Colorado's governor sure likes to pretend he's a libertarian

Article author: 
C.S. Boddie
Article publisher: 
American Thinker
Article date: 
28 September 2022
Article category: 
Colorado News
Article Body: 

... On his campaign website, Polis claims to be "expanding our freedoms" in Colorado.  Recently, Reason Magazine published a story that claimed that Polis might be the most libertarian governor in America.

 Apparently, John Caldera, president of I.I., finds that claim very funny, hence the party in honor of Polis.

 Also, Brandon Wark published a column on the website Free State Colorado about Polis and his claims to be for freedom.  Writes Wark, "Jared Polis's behavior as Governor of Colorado may be the most destructive of any politician in recent history.  Hiding behind a false portrayal as a libertarian, Polis is at best dishonest, and at worst delusional."...

The Independence Institute is serious about a libertarian approach to public policy and governance.  Jared Polis appears to be serious only about getting re-elected.  He may also be serious about being Mighty Mouse for the Democrat party and saving the day in 2024, but he doesn't really care about the majority of Coloradoans.  He is not libertarian, and he is not giving Colorado voters money; that was the taxpayer bill of rights (TABOR) that did that.  Polis just jumped on its coattails and pretended to be a good guy, not a lying politician.

Whether I'll attend the party or not, I don't know, but I do know I'm voting for Heidi Ganahl for governor.