Random musings on Ramadan day 30

This has been the month of Ramadan for "the religion of peace". Anyone who gives serious considerations to the differences between the political system of Islam and other political systems and religions is immediately called a racist bigot hateful islamophobe.

Speaking of which, islamophobia is a fake construct invented by jihadists in order to confuse non-Muslim infidels. It's effective because a phobia is understood to be an unreasonable fear. Islamophobia is an conjured up, imaginary mental disorder. In real life, fear of political Islam is reasonable and is based in reality.

Note that Islam is a political system that includes the practive of religion. There is a distinct difference between reflecting on the dangers of political Islam as opposed to the practice of the specific religion called Islam. Also, it is clear that individual Muslims can be good, kind, and compassionate. But the system of political Islam constrains individual behavior, especially when the number of Muslims reaches critical mass in a society - for example 15%.

Update: on the final day of Ramadan, we see a gruesome death toll reported as a result of the phenomenon called the Ramadan Bombathon (see The Religion of Peace).

Ramadan Bombathon final tally:

Acts of terror Attacks Kills
Terror in the name of Islam: 175 718
All other religions combined: 0 0
By "right wing" or anti-muslim extremists: 0 0


To understand what drives violence in the name of Islam, it is important again to understand that Islam is a complete political system, not just a religion. Political Islam controls all aspects of life, including how to worship, who to hate (infidels and Jews), how many wives you can own, who to rape (infidels), how to beat your wife, how to stone adulterers, when to genitally mutilate your daughter, and more.

Rebecca Bynum delivered a speech October 18, 2011 to ACT! for America Chapter in Memphis Tennessee, titled Why Islam is Not a Religion. Here are a few excerpts:

... But when we discuss political Islam or Sharia law alone, we imply that there is a religious Islam that is perfectly fine, that we don’t have to worry about. And we leave the major problems of Islamization – Muslim immigration, mosque building, the proselytizing in our prisons and military and the infiltration of our governmental institutions completely untouched and indeed untouchable....

Islam is a total system of life and contains within itself a particular social system, judicial system, and political system which includes geo-political aspirations - the conquest and administration of territory....

The reason we can assert that the morality of Islam is inverted is that Islam consistently elevates material over spiritual considerations. That is, it elevates the material obedience to the dictates of the Islamic doctrine above all consideration of Truth or Goodness. Morality, conformity and even legality are all one and the same in Islam. Let me give you an example: The following are the words of the father of a failed female suicide bomber:

“'If I had known what [my daughter] was planning I would have told the Jews. I would have stopped her.”

“In our religion it is forbidden for a girl's body to be uncovered even at home. How could a girl allow her body to be smashed to pieces and then collected up by Jews? This is absolutely forbidden.”...

Religion in its broadest sense must be about the pursuit of higher value – of Truth Beauty and Goodness.... slam on the other hand, subordinates everything to itself. Islam is the highest value and the spiritual values we just mentioned are thought to be entirely contained within Islam, even to be entirely contained within the Koran....

There is no higher truth than Islam, no higher good than Islam and nothing more beautiful than Islam. Islam has replaced God, you see, and its ultimate goal is not to lead men to seek those higher values. Islam exists simply to perpetuate itself....

Religion as we have known it has been good for society. It has nurtured morality, strengthened the family, fostered public service and encouraged social harmony. Islam, on the other hand, is self-segregating and fosters ideas of Muslim supremacy and thereby sows seeds of social discord. Even its tradition of charitable giving is solely for the benefit of fellow Muslims and it utterly destroys the nuclear family through its adoption of polygamy....

At the very least we must call into question this Islam-is-a-religion trump card that its defenders have been playing so successfully....

In the article The Sharia Invasion of Our Land, Mario Alexis Portella writes:

Many in the West today are grappling as to how Islam has been able to get a foothold in our society. We know of Islamists’ present-day means to get government officials to capitulate to their whims through lobbying and the mainstream media, presenting themselves as victims of the same Western society that has helped them. But how have they been able to acquire such political leverage? Apparently, there has been a willful lack of circumspection or foresightedness of this to come.

Back in the 1970s, the late-Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre had said: “As long a Muslims are an insignificant minority in a Christian country, they can live on friendly terms, because they accept the laws and customs of the country that receives them. But as soon as they become numerous and organize, they become aggressive and try to impose their laws, which are hostile to [Western] civilization.” This could not better describe the Islamic phenomena we are facing....

Yet the new wave of Muslims who refuse to adapt threatens to reshape our ethnic and religious composition of our nation, our democratic-capitalist tradition and our social values....

I am sure that many who read this post will say, “This cannot and will never happen in America.” To that I respond, “Look what is happening around you.”...

Regrettably, because of the political correctness in our culture, primarily instigated by the left-wing politicians and the mainstream media, one cannot even rationally address the Islamic dilemma, lest he or she be accused of Islamophobia....

As a result of the mind-numbing disease of political correctness that grips our elected public servants and the mainstream media, we are not allowed to consider the consequences of the rise of the political system of Islam in America. This continual ramping-up of acquiescence to the demands of Islamists is referred to as creeping Sharia.

In the following 4 minute video, Bill Warner of Political Islam asks whether the temporary call to prayer will become permanent.

The Temporary Call to Prayer, by Bill Warner, May 21 2020:

This video is in the time of the Corona virus and it is Ramadan. Many cities have allowed mosques to broadcast the call to prayer as a temporary measure. However, the question arises: will the broadcasts be temporary? Or will it be the thin end of the Sharia wedge left in place? Remember, if you vote against the Islamic practice, you can be called a hater and Islamophobe. What politician wants to offend any voter base?

So will the call to prayer be temporary or will it become new audio fixture in our new world?


Our great nation is working around the clock to find a cure for the China virus. Let us similarly commence, with all diligence, to eradicate the leftist disease of political correctness from our thinking. It is time to seriously reconsider the consequences of importing political Islam into America. We need only look to Europe for examples of the societal devastation that political Islam has caused.

Yet Another Jihad Attack at a Naval Air Station And still no lessons learned, Robert Spencer, FrontpageMag, May 26, 2020.

Video: We Survived the 2020 Ramadan Bombathon!, David Wood, May 24, 2020: The month of Ramadan is always a deadly month, as jihadis love to target non-Muslims and Muslims from different sects of Islam during the month of pretend fasting.

Learn more about political Islam, creeping sharia and Islamic conquest,