Unprecedented - Western civilization at the crossroads

Article subtitle: 
On the novelty of our cultural predicament.
Article author: 
Michael Anton
Article publisher: 
The New Criterion
Article date: 
5 December 2021
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

A long but excellent article.

The theme is “Western civilization at the crossroads.” Far be it from me to doubt that the West is on the precipice of something enormous....

I am forced to admit that our times are marked by so many unprecedented trends and events that making predictions seems foolhardy....

In Rome’s case, its government formally made the transition from republic to empire after a long expansion that bloated the treasury, increased the size and power of the military, concentrated wealth in the hands of a few who controlled not just the economy but the government, and impoverished ordinary citizens....

America has yet formally to transform (if it ever will) from republic to empire. Yet in all important respects, our country is no longer a republic, much less a democracy, but rather a kind of hybrid corporate-administrative oligarchy....

Cycle theory predicts that every more or less good regime—whether monarchy, aristocracy, or democracy—falls when it inevitably becomes overbearing and odious. Thus do monarchies degenerate into tyrannies, which are replaced by aristocracies that decay into oligarchies, which are overthrown by democracies that descend into mob-rule or even anarchy. In that case, we should expect our present oligarchy, sooner or later, to give way to democracy.

While that possibility cannot be dismissed out of hand, the prospect seems laughable...

More fundamentally, classic cycle theory presupposes an ethnically, linguistically, and religiously unified people...

... the United States has not merely abandoned but utterly repudiated the traditional understanding of assimilation, which is now denounced by all elite opinion as “racist” and evil. Not only does no American institution encourage (much less demand) assimilation, they all foment the opposite. Immigrants to America are exhorted to embrace their native cultures and taught that the country to which they’ve chosen to immigrate is the worst in world history, whose people and institutions are intent on harming them, and that their own cultures are infinitely superior. In this respect, one supposes, immigrants are encouraged to “assimilate”—to the anti-Americanism of the average Oberlin professor.

Be that as it may, no nation in recorded history has ever willingly opened its doors to millions of immigrants only to insist that they must never adapt to the traditional ways of their new country—indeed, insisting that they forever remain as foreign as the day they arrived...

Precise numbers are hard to come by, but if we count immigrants legal and illegal plus all their direct descendants, then something like a hundred million newcomers have arrived in America since 1965....

The “Great Replacement” is happening, not just in America but throughout the West....

The Carthaginians cast living children into furnaces to satiate their (false) god Baal; we sacrifice our children’s mental heath and adult futures to appease our false god Woki. Plus ça change?...

All that came before must be swept aside and destroyed with extreme prejudice, on a rolling basis.... Our overlords... insist on changing everything and will not stop until everything familiar is gone....