Earth Day 2015 - Missing the Mark

April 22, 2015 - Earth Day 2015 brings us news of California's diminishing water resources, which portends disaster for California's bread basket. Yet because of immigration-driven population growth, demand for water, food, and natural resources is increasing in California and in the entire United States. 

On the political scene, President Obama has usurped the Constitutional power of Congress in order to issue amnesty by executive fiat - and bring in more Undocumented Democrats. This week, the Senate Finance committee is debating giving Obama fast-track TPA authority on the disastrous sovereignty-subverting Trans-Pacific Partnership. Fast-track means that Congress will be unable to provide review and input into the treaty. If implemented, the TPP would be a permanent end-run around Congressional authority to regulate immigration for the benefit of America and Americans.

We see short-sighted political strategies targeting short-term gains: more illegal aliens who will vote Democratic while providing cheap labor for corporate GOP donors. More consumers and more fodder for the growth economy. 

It is all too convenient to lose sight of the consequences of unending growth upon our sustaining ecosystems. We're missing the mark, but it is not too late to refocus on the America we are bequeathing to our children.

For an in-depth analysis of the impact of immigration-driven population growth, we recommend the new article Immigration, Population Growth, and the Environment, by Leon Kolankiewicz, Center for Immigration Studies, April 2015. 

For an excellent perspective on the population/environment issue, we highly recommend the article The Numbers Game - Confronting Growth and the Environment, by Jim Motavalli, E/The Environmental Magazine, January/February 2004.

Here is a formal Environmental Impact Statement on United States Immigration Policy. Because immigration has a large impact on the overall size of the U.S. population, and because population numbers can be an important factor in determining a variety of environmental impacts, federal immigration policy would seem to be a likely subject for review under the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA).

We also recommend the talk Finding the Trimtab by Jonette Christian, presented at the the third annual environmental conference on Global Environmental and Social Issues in Aspen, CO, hosted by the Sopris Foundation and the Worldwatch Institute during July 12-14, 2002. 

Here is a thought-provoking two-minute video that shows growth - and degrowth: Cities Skylines - Time lapse - 0 to 238k population.