From Kids to Comrades

Article subtitle: 
Neo-Marxists are Communizing your children
Article author: 
Kelli Buzzard
Article publisher: 
American Mind
Article date: 
19 November 2021
Article category: 
Our American Future
Article Body: 

... The Department of Justice targets parents for challenging the school’s racialist curriculum. Police officers arrest a dad after he exposes that his daughter was raped in her school’s bathroom by a boy in a skirt. A politician declares, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” These scenarios reveal the perverted logic and revolutionary aims of a new Bolshevik Revolution....

Supported by the imperial German government at war with his country, the young Vladimir Lenin applied the principles of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’s Communist Manifesto to his homeland... What resulted was a dissolution of the very notion of privacy. The Party policed every aspect of life, down to one’s thoughts....

But make no mistake: the rationale behind Bolshevism has reached American shores, primarily in the form of our radical education philosophy...

Like their ideological forebears, American radicals know too that kids play a unique role in the revolution. These “critical theorists” are disciples of radical philosophers like György Lukács, who served as Deputy Commissar for Culture in the provisional Hungarian Soviet Republic of 1919. Under his teaching, they strategically target our youth....

Once the Hungarian Soviet revolution fizzled, Lukács emigrated to Germany. There, he helped found the Frankfurt School, the propaganda center of neo-Marxist ideology during the last century, as well as the training ground for modern American leftists....

Hungary today stands tall as a free nation that, sadly, once gave rise to the likes of György Lukács but also bravely endured over 40 years of Soviet domination. As such, it is a country immune to the siren call of Communism, however faint....

Last summer, the administration passed legislation aimed at protecting Hungary’s kids from hyper-sexualization by prohibiting the dissemination of pornography and the promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism in public schools. It also defined fathers as male and mothers and women....

In America, we are suffering an authoritarian moment... Together, we must work to decouple the private from the public. 


Soul Monitors, by Emina Melonic, American Mind, December 6, 2021:
COVID has accelerated the transformation of our education system into a mini-totalitarian state.
The American educational system has been infected by the tyranny of mediocrity for decades....

But the strange use of critical race theory as a pedagogical cudgel, the relentless enforcement of mask mandates for children, and the push to vaccinate kids against COVID-19 have led us into that position.

This is a serious fight, and there are no just comparisons to other totalitarian systems that can describe our current situation. Having grown up in socialist Yugoslavia, I can say with firm belief and knowledge that what is going on right now is far worse...

Critical race theory as pedagogy, forced mask wearing, and vaccines are expressions of a regime that is attempting to do one thing: eradicate singularity and freedom of the individual. What we are witnessing is a metaphysical takeover of students’ minds and souls, and now even their bodies...

Part of this mission is to place burdens on children. Take, for example, environmentalism. This has become a complete ideology dependent on raw fear....