Seven Troubling Tim Walz Connections to Communist China
Minnesota Governor and Vice-Presidential hopeful Tim Walz has an abnormal relationship with China...
As Breitbart News reported, Walz first visited China in 1989 under the auspices of a now-shuttered Harvard program called WorldTeach. Walz and became so enamored with the country that he and his wife honeymooned there after their marriage on June 4, 1994, the fifth anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre...
Here are Walz’s top seven connections to the CCP that demand explanation.
1. The CCP approved and even subsidized Walz’s student exchanges...
2. A CCP diplomat and other CCP government officials attended Walz’s gubernatorial inauguration in January 2019...
3. The CCP Diplomat left the Walz inauguration to meet with Walz cronies at Minnesota’s premier globalist non-governmental organization (NGO), Minnesota Global...
4. Walz has close connections to a Twin Cities-based organization that houses an alleged secret CCP police station - one of only seven secret CCP police stations in the U.S...
5. Then-Congressman Walz praised a CCP-backed event that he attended with CCP diplomats in 2018. ..
6. Less than one year into his first gubernatorial term, Walz was an honored guest speaker at multiple CCP-backed influence operation events in 2019...
7. Walz has a long history of making outlandishly pro-CCP comments...
Ten Things to Know About Tim Walz and His Ties to Communist China, by Sasha Gong and Bradley A. Thayer, American Greatness, 20 August 2024:
Walz would not be the first politician bought by the CCP, but he should be the last. His close ties to the CCP alone should disqualify him from office.
Schweizer: ‘No Question’ CCP Has Been Grooming Tim Walz, Breitbart, 28 August 2024.
Tim Walz Carried Out ‘Secret Fling’ with Daughter of Chinese Communist Party Official, Breitbart, 29 October 2024.

#TamponTim goes mega-viral, threatens to derail 'Harris/Walz train' before it even leaves the station, Revolver, 9 August 2024.
House Republicans, Candidates Who Are Vets Slam ‘Coward’ Walz Amid Stolen Valor Accusations, Breitbart, 9 August 2024.
Tampon Tim’s Four Feathers, by Frank Friday, American Thinker, 9 August 2024.
You thought Governor Tim Walz was bad before? Well, wait until you hear his latest, Revolver, 8 August 2024.
6 Things That Prove Tim Walz Is a Radical Progressive, by Glenn Beck, 9 August 2024:
1. Defending illegal immigration...
2. Protecting the "right" for children to get transgender surgery in Minnesota...
3. Dropping the ball on COVID...
4. Defending socialism 4. Defending socialism...
5. Having tampons put in men's restroom...
6. Defending Biden's age (pre-debate)...
Walz Says 'There's No Guarantee to Free Speech' for Misinformation, Hate Speech, Especially Around 'Our Democracy', Washington Free Beacon, 7 August 2024:
Tim Walz's Commanding Officer Took to Facebook and Absolutely Destroyed Him, Townhall, 12 August 2024.
A New Tim Walz Bombshell Just Dropped, Vigalent News, 10 August 2024.
The Dangerous Tim Walz, by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., 14 August 2024.
The Top 20 Reasons Not to Vote for Kamala Harris
Caveat Emptor: Tim Walz and communist China, by Victoria White Berger, American Thinker, 22 October 2024.
"Walz's for Trump" - Tim Walz's Family Snubs Harris-Walz, Endorses Trump, Gateway Pundit, 4 September 2024.
Minnesota's new state flag: nearly identical to one out of Somalia: