Tribune Opinion: Recent crime news a mix of good and bad

Letter date: 
4 August 2012
Letter publisher: 
The Tribune
Letter body: 

Crime in Greeley is shaping up to be the classic good news, bad news scenario.

Do you want the good news or the bad news first? Well, the good news is, for the first six months of the year, Greeley’s overall crime rate went down 4 percent.

The bad news is the amount of crime in the month of July alone might blow that decrease out of the water for the last six months of the year ...

July has seen a dramatic increase in murders and aggravated assaults, including several gang-related shootings. That will likely push up the statistics for the second-half of the year.

There are some specific circumstances that have lead to this recent crime wave. We do believe Greeley police Chief Jerry Garner has a valid point in that some parolees being released by the state prison system are coming back to Greeley and fueling the fire. But that is a situation every community is having to deal with on some level, and with our overcrowded prison system, the issue is complicated ...

We also appreciate that in Greeley at least, our law enforcement leaders have been willing to admit we do have a gang problem and are trying to address it. Leaders in other communities, whether for public relations reasons or simply because they have their head in the sand, don’t truthfully acknowledge the amount of gang activity going on in their towns and cities.