The Name Should Have Been Enough

30 May 2024
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From the article 'Barack Hussein Obama': The Name Should Have Been Enough, by David Solway, PJ Media, 6 May 2024:

Some of what I deal with here may be found in a 2012 discussion of the subject, but in the light of current events, especially regarding Joe Biden’s devastating presidency, a revisit and update may be opportune...

What do we know of Joe Biden? We know he is a venal liar and a professional grifter... From his early days in government, he was a nasty piece of work, and today he is a puddle of neural sludge.

We know that Biden is not in charge of his party or domestic and foreign policy. We know he is a mere puppet...

A man with a spotty record, a controversial digital birth certificate, and a career, academic and otherwise, in which some critical documentation seems to be missing or sealed, should never have been a viable candidate for the presidency. No less disturbing, a man with a name like Barrack Hussein Obama with its Islamic vibe and dramatic otherness... should never have been vaulted into the Oval Office without prior scrutiny...

A man whose belief in American exceptionalism is oddly qualified as something no different from belief in British or Greek exceptionalism is not presidential material...

A man who... deceitfully claiming in his Cairo speech that "Islam has always been a part of America's story" and that "since our founding, American Muslims have enriched the United States" is living up to his name. Of course, Islam did figure in the history of the United States - one thinks of the Barbary Wars against Muslim pirates prosecuted by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison between 1801 and 1815...

As Roger Kimball wrote, the most serious question about Obama is "who he really is and where his true allegiance lies."...

Matt Margolis and Mark Noonan conclude their 2018 volume "The Worst President in History" by reminding the next generation that they "will have to pay for the mistake of electing Obama twice," that they will need to "reject the regressive, failed ideas still promulgated by the left,"...

As for Joe Biden... he is not, as I once argued, the worst president in American history, for he is not the real president at all. Barack Hussein Obama is...


Leftism - a Hegelian spiral toward Marxism


He's The One Behind Everything
Spiraling toward collapse - Victor Davis Hanson
 power, race, and class