Creeping Sharia: New York’s Sharia Patrol

Article publisher: 
Clarion Project
Article date: 
12 October 2019
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

Not surprisingly, the sight of official-looking cars – made to look like police New York City cars — emblazoned with the words “Muslim Community Patrol” cruising the avenues of Brooklyn and Staten Island—in the United States of America—was quick to generate news coverage, commentary and alarm....

Yet, a little digging shows that the Muslim Community Patrol has an underlying agenda: to enforce Islamic sharia law first in the Muslim community and then in American community at large....

MCP&S now describes their role as that of a much needed defense and security force for the Muslim community and its mosques. On their official Facebook page the group states, “Our goal is to ensure that our brothers and sisters in Islam are protected.”...

It was also created for a purpose familiar to anyone who has lived in a Muslim-governed state: to enforce Sharia law on citizens....

He went on to say that the patrol presence was needed not just for protecting mosques, but also to stop people— Muslim people, in particular—from doing what was harmful and what the Quran considers haram, or forbidden, for Muslims.
Abdul remembered Wahhaj saying, “The mosques need protection and the MCP cars can help stop people who were not following the rules and regulations of the sharia, doing what they’re not supposed to be doing, but still doing it.”
That is, they were there to physically enforce “laws” that were not U.S. or New York laws.
Wahhaj reportedly went on to say he was concerned about stopping such things as “Muslim women being out after dark, Muslim men hanging out in the corners doing dope, Muslims drinking liquor. Basically, the fundamentals of the Sharia,” Abdul said....
“Everything is going to be sharia,” Abdul said. “That’s Wahhaj’s main thing. He’s working on a ‘one sheikh’ and ‘one government’ system that practices sharia. What he’s trying to do is find grounds for running the sharia. That’s what these cars are all about.”...