Survival of the Constitution Is on the Ballot in 2024

Article author: 
Stephen Kruiser
Article publisher: 
PJ Media
Article date: 
4 September 2024
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

... There is a lot of talk in mainstream media and among Democrats about a fundamental shift in the Republican party because of Donald Trump's influence... Trump has energized the people who long ago grew tired of losing to Democrats because the Bush Republicans were more interested in angling for Fox News jobs than in winning elections. 

The principles of conservative Republicans haven't changed. 

In reality, it's the Democrats who have been creating the rift. They have been undergoing a progressive makeover for a long time and what they consider to be the center is hanging out somewhere on a beach in Cuba...

There really are two Americas now, and one of them is filled with people who hate America...

Democrats have been rewriting American history in public schools for decades now, telling everyone they can that they're embarrassed by it...

The First, Second, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments are particularly problematic for them, as is anything having to do with the Electoral College...

If Kamala Harris's "Duck and Cackle" campaign helps her get to the White House, the executive branch will unleash a full-scale assault on free speech, the right to bear arms, and due process. The Biden administration's thuggish ways will seem reasonable by comparison...

I'm voting for the guy who doesn't think that the Constitution needs to be shredded in order for the United States of America to be more to his liking.