The Fertility Conundrum

Fertility is the actual reproductive performance of an individual, a couple, a group, or a population. It is typically used in reference to the average number of live births per woman. Native-born Americans voluntarily achieved replacement-level fertility (2.1 children per woman) in 1972.

This is good news, for as we are well aware, America is full. There are no more vast unsettled territories to populate.

Yet, economists are concerned that America's fertility-driven population growth is ending, and that we may not after all reach the population density of India and China. Gaylord Nelson, a US senator in the 1960s who was a founder of the modern environmental movement once succinctly explained, "The economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the environment." Not that economists or politicians listened. Perhaps ecological ignorance is an unspoken prerequisite for a successful career in economics or so-called leadership.

Economists and cheap labor apologists now rejoice at that fact that mass immigration is driving U.S. population to double within the lifetimes of children born today. The Democrat party can't wait to embrace all the new Democrat votes.

If they can't get more people via fertility, they'll get it by importing immigrants and illegal aliens, who incidentally, have much higher fertility rates.

A Timeline of America’s Fertility Rate

America's fertility has declined over the past two centuries. From the article, A Timeline of America’s Fertility Rate, by Chris Roberts, American Renaissance, December 16, 2019:

Benjamin Elisha Sawe recently published a remarkable essay on the World Atlas website, "Plummeting Fertility Rates In The United States: 1800 To 2020." Here’s a summarized timeline of the 220-year history.
  • 1800: Average woman has seven or eight children over the course of her life.
  • 1850: Average woman has five live births over the course of her life.
  • 1875: average woman has 3.3 live births over the course of her life.
  • 1930: Average woman has two or three children over the course of her life.
  • 1940-1960: National fertility rates go up by around 60 percent during the famous "baby boom."
  • 1960-1980: National fertility rates go down again and stabilize around replacement level (2.1 births per woman).
  • 1980-present: Fertility rates for women aged 30 or more begin to steadily increase. The author observes, "The trend has been aided by the delayed age of first marriage, first birth, and infertility treatment, which has enabled birth at a later age."
  • 1991-2017: One of the sharpest declines in fertility is among teens. In ’91, for every 1,000 girls between the age of 15 and 19, 62 gave birth. By ’17, the fertility rate for that age group has plummeted by 69 percent, to about 19 births for every 1,000 girls.
  • 2007-present: This period is the least fertile in American history, a trend often attributed to the 2007/2008 economic crash.
  • 2016: First time in American history that women aged 30 to 34 are the most fertile age group.
  • 2016-present: Fertility rates remain below replacement level. Unfortunately: "Experts believe that the probability of a massive rebound in the fertility rate in 2020 and the foreseeable future is low."...

Sawe considers it unfortunate that America's native-born population is stabilizing. Roberts continues, writing: "Nations with serious leaders, like Poland and Hungary, have already implemented policies to increase their native birth rates. For now, Americans must look on in envy."

The Conundrum

Because of mass immigration, combined with the relatively higher fertility rate of immigrants, refugees, and illegal aliens, native-born Whites will become a minority in their own country by mid-century.

One of the dire consequences of unassimilable mass immigration is the cultural destabilization of the receiving countries. For example, consider that in Berlin, Mohammed is the number one name for baby boys, the top baby name in England, and Mohammed is on the top 10 list in America.

The end result of demographic conquest is that Western civilization indeed hangs in the balance.

Roberts and Sawe are of the school that native-born Americans - and Europeans - need to increase their numbers in order to compete with those of other demographics.

Yet the consequence of population competition will be unending population growth in developed countries that are already full.

The Solution

The solution is so simple that even economists and politicians can understand it:



US fertility rate falls to record low, ABC News, January 10, 2020.

The Fertility Conundrum, by Fred Elbel, CAIRCO, December 17, 2019.

Population and Immigration Data, Projections and Graphs - United States.

Population Driven to Double by Mass Immigration.


2 minute video: Off the Charts - mass immigration is driving unending population growth in the United States:


More videos - selected short videos on the impact of mass immigration and population growth.