Stunning 10 Million Illegals Have Entered US Under Biden - Harris

Article subtitle: 
Tucker Warns They Are "Destroying" The Country
Article publisher: 
Article date: 
2 March 2024
Article category: 
National News
Article Body: 

A record 7.3 million illegal aliens have crossed the southwest border under... Biden's watch, a number which according to Fox greater than the population of 36 individual states.

That figure is sourced from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which has already reported 961,537 Southwest land border encounters in the current fiscal year, which runs from October through September, and if the current pace of illegal immigration does not slow down, fiscal year 2024 will break last year's record of 2,475,669 southwest border encounters — a number that by itself exceeds the population of New Mexico.

The total number of southwest land border encounters since Biden assumed office in 2021 is 7,298,486, CBP data shows...

In fact, the only states that are not in danger of being "replaced" are the blue ones...

Compared to the largest U.S. states, the 7.3 million number is about 18.7% of California's population of 39 million, 23.9% of the state of Texas and its 31 million residents, 32.3% of the population of Florida and 37.3% of New York...

As Fox News graphically describes, were the number of illegal immigrants who entered the United States under... Biden gathered together to found a city, it would be the second-largest city in America after New York...

Taken together, over 10 million migrants have crossed into the U.S. illegally during the Biden administration, a record Biden's critics assert could only be achieved by intentionally refusing to enforce the law...

"The administration has refused to enforce existing immigration law and taken every opportunity to aid and abet illegal border crossings — through policies such as catch-and-release, mass parole, and offering temporary work permits to tens of thousands of foreigners who make dubious claims for asylum," Ruark told Fox News Digital. "In actual effect, the United States government is completing the human smuggling and trafficking process for the Mexican cartels."...


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Supreme Court Allows Texas Deportation Law in Biden Loss, Bloomberg, 19 March 2024.


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"We have rescinded so many Trump immigration policies, it would take so much time to list them!" - Biden DHS Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas (9/23/21)


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