The Overton Window has shifted by precisely one sh*thole

President Trump just notably shifted the Overton Window.

The Overton Window is a term that describes the range of discourse and ideas the public finds acceptable. It is named for Joseph P. Overton, former vice president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, who claimed that the political viability of an idea, belief, or policy rests mainly on whether it falls in this window of acceptable discourse — and not the logic or effectiveness of said ideas.

From Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries, by Josh Dawsey, New York Times, January 11, 2018:

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump said, according to these people, referring to countries mentioned by the lawmakers.

Trump then suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries like Norway, whose prime minister he met with on Wednesday…

The comments left lawmakers taken aback…

As Ann Corcoran notes below, the last thing the open-borders Left wants is for you to talk openly about immigration and who should be permitted to live here.

And now we can!




Trump called Haiti a shithole; the Clintons bilked millions out of it, by Dan Calabrese, Canada Free Press, January 15, 2018.

“Sh*t Hole” Countries by Race and IQ, The New Observer, January 12, 2018.

How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich Off Poor Haitians:


State Dept Issued Travel Warning For Haiti 2 Days Ago, by Chris Menahan, InformationLiberation, January. 12, 2018.

What I Learned in the Peace Corps in Africa: Trump Is Right, by Karin McQuillan, AMerican Thinker, January 17, 2018.


Trump was right...literally, by Michael Filozof, American Thinker, January 13, 2018:

... the liberal, globalist United Nations, which celebrated its annual "World Toilet Day" and named its "Toilet Heroes" last November 19.

Here are a few interesting statistics, straight from the U.N.:

- Around 60% of the global population – 4.5 billion people – have either no toilet at home or one that doesn't safely manage excreta.

If It Weren’t For The Constitution, America Would Be A ‘Sh-thole’ Country, Too - President Trump was right that some countries are ‘sh-tholes,’ but we should remember that America is different because it was fortunate enough to be born free, by John Daniel Davidson, The Federalist, January 15, 2018.

Tucker Carlson: Trump ‘Shithole’ Remarks Forcing Lawmakers to Justify Current Immigration Policy, Breitbart, January 13, 2018.

Martel: The Value of Calling a Shithole a ‘Shithole’, Breitbart, January 13, 2018.


SH*THOLEGATE: Maybe Trump HAS Read ALIEN NATION!, by Peter Brimelow, VDare, January 12, 2018:

Of course I don’t think Trump has read Alien Nation. But he has cut to its heart with one brutal sentence. It’s an aspect of what I called in another context his undeniable if weird political genius.


President Trump gives us permission to speak!, by Ann Corcoran, Refugee Resettlement Watch, January 12, 2018:

With all the hullabaloo since yesterday about the President’s question about why we needed to import so many people from certain s***hole countries, I’m thinking that the great fear the PC crowd (pulling out the smelling salts) has is that when the President speaks straightforwardly (on anything), it gives permission for masses of Americans to do the same.  Speaking freely about critical issues facing our country could be the death of the hard Left and they know it.

I’m expecting that half of America was laughing in the privacy of their homes when they heard the President voice something that they themselves dare not say.

I didn’t look around for what might be the best discussion about what exactly happened, but this one at the American Spectator by Scott McKay seems on point and brings up the Somali issue something we know a good bit about.

Here are a few snips (emphasis is mine):

A quote attributed to President Trump horrifies our snowflake intellectuals, but accurately reflects the sentiments of much of America...

How about Somalia? Who’s up for more mass immigration from Somalia? Is there any argument Somalia is a s***hole, or do we need a national screening of Black Hawk Down to remind us what that country is like?...

What has America derived from mass immigration from Somalia? Machete attacks on street corners in Columbus and mall stabbings in suburban Minneapolis. And if you like, you can ask the current and former residents of Lewiston, Maine, what a boon Somali immigration has been to that town. [See machete attack in Shelburne, VT in the last week.—ed]...

The last thing the open-borders Left wants is for you to talk openly about immigration and who should be permitted to live here...


Proof they are s***hole countries, by Don Surber, January 12, 2018:

Citing two people who were not at the meeting, the Washington Post reported that President Trump decried immigration from s***hole countries. The Fake News press reported this as gospel last night. This morning the president denied calling them s***hole countries.

But this does not mean they are not s***hole countries. Many countries have open defecation. Chief among them are India, where 48% of the people defecate in the open....

The idea that all countries are equal is absurd.

There is no excuse for being a s***hole country....

India has nuclear power and nuclear weapons. It has chosen to live like this...


The following article contains some interesting information in graphical form:
The Absolute State of Conservatism in 2018, by Chris Menahan, InformationLiberation, January 12, 2018.