Why Now?

4 February 2023

Unending mass immigration is being foisted on Western nations around the world. Why now?

James Kirkpatrick asks this question in his 3 February 2023 VDare article, Why Now? All The West’s Ruling Classes Are Suddenly Enabling Invasion. Excerpts follow:

Across the white West—Spain, France, Ireland, England, and of course, the United States—illegal aliens are swarming across borders in numbers that constitute nothing less than an invasion. And though a shot won’t be fired, the consequences will be indistinguishable from military conquest. Meanwhile, the Ruling Classes do nothing to stop them. Indeed, they attack those who would stop our suicidal invade-the-world-invite-the-world foreign policy as the real enemies...

The question: why. Why are the Ruling Classes in all these countries simply allowing their countries to be invaded, as VDARE’s Patrick Cleburne asked, at the same time? The only possible answer: The Great Replacement requires a multi-front, coordinated attack....


Border agents encountered more than 250,000 illegals just last month, more people than Russia used to invade Ukraine. In the first three months of fiscal 2023, the figure was a mind-numbing 717,660... Joe Biden is refusing to enforce immigration law, and instead paroling them into the interior. He even plans to legalize illegals before they leave their own countries!...


In Spain, a Moroccan killed a church worker and injured a priest with a machete while yelling “Allahu Akbar” [The uncomfortable truth about Spain’s latest terror attack, by Jorge Gonzalez Gallarza, Unherd, February 1, 2023].... Almost 12 percent of those in the country are foreigners, while the native Spanish population is actually declining...


France also faces “out-of-control” immigration, but Emmanuel Macron defeated Marine Le Pen, so he won’t do anything to stop it... Moreover, the damage has been done: a third of the French population under 60 has immigrant ancestry...


Britain’s Conservative Party seems utterly determined to destroy itself and the union... From June 2021 to June 2022, 1.1 million "migrants" arrived in the United Kingdom, 66 percent of them, or 704,000, from non-EU countries ...


Even the Irish, who fought for freedom for centuries, face an existential threat more dangerous than even Oliver Cromwell...

The Irish Government’s "Project 2040" says the population will grow by 1 million to 5.5 million by then. Mass immigration certainly won’t help the government meet "our responsibility to future generations of Irish men and Irish women"—because the immigrants aren’t Irish....

Yet the issue remains and is moving to the fore in every Western country. We have the same foes, the same problems, and ultimately, will share the same destiny....


The Strange Death of Europe and the Strange Decay of America

Three excellent books by Douglas Murray: