Islam’s Onslaught on America: To Seed Host Countries To Gain Numbers (Hijra)

CAIRCO Note: This may appear to be a harsh opinion piece to some. However, it does present a perspective on reality that many people choose to ignore.

Part 8 of the series: Islam expanding fast in the USA.


Marco Polo, a Venetian merchant whose travels appeared in the Book of the Marvels of the World, left a detailed chronicle of his travel experience through Central Asia and China. His insight into Islam from eight centuries ago remains relevant today.

Polo said (paraphrased for modern English), “The militant Muslim is the one who beheads the infidel, while the average Muslim holds the feet of the victim.”

We Americans sit in front of our TV sets thinking the carnage in Paris, France or Berlin, Germany cannot occur within America.1 We think we’re immune to Islam’s onslaught. We prove ourselves fools on a fool’s watch. Just look at this video from a week in Sweden, formerly the most successful and peaceful country in the world. (Muslim immigrants turn Sweden into a firebomb weekly.)

In his sobering book Slavery, Terrorism, and Islam, Peter Hammond wrote a detailed analysis on the proportion of Muslims to the overall population and increased violence and adherence to Sharia law. Read this and weep for America:

“When the Muslim population remains at or under 2%, their presence tends to fly low under the radar. In the 2% – 5% range, Muslims begin to seek converts, targeting those they see as disaffected, such as criminals. When the population reaches 5% they exert influence disproportionate to their numbers, becoming more aggressive and pushing for Sharia law.2 When the population hits the 10% mark, Muslims become increasingly lawless and violent. Once the population reaches 20%, there is an increase in rioting, murder, jihad militias, and destruction of non-Muslim places of worship. At 40%, there are “widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare.” Once beyond 50%, infidels and apostates are persecuted, genocide occurs, and Sharia law is implemented. After 80%, intimidation is a daily part of life along with violent jihad and some state-run genocide as the nation purges all infidels. Once the nation has rid itself of all non-Muslims, the presumption is that ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ has been attained – the Islamic House of Peace.”

First John Donne and then Ernest Hemmingway borrowed this famous line: “Therefore, send not to know. For whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.”

Quran (47:3-4) – “Those who disbelieve follow falsehood, while those who believe follow the truth from their Lord… So, when you meet (to fight Jihad in Allah’s Cause), those who disbelieve smite at their necks till when you have killed and wounded many of them, then bind a bond firmly (on them, i.e. take them as captives)… If it had been Allah’s Will, He Himself could certainly have punished them. But He lets you fight in order to test you, some with others. But those who are killed in the Way of Allah, He will never let their deeds be lost.”

What does that chapter and verse mean: Answer: those who reject Allah are to be killed in Jihad. Throughout the Koran, Islam provokes violence in order to subdue all non-believers. If you look at Europe today, every country cowers to Allah’s will by backing away from Muslims. Belgium stands to become completely Muslim within 30 years or less. The more their numbers expand, the faster European-Belgians flee.

In America, at some point, Muslims will demand that women wear burkas, Muslims will demand schools teach from the Koran, and Muslims will demand our freedoms of choice and expression be taken away.2 Guarantee: Muslims don’t give up and don’t give in to anyone.

Americans may be basically naive or simply mindless with apathy. With three to seven million of these barbaric tribes people now standing in America, we face 20 million within two decades because we’re importing them by the millions.1

Muslims don’t fool around. They kill at will.4 They complain until they back entire countries into a corner. They provoke barbaric acts of terrorism while they espouse “peace” with Allah.They talk out of their mouths and butts with equal ease.3 Muslim Moderate or Islamic trrorist - one and the same.

Since 9/11 when they killed 3,000 of our citizens, we’ve invited no less than 1.5 million more of them into our country. How stupid, dumb, naïve or ignorant does that make us? Why would our own elected representatives commit us to our own destruction?

Without a doubt, we commit national suicide by our own apathetic hands. If you have read any of the eight parts of this series, you must be terrified for your children. Without stopping Muslim immigration into America, your kids will be in the same situation as Paris, France today.

The warlord Mohammed continues his carnage into the 21st century with the hands of 1.5 billion of his followers. If we fail to stop mass immigration, France’s nightmare becomes our future. I hope this series drives you to action for your kids' sake.



This may appear to be a harsh opinion piece to some. However, it does present a perspective on reality that many people choose to ignore.

1. See the Islamic term: hijra.

2. See creeping Sharia.

3. See the Islamic terms: da'wahtaqiyya, and tawriya.

4. See the Islamic term: jihad.



Video: 16 y/o German girl talks about muslim immigration, destruction of her own country (English subtitles) 


CAIRCO Research

Refugee resettlement racket

Islamic terminology you should know

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