Conservatives Must Read Marx

Article author: 
Mark Bauerlein
Article publisher: 
American Greatness
Article date: 
15 February 2021
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

Yes, conservatives, Karl Marx, the Manifesto, The German Ideology, Capital, The Eighteenth Brumaire . . . the lot of it. Close your Hayek and Friedman, forget the Invisible Hand for a while, Reaganism is history, Edmund Burke won’t help you, the Revolution is here and you’re in it....

... you didn’t follow out the implication that the political class’s class behavior put conservatives into a class, too. The elite has marked you as a collective problem, and they’re busy dealing with you....

The Culture War Is Over, Comrade

It’s not a culture war, not anymore. There is no common civic ground on which liberals and conservatives meet and hash things out....
The debates are over now. The Woke brigades won’t battle your ideas....
The marketplace of ideas offends them—you offend them....
This was the long march through the institutions, and it’s done.... No conservatives, no problem. If they deprive you of jobs, they annul your ideas....
Conservatives don’t like to think of themselves as a class. They reject Marx’s definition of history as class struggle. Life isn’t 100 percent economic and human beings have souls that transcend politics. OK—but the Woke don’t care. They treat you as a class, and it works. They target your livelihood....
You, too, can learn the lessons of organization while skipping the poisonous doctrines of Communism.