ESG: Leveraging Woke Communist Takeover

7 August 2022

From the article What Is ESG? It's A Leveraging Tool For The Woke Communist Takeover, ZeroHedge, 7 August 2022:

The corporate dynamic when it comes to politics has been rather bizarre the past five years....

Wall Street, Entertainment Media and Big Tech companies donated FAR more to Democrat candidates in recent years compared to Republican candidates. In the 2020 presidential election, they spent 250% more on Joe Biden's campaign than Donald Trump's. But beyond that, many companies have gone aggressively and openly woke....

Part of this aggressive leftism could be attributed to the ESG movement (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance), a clear appendage or tool for globalist foundations like the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Economic Forum. It is also referred to as “stakeholder capitalism” and “mission related investing.” Stakeholder capitalism is just another term for socialism/communism, and ESG is a related control methodology for dictating how businesses behave politically.

The term “ESG” was originally coined by the United Nations Environment Program Initiative in 2005, but the methodology was not fully applied to the corporate world until the past six years when ESG investment skyrocketed....

One could call this an odd mix of communism and fascism; the point is, the lines have blurred beyond all recognition and the ideology of the people in power is specifically leftist/communist/globalist....

ESG is about money; loans given out by top banks and foundations to companies that meet the guidelines of “stakeholder capitalism.” Companies must show that they are actively pursuing a business environment that prioritizes woke virtues and climate change restrictions....

These loans become a form of leverage over the business world... The list of companies heavily involved in ESG includes some of the largest in the world...

... the ESG money is going to dry up also unless rates go back to zero and the bailout firehose is turned back on. Getting woke was once a backdoor tactic of gaining easy wealth. Now, getting woke really does mean going broke.

Read the entire article What Is ESG? It's A Leveraging Tool For The Woke Communist Takeover.


ESG: The Merger of State and Corporate Power - Corporations and government form alliance for environmental, social activism, by Kevin Stocklin, Epoch Times, 13 November 2022"

... The term itself is opaque; ESG brings environmental, social, and governance causes together under one umbrella. The environmental component includes things like transitioning from fossil fuels to wind and solar energy, and from gasoline-powered cars to electric vehicles.

The social component includes racial and gender equity, diversity training for employees, economic equity, and gun control. The governance component focus on how companies are run and includes racial and gender quotas for corporate boards, management, and staff, and—in the case of Exxon—putting green energy advocates on the board....

The ESG movement is a derivative of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). There are 17 SDGs in all, ranging from “no poverty, zero hunger, and good health” to “responsible consumption and production” and “peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development.”

In 2019, the World Economic Forum (WEF), an annual gathering of the world’s most powerful political and corporate leaders in Davos, Switzerland, signed a strategic partnership with the U.N. to advance the SDGs throughout the corporate sector. Led by founder and chairman, Klaus Schwab, the WEF issued the “Davos Manifesto 2020: The Universal Purpose of a Company in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”...

This concept is also called “stakeholder capitalism,” which has been endorsed by CEOs across the corporate world.... Stakeholder capitalism means that, instead of answering exclusively to shareholders, CEOs will focus on employees, the environment, and society at large....

In accordance with ESG principles, stakeholder-oriented banks like JPMorgan Chase refused to lend to oil drilling companies in Alaska. Delta Airlines, Coca Cola, and Major League Baseball fought against voter ID laws in Georgia that they claimed were racist... banks like Citibank restricted lending to the firearms industry. Credit card companies Visa, Mastercard, and American Express began tracking purchases from gun shops... PayPal went a step further and refused to allow its payment services to be used to buy guns or ammunition... Following ESG social criteria, Disney fought to repeal a Florida law that bans teaching of sexual topics to schoolchildren in Kindergarten through third grade....

ESG isn’t just an ideology; it’s also an industry. ESG investment funds and other assets have rapidly grown over the past decade to reach a current $55 trillion dollars worldwide. ESG assets are projected to grow to $100 trillion by 2025....

The main drivers of the ESG movement are Wall Street banks and investment funds, which control the capital for the world economy...


Is ESG Emerging as the Next CRT in Electoral Politics? by Emel Akan, Epoch Times, 17 October 2022.

Mutual Funds Are Using Your Money to Push ESG - We’re all social justice warriors now, American Spectator, 16 September 2022.

ESG Is Simply a Socialist Plot by a Group of ‘Corporate Elites,’ Disguised as Free Market, Epoch Times, 20 September 2022.

Socialist Investment Advisors, by Kenin M. Spivak, American Mind, 3 September 2022.

Entertainment Companies Start Dumping Woke Content As Viewership Tumbles, ZeroHedge, 7 August 2022.

ESG and Corporate Totalitarianism, by David Hoyt, American Thinker, 4 September 2022.

Disney's Awful Addiction to Grooming

"White Skin Privilege" - a Racist Idea - We are facing a totalitarian threat in the Democrat Party, by David Horowitz, FrontPage Mag, 25 January 2019.

Federal Reserve announces major ‘pilot exercise’ for ESG social credit score system - "Climate finance" is almost identical to that of the Chinese Communist Party's social credit score system, by Jordan Schachtel, The Dossier, 30 September 2022.

Kentucky Moves to Cut ESG Out of State Pensions, Townhall, 3 November 2022.

The WEF’s Stakeholder Capitalism Is Just Global Fascism By Another Name. Alt Market, 8 November 2022.

Why Black People are Overrepresented in Ads - Analysis of a phenomenon that's no longer possible to ignore, by Anthony Bavaria, The Carousel, 7 December 2022.

Understanding ESG Objectives And Goals In The Era Of Greenwashing, by Timothy M. Doyle via The Epoch Times, ZeroHedge, 23 December 2022.

Biden’s ESG Investment Rules Threaten Your Retirement Savings, by Stephen Moore, Taki's Magazine, 17 January 2023.

Video: ESG: Woke to Broke, Andy Puzder, PragerU 5-Minute Video, 18 October 2021.

The phoney ethics of ESG - Davos Man has a new fixation, by Ashley Rindsberg, UnHerd, 14 January 2023:

There is little doubt that ESG is a tool of the elite. It’s nominally aimed at constraining the excesses of globalised capitalism, but in effect it’s just as much a means of entrenching those excesses, codifying them in a moralistic power structure....

What’s certain is that ESG is here to stay. At Davos this year, perhaps the second-most discussed subject was the great wealth transfer taking place around the world — that is, money moving from the previous generation of families whose slogan was “preserve the capital” to the current generation of the ultra-wealthy whose priority is “preserve the planet”....

Biden’s First Veto Mandates Woke (ESG) Investing Of Our Retirement Savings, Geller Report, 21 March 2023.

5 minute Video: ESG: Woke to Broke, PragerU, 18 October 2021.

5 minute Video: The DEI Disaster, PragerU, 31 October 2022.