Dangerous WHO Pandemic Treaty Nearing Vote

Article subtitle: 
‘Ultimately, the goal of these instruments isn’t to protect public health,’ states a letter in opposition from 22 state attorneys general.
Article publisher: 
Epoch Times
Article date: 
15 May 2024
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

The World Health Organization (WHO) has watered down some provisions of its pandemic agreements ahead of the upcoming World Health Assembly on May 27. Critics in the United States, however, say the changes don’t do enough to address the concerns over the policy.

Provisions in prior drafts of the WHO pandemic treaty and International Health Regulations (IHRs) together aimed to effectively centralize and increase the power of the WHO if it declares a “health emergency.”

The release of the latest draft of the amendments, dated April 17, are the first public update on the IHR draft, which was initially made public early 2023...

“Practically all the bad things are still there,” Dr. Meryl Nass, a U.S.-based physician and vocal critic of the WHO agreements, told The Epoch Times...

“The language is gentler, but since there is so much to be decided later it is not clear the gentler language is meaningful,” Dr. Nass said.

“My best guess is that they are desperate to get something passed, so the options are likely to be either a vanilla version of the treaty … or a delay. But they fear delay because people are waking up.”...

On May 8, attorneys general from 22 states signed a letter to... Joe Biden urging him not to sign the WHO agreements, and stating that they will resist any attempts by the WHO to set public health policy in their states...

“Ultimately, the goal of these instruments isn’t to protect public health. It’s to cede authority to the WHO—specifically its director-general—to restrict our citizens’ rights to freedom of speech, privacy, movement (especially travel across borders), and informed consent.”...

...the global concept of One Health remains in the pandemic treaty, which could expand the WHO’s authority into new areas including global warming, the environment, farming, and food supplies.


An Urgent Matter, by James Howard Kunstler, 17 May 2024.

Amendments to International Health Regulations have been adopted, 'We the People have suffered a stunning defeat', by Leo Hohmann, 2 June 2024:

In typical fashion, the globalists let us think we had scored a 'win' and then just as conservatives were celebrating, they heaped a dose of reality on our heads...

James Roguski, the foremost expert on the WHO negotiations of these amendments, stated, “We the People have suffered a stunning defeat. The battle continues.”...

Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who has also closely followed the negotiating process at the WHO World Health Assembly, had this to say in an email alert this morning:

The (amended) rules were adopted the last day of the meeting (yesterday, June 1), in Geneva, Switzerland.

A meeting is scheduled for July 2024 to pass the global pandemic treaty.
The organization violated their internal rules, and created this monster behind closed doors.

Zero transparency. 

The bottom line is the WHO changes from a global advisory only body to an international enforcer of its mandates.

They’ve given themselves power over a global digital ID and the power to mandate vaccines and enforce those mandates, specifically with regard to international travel.

The global surveillance state starts now.

Nations have 10 months to object-but that’s if the rules are followed.

We’re in the global state. It’s here.




WHO Do You Think You Are? by Jenna McCarthy, Lew Rockwell, 29 May 2024:

... For those unfamiliar with its origins, the WHO was created by the UN during World War II with the goal of establishing complete planetary control… a one world government… a “global body to coordinate international health efforts.”...

The WHO’s autocratic, unscrupulous, unelected leaders believe that they and they alone are competent and capable enough of orchestrating a coordinated world-wide response to the next pandemic, the one they are right this minute arranging they’ve all but guaranteed us. The nefarious Treaty That Tanked (A Midwestern Doctor penned a brilliant detailing of the miserable thing which I highly recommend reading) would have granted these goons the power to not only “prevent, detect, and respond to pandemics,” but to determine what constitutes a pandemic in the first place...

The nefarious Treaty That Tanked (A Midwestern Doctor penned a brilliant detailing of the miserable thing which I highly recommend reading) would have granted these goons the power to not only “prevent, detect, and respond to pandemics,” but to determine what constitutes a pandemic in the first place...

Dr. Rima Laibow believes the problem isn’t merely the WHO, which is an agency of the UN, but the entire United Nations. (Her website, preventgenocide2030.org, is a wealth of info.) To her point, the UN is busily prepping for this September’s Summit of the Future...