Totalitarianism Behind Democrats' Fraudulent "White Nationalism" Hearing

Article author: 
John Derbyshire
Article publisher: 
Article date: 
20 February 2023
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

This week on Capitol Hill the Democrat-controlled House Judiciary Committee had a hearing on the threat of “white nationalism.”

I didn't read very far into the transcripts of this event before I realized the complete bogosity of it. It was a pseudo-event...

What it pretended to be about was, yes, the threat to our social order from white nationalism...

In his video report on the event (House Hearings on White Natio … er … Censorship, April 11, 2019), American Renaissance’s Jared Taylor called it  "a miserable display of ignorance and arrogance." I can't improve on that; and I urge listeners to set aside fifteen minutes of time to watch Jared's report.

The notion that our social order is under threat from white nationalism is, as I said, mere pretense. The hearings leaned heavily on statistics supplied by the Anti-Defamation League [ADL]—itself, ironically, a Jewish Nationalist pressure group—purporting to show that white nationalist terrorism is real and rising.

The statistics are fake. Jared and Gregory Hood did a rigorous analysis of them, concluding that of nineteen deaths in 2017 claimed by the ADL as resulting from white nationalist terrorism, one was "clearly authentic," one was plausible, and one ambiguous. The rest were bogus.

Considering there were, according to FBI statistics, over seventeen thousand homicides that year in the U.S.A., one authenticated white nationalist killing, one plausible, and one ambiguous doesn't seem like something the republic should lose sleep over...

Every totalitarian power cult needs a vocabulary of vituperation...

Cultural Marxism relied on "racist" through recent decades as the principal identifier for these enemies of the people. The word has worn thin with over-use, though....

... "white supremacist" is now slipping out of favor. "White nationalist" is the preferred replacement, and this week's congressional hearing was an effort by the ideologues to give "white nationalist" a clear stamp of (dis) approval....


Candace Owens defends stance on white nationalism after contentious hearing, New York Post, 20 February 2023...

In his video report on the event (House Hearings on White Natio … er … Censorship, April 11, 2019), American Renaissance’s Jared Taylor called it  "a miserable display of ignorance and arrogance." I can't improve on that; and I urge listeners to set aside fifteen minutes of time to watch Jared's report.