Billboard Colorado (2006)

Billboard Colorado was a project that strategically placed billboard in the metro Denver area. The project is not currently active, but you can view the archived Billboard Colorado website. Mike McGarry was instrumental in coordinating this project.
The history of Billboard Colorado
Wouldn't it make you absolutely crazy if you were to find out the U.S. government spends $10,000,000,000 a year from the federal budget to make life comfortable for border-crashing illegal aliens, (including providing on-demand "emergency" health care complete with translators), but it just cannot seem to find the necessary funds to support the health care needs of all of our eligible military veterans? Well, get ready to let out a primal scream and be carted off to a padded cell, because Uncle (wham-bam, thank-you-mam) Sam is doing exactly that.
(Here's another outrage that may cause you become manic: The Military Selective Service Act requires all males 18 to 25-years-old residing in this country, including illegal aliens, to register with the Selective Service. Failure to register could bring penalties as great as $250,000 and/or five years in prison. In 2000, Gil Coronado, the-then Director of Selective Service under the Clinton administration, reported that at least 20 U.S. citizens over the previous several years had been prosecuted for violating that law. But, curiously, he reported no illegal aliens had been prosecuted. When he was asked to explain this glaring disparity--since millions, perhaps the majority, of illegal aliens are within the required registration age range--the director dismissed the question as not important.)
Bob Park, of Prescott, AZ, is a military veteran. He also served with the U.S. Border Patrol, and was he was a criminal investigator with the INS. As an immigration activist, Bob participated last year in the Minuteman Project in Arizona, where he noticed that many of his fellow participants were military veterans, inspiring Bob to form Veterans for Secure Borders. Bob, too, became incensed over government's crass treatment of its veterans, while it was laying out the red carpet for illegals. So Bob, an unassuming man, but with a professional agitator's relish and history for the provocative, erected a billboard in New Mexico, which you may see on Bob's website. (Billboard Colorado is using that billboard for its first prototype.)
Bob's billboard, along with the information about how the U.S. government is cooing over and wooing illegals while screwing veterans, came to the attention of Denver radio talk-show host, Peter Boyles, who understandably and temporarily went ballistic, recovered, and who then made an on-air wish to launch a billboard project in the Denver area that honored Bob's central theme. The response in public support for the project was immediate and overwhelming.
Thus was born Billboard Colorado, an educational effort to publicly expose a travesty of travesties, and to help make right a profoundly disturbing wrong.
News release - Billboard Colorado
August 2, 2006
Contacts: Julian West
Mike McGarry
Billboard calls for health care for vets, deportation for illegals - Project donates $2,400 to veterans’ charity
August 2, 2006 (Denver, CO) - Billboard Colorado, the group that caused a stir when it unveiled two immigration-related billboards in Denver on June 1, announced today the unveiling of a third billboard. The latest billboard, placed at 2150 South Colorado Blvd, in the University Hills area, shows a partial image of an America flag, with scripting that reads, “Attention U.S. Senate: Health Care for veterans! Amnesty for Illegal aliens!” with the word “amnesty” lined out and replaced with “Deportation.”
Julian West, a spokesman for Billboard Colorado, said the intention of the billboard was to “continue to expose travesty that the U.S. government spends a net $10 billion to make life comfortable for illegal aliens but it just cannot seem to find the necessary funds to support the health care needs of eligible American military veterans.”
Billboard Colorado also announced it is donating $2,400 to the veterans’ charity, The Retired Enlisted Association (TREA). TREA’s mission is to enhance the quality of life for uniformed services enlisted personnel, their families and survivors-including retirees, active duty, Reserves, and National Guard.
Colorado Billboard photos

The second billboard.