devlin
Article publisher: 
Article date: 
25 May 2023
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

Roger Devlin spoke at this year’s Scandza Forum (Odysee video available here for $5.00) the same forum Jared Taylor was not allowed to attend.

... Most of you are probably aware that Americans of European descent are currently expected to make up less than half of the United States population by around the middle of this century, if not a little sooner. Such forecasts are nothing new, however. Only the publicity surrounding them is new. The legal changes that ushered in America’s demographic revolution occurred back in the 1960s...

In 1993, Bill Clinton was inaugurated President of the United States, and announced to the American public that “in a little more than 50 years there will be no majority race in the United States.”... So we have here what looks like a total change of attitude: the capture of America by nonwhites is impossible vs. that capture is inevitable...

This is an utterly inhuman doctrine. Life is given to men for the purpose of action, to work and struggle, to attempt to leave a better world to their children...

The most optimistic scenario for the future of Europe and its offshoots might involve learning a few things from our Estonian hosts. This small but peaceful and prosperous European nation is governed under a constitution which lists among its purposes to “guarantee the preservation of the Estonian nation, language and culture through the ages.”...

... as the Roman orator Cicero put it: “the survival (or salvation) of the people is the highest law.” National survival is a more fundamental principle than democracy, for instance...

So if I were designing my utopia for 2050, I would project a world in which all European and European-derived nations made self-preservation their conscious goal, severely limiting further immigration...

Where differing political programs are replaced by competing and mutually hostile tribes that lack any overarching loyalty to the whole, a republican system becomes unworkable. This point has now been reached in the United States. The ruling elite is hostile to the European-descended majority of those it governs, and is now open about saying so...

It is no longer possible to mount effective opposition to this regime through electoral politics. Elections are simply rigged where necessary, and those who protest are jailed...

So, yes, the political situation in America today is grim, certainly the worst it has been in my lifetime. But, as I said at the beginning, I do not believe in historical inevitability....