Fighting CRT in the Classroom

13 April 2022
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The following article discusses the importance of fighting critical race theory in the classroom.

Fighting CRT in the Classroom, by Kimberly Hermann and Braden Boucek, American Mind, 13 April 2022. Excerpts follow:

Further steps to take in getting politics out of our schools.

... in 2021, we find ourselves engaged in a pitched culture war to save our nation’s K-12 schools from curricula that teaches them to prioritize skin color, to distrust other racial groups, and that biological sex is a fiction that can be changed anytime....

Lifting the veil on noxious curricula is the first step to winning the battle for our kids and their future. We must expose what is taught and how school districts make their decisions. In our last piece, we detailed successful litigation strategies for battling woke education using the Constitution and Civil Rights Acts....

Hatch Act: Hatch Act laws restrict the political activities of government employees on work time. Violations can be punished by loss of position or even as crimes. Public employees receive relentless training about steering clear of the Hatch Act....

The Hatch Act generally prohibits government employees from engaging in political activity while on the job. The original Hatch Act was a federal law, but many states have their own versions... if you are a government employee, you should not be engaged in politics on taxpayer time.

Schools are government agencies staffed by public employees. They should be as politically neutral as any public workplace....

An Oregon school board is requiring every classroom to display a BLM flag. Some schools have an entire week devoted to honoring the Black Lives Matter organization.

BLM is a political and advocacy organization.... No governmental workplace, schools especially, should be promoting politics on the public’s dime. If a school sponsored a “GOP week,” it would run straight into the Hatch Act....

Teacher ethics: Many states set ethical standards for their teachers.... Time and again, we have seen race-obsessed educators push a woke ideology that is designed to shut down debate and crush political and religious resistance...

More on transparency: Government transparency laws (public records, open meetings) typically apply to exclusively public entities. However, many states’ public transparency laws are so broadly interpreted that they apply to private entities that have a public purpose....

The public is waking up to the reality that the educational class is not made up of neutral public servants.... Let’s teach them exactly who works for whom.


Marxism, BLM, and American gullibility

Fighting Back Against Critical Race Theory

Book: Splintered: Critical Race Theory and the Progressive War on Truth, by Jonathan Butcher, 2022.


Kids and government education


Critical Race theory and Marxism