Erase the Face

Obey It appears that president-elect Harris and Biden have big plans for their subjects - namely to force them to wear face diapers (face muzzles) for 100 days. We can only surmise that they think their subjects are a bit too frisky, as they voted overwhelmingly for Trump in the 2020 election. Time to dole out a dose of conformity, uniformity, and abject punishment.

As we are ushered pell-mell down the road to socialism, mask mandates are but another tool to condition the populace into obedience and conformity to the master plan.

Ben Bartee comments about this in The Daily Bell, reprinted on ZeroHedge, January 7, 2020: Erase the Face: How to Dehumanize an Entire Population:

Following the quasi-coup by Donald Trump against the ruling class in 2016, Team Biden/Harris prepares to re-establish the ruling class’s firm control over the US population from their perch atop the executive branch.

The peasants, in their view, have been allowed too great leniency to direct their own lives under the Trump regime. Like a virus, the holdover Enlightenment idea that the average citizen has the autonomy to determine what he or she wears has festered far too long.

Accordingly, Biden’s handlers have instituted a 100-day mask-wearing period effective immediately on Jan. 20, 2021...

In the eyes of the propagandized left and the social engineers who direct their perceptions, wearing a mask (face muzzle) at all times in public is now a performative gesture of an individual’s social merit – the idea being that those who wear masks care about their neighbors, whereas anyone who questions the orthodoxy is selfish....

Humans are social creatures, evolved psychologically to incentivize conformity to the group for survival purposes. Consequently, we award conformity for altruistic (non-selfish) purposes with social praise.

The social engineers understand this behavior-reward social dynamic and use it to manipulate their targets (you and me) into submission....

Instead of explaining the purported benefits of wearing a mask in measured terms to adults who will ultimately make the decision to wear one or not, the social engineers instead reflexively turn to their go-to strategy for achieving all of their goals: manipulation, appeals to empathy, and, somehow, even calls to patriotic heroism....


Interesting perspectives on the China virus - videos and articles

Why We Must Unmask - A society that stays in and muzzles up until the government says it’s safe to come out is not as free as we thought it was. Smiles matter, by Jason Fertig, American Greatness, January 29, 2021:

We often refer to lockdowns as a proxy for failed COVID interventions, but I contend that masks are a more prominent symbol. It’s frightening to think that American children born in the summer of 2020 and onward have seen very few unmasked faces other than immediate family members. I’m sure that if you run a small business under the boot of Corona fascism, you’d give anything to be able to open at full capacity with a “mask up” sign. Just realize that doing so is tantamount to surrendering to greater tyranny than the colonies faced under King George III...

Over 80 percent of Americans covering their faces when leaving the home is a sign of submission to the one-party oligarchy that has replaced our constitutional republic. Masks are a symbol of fear, and a scared populace is more likely to obey mandates for the sake of safety. Masks are a sign that the American people will comply with a government violation of their personal liberty without proof of any personal or societal benefit. That last sentence is crucial. Throwing the masks away is not just an issue of political liberty, it needs to be done because masks don’t stop an airborne respiratory virus.

It’s flat-out wrong to agree to Team Apocalypse’s premise that “masks work” or that they are a little thing we can do with no downside. There is no evidence for such assertions....

... A society that stays in and muzzles up until the government says it’s safe to come out is not as free as we thought it was....

Smiles matter. We got to this point by trying to compromise our values: Just 15 days, just a mask, just a vaccine. Soon it will be “it’s just a 30-round magazine.” Then, “it’s just a national gun registry.” Next, “we will pay you $500 to buyback each gun.” Before you know it, it will be, “show us your proof of immunity tattoo.”

The slippery slope of operant public conditioning: Medical Tyranny: CDC Announces All Travelers Must Wear Two Masks, Threatens Arrest, Zero Hedge, February 1, 2021.

Six More Questions about Masks Our Overlords Refuse to Answer (Part II), by Scott Morefield, February 1, 2021.