Lesson Of Trump #1

Article author: 
Article date: 
24 January 2021
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

... From the perspective of political psychology, the world all of us inhabit today is a vastly different one from the world of 2015.... In the before times, politics was all shades of gray, while today it is in black and white.

An obvious example is Conservative Inc. The Obama years were tough for those rackets, as it became clear to many conservative people that these guys cared more about how the Left thought of them than in advancing their issues....
Probably the biggest change, one we see evolving in front of our eyes as the military is called in to install The Pretender, is that the parties are a fiction. Until very recent, most dissidents thought the way forward was to work through the two-party system and get “our guys” into office....
The reason all these efforts failed is the party system is a fiction. The core of each party holds the same opinions on the important issues. They are bankrolled by the same collection of billionaires and international interests....
... it is finally dawning on dissidents that what motivates the Cloud People is not what motivates the Dirt People. For generations, the Right insisted that the Left is driven by the same logic as everyone else. This was always false, and part of the long con played on the public. This is, in part, why conservatives lost every battle in the culture war. The people on the other side of the barricades, celebrating their victory over us, are not us and they do not think like us....
The Cloud People are not motivated by greed or a lust for power. They have those things. They are motivated by a sense of identity that starts with a hatred of the Dirt People. Their sense of self begins with not being anything like the people over whom they rule. This is why they hated Trump. He was an intruder from the other side injected into their world....
Countdown to Oligarchy, by Fred Elbel, CAIRCO, January 23, 2021:
Those who view American politics as a contest between presidential personalities and a conflict between opposing political parties are missing the bigger picture. The division of power - and thus the battle - is between the ruling elite and the American people. While government is always organized as a top-down enterprise of centralized power, the aggregation of government power has visibly increased in recent years.
America began to transition from a Constitutional Republic to oligarchic rule quite a number of years ago....