New smartphone app VoteStand will report voter fraud

25 October 2016

True the Vote has released a smartphone app VoteStand to report voter fraud.

See the article True the Vote Offers Smartphone App to Report Voter Fraud, Breitbart, October 25, 2016:

... Texas-based election integrity organization True the Vote has released a smartphone app that allows users to report voter fraud and irregularities.

VoteStand, available for both iPhone and Android users, is advertised to be the “first online election fraud reporting app” available to voters across the country “to quickly report suspected election illegalities as they happen,” according to True the Vote. The free app operates much like a social network where users can send updates about polling place issues, voter intimidation attempts and others to identify problem areas. VoteStand incidents can take the form of text or photo reports, geotagged to the user’s location...

CAIRCO has not tested the app, but we do plan to use it. It seems reasonable to install it now on your iPhone or Android so that if you need it, you will have it. Apps installed from the official Apple App Store and Google Play are thoroughly tested for security issues.

If you do encounter voting fraud, please immediately report it to your county or city elections office. We would also suggest that you immediately contact your local news outlets.


VoteStand smartphone app


Here are telephone numbers to call about suspicious activity you observe while voting. Courtesy National Association of Chiefs of Police.

State numbers to call in the event of voter fraud



For research on the threat and the distinct possibility of voting fraud, see this CAIRCO article:

Stolen elections? Voter fraud is nothing new