Anatomy of a Psyop

12 November 2022

The following article discusses how narratives are formed that those in power - which includes the leftist mainstream media - want you to believe. The entire article is well worth reading.

Anatomy of a Psyop - A glimpse at how the sausage is made, by Theophilus Chilton, 4 November 2022. Excerpts follow:

By now, everybody on our side of the aisle knows - or at least ought to know - that pretty much everything you see at “official” informational levels is fake. And keep in mind that by “official,” I don’t just mean governmental sources but also the type of public-private collusion that we’ve all known takes place, at an instinctual level, but is now being revealed as undeniable fact.... This is the essential purpose of the across-the-board narrative building that takes place routinely at all levels in the USA and other western nations (especially) whose purpose is often to mask reality, rather than explicating it...

I’d like to make the point that psyops qualitatively differ from standard, run-of-the-mill propaganda such as governments have used for millennia.

The difference is primarily that of the time preferences involved.... It’s not surprising that modern propaganda techniques share a lot in common with commercial advertising...

The primary purpose of psyops, on the other hand, is to ensure compliance by convincing the target to self-comply, rather than it having to be done by outside force or persuasion....

In essence, propaganda aims for immediate reactive persuasion while psyops seek long-term groundlaying that gives more all-inclusive means of maintaining overarching narrative control....

Millions of people in this country believe the psyops surrounding Ukraine because they’ve been primed for decades to see “the Roooshians” as the mortal enemy of America....

Most Americans naively believe that “democracy” is holy and sacrosanct because they’ve been taught decades worth of American post-WWII globohomo foundational mythology. This renders them unable to see that “democracy” really amounts to a small cabal conning and dunning the masses into giving the cabal what it wants....

Related to the above, most people believe egalitarian platitudes that deny that there are any substantive differences between different population groups. Yet, there are very real genetic differences that exist between (mostly) discrete ethnic and racial groups - and among other things this is impacting the future of American civilisational competency. Despite the best efforts of critical race theorists to mask the real reason, it cannot honestly be denied that certain ethnic groups are more prone to crime than others.

From an historical perspective, republican forms of government in the Middle Ages were only really successfully maintained by high IQ populations that could exercise low time preference and the ability to plan ahead rationally, something that also makes the continuation of popular, representative government in the USA increasingly unlikely in the long term....

So what might cause a psyop to fail?... An excellent recent example of this was the aborted attempt to create a biomedical scare using monkeypox similar to what was done with covid-19, presumably with the intention of using it to (re)institute and expand social and economic controls that were set in place during the covid plandemic.... But then word began to get out and around that monkeypox is a disease that basically only affects gays and other “alternative lifestyles” and hence isn’t a threat to the vast majority of the population....

At the point where we are, it seems like the only way to permanently detox our information culture would be for a severe collapse and subsequent…hollowing out…of our current culturo-media apparatus to take place....


As a case in point, here are excerpts from the 10 November 2022 Off-guardian article by Michael Bryant, Inside the US’s new “bio-defense strategy”:

The Biden administration recently released its 2022 National Biodefense Strategy in response to “a need to prepare for future pandemics and biological threats.”

Building on its September Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing, the Biden administration  maintains that this latest program – what it calls ‘Biodefense’ – will be based upon the “lessons learned from the ongoing COVID- 19 pandemic.”...

It seems the President forgot that just a month earlier on 60 Minutes he plainly declared the pandemic was over.... This becomes deeply problematic when these same disastrous COVID-19 policies become the template for both domestic and foreign policy over the next 5 years, or more...

While the proposed plan is filled with typically opaque language a quick look at the fact sheet gives a  clear picture of what’s in store if this program gets rammed through.

The fact sheet opens with the obligatory ministerial doublespeak.... From the outset this makes clear that this is a blueprint which will encompass multiple government agencies and copious public resources....

This false presupposition that it was COVID-19 that wrecked communities and killed millions is slyly inserted in order to create the justification for such a plan. This is classic linguistic subterfuge, distorting the alleged disease with the response to the disease and the mandated policies....

These “threats” now become completely fungible, defined as anything which could happen anywhere at any given time....

And who might be wringing their hands in anticipation of these government handouts?...

It is well established that one of Pharma’s primary goals for years has been to eliminate lengthy and costly trials and studies. The’ sunk costs’ of clinical trials and safety studies cut into their profits and greatly slowed the products timeline to market....

Every human being on earth, every human body to become human pincushions in order to line the pockets of The Pharma Cartel....