Making Hate Pay - How the Southern Poverty Law Center Invented "Hate Groups"

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a huge fundraising machine that depends on ferreting out so-called "hate groups" in order to scare up donations. Of course, these "hate groups" for the most part are honest conservative groups with agendas that have noting to do with hate. Just about any group that isn't an open borders Marxist organization can be designated a "hate group" by the SPLC moneymaking machine.

Tyler O'Neil's new book: Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center, is an excellent, detailed, and quite readable expose of the SPLC.

Here is a good review of the book: How The Southern Poverty Law Center Started Inventing ‘Hate Groups’, by Kyle Shideler, The Federalist, April 24, 2020.

Video: Eric Metaxes interviewed Tyler O'Neil in the studio about his fiery new expose, "Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center." 38 minute video. (Note: I viewed this excellent interview early on April 29, 2020. One hour later the video had been made private and unviewable. It is yet not clear if this is Google censorship in action.)
Listen to the audio track from this excellent interview. Audio: Eric Metaxes interviewed Tyler O'Neil.

For more information, see:

SPLC - Southern Poverty Law Center hate group, CAIRCO.

The SPLC File - An Exclusive Report on the Southern Poverty Law Center, The Social Contract, Spring 2018.

The Southern Poverty Law Center - A Special Report, The Social Contract, Spring 2010.