America Bad

For two years, Americans have had to listen to hyperbole and trumped-up charges of Russian collusion. We have witnessed a failed political coup - the most notable case of political corruption in United States history.

What happened to respect and common decency? Karin McQuillan provides a clear explanation in the April 27, 2019 American Greatness article: It’s Not Trump Derangement Syndrome:

Democrats’ behavior after 2016 is not mass delusion or mass hysteria or Trump Derangement Syndrome, or any of the other psychobabble explanations that dominate our political commentary....

Under Barack Obama, ordinary Democrats became enamored of the narrative that they were the Good People, hence entitled to crush anyone in their way, because everything they do is in the service of social justice.

The derangement we are facing is not Orange Man Bad; it is America Bad.

The Democrats don’t believe in our two-party system anymore. They utterly reject American civic norms of treating the president with a modicum of respect and cooperation. They don’t want to alternate presidential power every four or eight years. They think theirs is the only party that deserves to be elected.

Before Trump was a gleam in their eye, Democrats saw themselves as the only morally valid people in the country. They don’t want individual rights anymore, only group rights. They want Republicans and dissenting liberals to be silenced....

Democrats hate our electoral system as unjust because it doesn’t deliver to them guaranteed victory. All their efforts towards 2020 will be focused on changing our election laws and norms. They don’t want the electoral college, which guards against domination of the country by politically narrow urban population centers... They don’t want any safeguards against voter fraud....

Social justice, like all Marxist ideologies, believes the ends justify the means....

A political movement based on a sense of moral monopoly and it’s own unquestioned right to rule is anti-American at its core....

Today's Democrat party is not the Democrat party I grew up with. Their leftist, socialist agenda represents the antithesis of the principles upon which our nation was founded - that is, of limited government and a large degree of individual liberty.

We thought the 2016 election election represented a turning point in America's history. We were wrong. It was important; it gave us a breather for 4 years. The 2020 election will mark the turning point in America: either we will turn full throttle toward incremental socialism, single party control, and big government, or we will transition back to a Constitutional Republic.