Rethinking the Second Amendment

5 June 2022

Rethinking the Second Amendment - Can We Indeed Have Peace and Freedom Without Guns?, by Dr Naomi Wolf, 4 June 2022.

Excerpts from the article follow:

... The last thing keeping us free in America, as the lights go off all over Europe- and Australia, and Canada - is, yes, we must face this fact, the Second Amendment.

I can’t believe I am writing those words. But here we are and I stand by them....

I am a child of the peace movement.... My young adulthood too unfolded in a context that reviled all guns all the time....

It was hard for us to conceive that anyone might own guns and actually be law-abiding, responsible and peaceful.... We assumed all gun owners were driven by fear or by rage....

when I actually sat down and read the Second Amendment carefully — as I was writing my 2008 book about the decline of democracies, The End of America — I was startled: because the Second Amendment wasn’t unclear at all.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” [

Or, translated into modern English construction: “Because a well-regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free State, therefore the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” ...

And the thing about really supporting the Constitution is that you do not get to pick and choose. I can’t choose my favorite Amendment, the easy one, the First Amendment, and then shy away from the glass-clear directive of the Second Amendment, simply as a result of my own cultural discomfort. You have to stand up for it all, if you are to call yourself a supporter of the Constitution....

Indeed I have recently become a firearm owner myself....

The writers of our nation’s birth — they were armed. The writers who forged our country’s founding documents were armed because they were writers, and because they knew perfectly well that in Britain, King George III simply hanged defenseless writers for sedition....

I am also re-examining my reflexes about the Second Amendment because I believe that we are at a moment that our Founders, in their nearly-Prophetic wisdom, knew might come to pass. We are at the kind of moment for which the Second Amendment may have been written in just the clear, unequivocal way that it was. ...


The Struggle Against Tyranny Is Endless, by Lee Smith, Epoch Times, 4 June 2022.

Why We Need Our Guns, by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., June 6, 2022.


Making good people helpless will not make bad people harmless