The Core Battle and the Republican Party

24 March 2023
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The following article is really excellent. It describes how and why the Republican party is not the populist MAGA party, and why it is not positioned to win in 2024. Here are excerpts:

Reminder: The Core Battle Begins Within the Republican Party, by Sundance, 24 March 2024:

An inflection point is coming. In preparation for what we are about to witness, it is critical to understand that both the DNC and RNC are private corporations with no affiliation to government.

It is a difficult shift in thinking to appropriately understand, but the party system in U.S. politics revolves around two clubs that feed from the same corporate trough and position for influence and affluence within a political dynamic they control.

The priority for both clubs, Republican and Democrat, is NOT primarily ideological. In the modern era, the corporate priority first begins with a battle over who controls each corporation...

2024 is going to be the election season when we see this corporate battle explode inside in the Republican group. Decades of entrenched power are at stake...

As a consequence... winning and/or losing elections becomes a secondary issue. The RNC is not focused on winning elections. The RNC corporation is focused on retaining control....

The RNC want to give the illusion of support for MAGA conservatism because they need the base voter...

It would be impossible to support Main Street USA, a popular talking point, and still support the Paris Climate Treaty, the Transpacific Trade Partnership (TPP) or the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)....

To avoid the contradictions, most Democrat and Republican politicians avoid discussing their national economic policy. It is an unspoken rule within the billionaire club and donor game, an economic code of omerta amid most political candidates....

President Trump broke the rule and even went so far as to campaign on an America First economic policy agenda... President Trump was the first presidential candidate who campaigned on a domestic national economic policy... At its core, MAGA is a national economic dynamic within a political movement that is represented by President Donald J Trump....

In essence, if you take money from the multinationals you cannot deliver on MAGA...

MAGA cannot be purchased. It is a political outlook that seeks only to enhance the best interests of the American people... Before Donald Trump entered politics there was no home for people voting on the issue of a national economic agenda.... Donald Trump is the irreplaceable Great MAGA King because Donald Trump is the only one who holds that same outlook....

Let me emphasize the key point. The Republican Party is not positioning to win the 2024 election.... The people in control of Republican Club do not care who is in the White House, that is a secondary objective. What they care about right now is controlling the Republican corporation and stopping the hostile takeover....

Also see:

Trump's Arc Must Play Out, by Erik Root, American Greatness, 27 November 2022.

Trump Was a Mistake - for establishment politicians, by Dan Gelernter, American Greatness, 25 December 2022.

Trump 2020: A Man vs. A Movement - a must watch video, by Tom Klingenstein, Claremont Institute, 4 November 2020.

2022: The First Wholly Manufactured Election

Trump important accomplishments

Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months

Trump’s Historical and Miraculous Accomplishments Three Years Into His Presidency

Trump administration immigration accomplishments