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Quick facts on population and immigration
The singular century of abundant energy
The Fall 2019 Social Contract final issue is online
Snopes is for Dopes
Fertility and Population Momentum
The Sierra Club lost its way
How Sierrans for U.S. Population Stabilization (SUSPS) Advised Congress in 2001 - An historical perspective followed by the official testimony
Population decline is far from catastrophic
China, fearing India, abandons population stabilization
Review of America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations
Learn more about political correctness
The hard lessons that they don't teach you at Indoctrination U.
America's Bald Eagle In The Coal Mine
The population conundrum
Population and Immigration Data, Projections and Graphs - Colorado
How many humans can the Earth support? - 7.5 billion and counting
The Progressive Case for Reducing Immigration
The United States Population and Immigration - Testimony to the 107th Congress of the United States, House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Immigration and Claims, August 2, 2001
The Declining Fertility of Immigrants and Natives
Immigration, Population Growth, and the Environment
Video: Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, and Civilization
Exponential Growth: What It Means To Your Future in America
Conquest via demographics and overpopulation
The Exogenous Moral Orientation of Shape-Shifting Lizards
Population and Immigration Data, Projections and Graphs - United States
The Vatican's role in the destruction of American political will to deal with overpopulation
Are We trying to Commit Suicide in America?
Overshoot and the work of William R. Catton Jr.
Sierra Club is Hostile to America
When Liberals Were For Sensible Policies on the Environment, Immigration, and Advancing the National Interest - the Social Contract Winter 2019 issue
Earth Day 2015 - Missing the Mark
Podcast: The Overpopulation Problem with Leon Kolankiewicz
Statue of Liberty Declares: STOP IMMIGRATION!
Please submit EIS comments on immigration and population by August 20!
Has America Become Too Big to Solve Our Problems?
Video: Catherine Austin Fitts connects economics to Covid tyranny
The Population Aspect: video
Why did the environmental movement retreat from the immigration - population - environment connection?
New Social Contract issue explores executive amnesty and vanishing resources
Population stabilization: an integral component of Earth Day
The Laughable Loony Left Looses It - The Marxists' Missive About Mollusks
European Survival and the World's Most Important Graph
Of Wolves and Woke
A bit of history on illegal aliens and census counts - with a leftist spin
African Cardinal Slams Mass Migration: The West Will Disappear If It Continues In This Fatal Way
Visualizing Changing World Population
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