Paralegal: direct advice on how to handle issues related to vaxx mandates - video

Article CAIRCO note: 
An excellent talk on personal freedom
Article publisher: 
Vlad Tepes Blog
Article date: 
15 November 2021
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

This in particular is for people dealing workplace related vaxx mandates. Its well presented.



Opposition is growing to un-American vaccine mandate, by Jeff Crouere, November 15, 2021:

... Regardless of whether the number of hospitalized patients or virus-related deaths is increasing or decreasing, the corrupt elite need the pandemic to continue. Of course, American citizens in the grips of fear of COVID-19 are easier to control and manipulate.

The Biden administration is intent on forcing mandates on the nation, despite the economic cost. Already, our economy is suffering from the Biden administration’s horrific mismanagement. The country is facing soaring inflation, increasing gasoline prices, foreign energy dependence and a wide-open border with a massive surge of millions of people pouring into the country.
Instead of dealing with the country’s real problems and offering useful solutions, the Biden administration continues to focus on its favorite issues: vaccine mandates and climate change action. No matter what issue develops, the Biden administration finds opportunities to advocate for more vaccine compliance and more green energy “solutions” to the “crisis” of climate change....
The mantra, “my body, my choice” should apply to vaccines. In this country, medical privacy should be the guaranteed right of every American citizen. Whether we take a COVID-19 vaccine or not should be no one’s business, especially the federal government. These actions are hallmarks of communist dictatorships, not a 245-year-old constitutional republic like the United States of America....
There’s NO case for “vaccinating” children…& the FDA meeting proves it Figures and statements from the recent FDA advisory board meeting totally destroy any argument for jabbing kids, by Kit Knightly, Off-Guardian, October 30, 2021.

Compelling Perspectives on Politicization of the China Virus

The CDC Can’t Prove a SINGLE Instance of a Naturally Immune Individual Spreading COVID, American Greatness, November 15, 2021.