UN Agenda 2030 Beware: '15-Minute Cities' - Globalist Scheme to Control, Punish, Surveil and Imprison You (Video)

Article author: 
Amy Mek
Article publisher: 
RAIR Foundation USA
Article date: 
2 January 2023
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

[See videos in the original article.]

The left-wing controlled Oxfordshire County Council’s new plans to divide the British city of Oxford into six “15-minute cities”. In these new “smart” districts, it is said, most household essentials will be accessible by a quarter-of-an-hour walk or bike ride, so residents will not need a car.

To seize further control of people’s lives, Globalists are pushing the false idea that these cities will “save the planet” and help all of humanity. Instead, they are nothing more than a way for them to restrict, coerce, fine, punish, surveil, and limit the fundamental right of freedom of movement for residents....

People do not realize that residents will only be allowed within 15 minutes of their home address, and violators will be fined....& In addition, the government will track and control your every movement through your smartphones & facial recognition technology, explains UK journalist Katie Hopkins...

United Nations Agenda 2030

The “15-minute city” concept is crucial in the United Nations Agenda 2030 and their Net Zero green agenda. The World Economic Forum is also pushing this new concept. Oxford, which has declared a ‘climate emergency,’ is hoping their 15-minute cities will help achieve the council’s ‘Net Zero carbon Oxford’ vision by 2040.”

However, as RAIR Foundation USA previously reported, “the socialists pushing these outrageous proposals care much less about the environment than about controlling you.” UN Agenda 2030 is nothing less than global government tyranny that enslaves all humanity while calling the scheme “sustainable development” and “equality.”...

Agenda 2030

At the time, most media ignored the portion of PM Orbán’s speech, which alludes to the UN’s “Agenda 2030”, a corporate-government fascist scheme. In the 1990s, the United Nations drafted “Agenda 21”, their so-called plan for defeating “climate change.” In 2015, it was re-branded by socialists into “Agenda 2030,” neither had anything to do with “global warming” and everything to do with reshaping our world according to their socialist vision. Then last year, the push for Agenda 2030 wasn’t just about climate change but a blueprint for so-called “sustainable development” worldwide....

The 17 stated “goals” of Agenda 2030 are code words for a corporate-government fascist agenda that will imprison humanity in a devastating cycle of poverty while enriching the world’s most powerful globalist corporations and individuals....


British Protest 15-Minute Cities Where They Will Become Prisoners of the State, RAIR Foundation USA, 11 January 2023:

The “15-minute city” concept is crucial in the United Nations Agenda 2030 and their Net Zero green agenda. The World Economic Forum is also pushing this new concept. Oxford, which has declared a ‘climate emergency,’ is hoping their 15-minute cities will help achieve the Council’s ‘Net Zero carbon Oxford’ vision by 2040.”

As early as 2024, Oxford plans to impose “climate lockdowns” on residents to help achieve the Council’s ‘Net Zero carbon Oxford’ vision by 2040.” The “15-minute city” concept is also crucial for the United Nations Agenda 2030. And not surprisingly, the World Economic Forum is also pushing the idea....


15 Minute Cities and the Right To Travel, by Alexandra Bruce, Forbidden Knowledge TV, LewRockwell, 3 January 2023:



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