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American Populism Through the Ages
Trump's people-first platform is consistent, not inconsistent, with American history

It has been often said the ultimate value of conservatism and populism is to question authority, to question the status quo, and to move away from corrupting “bigness” and move back toward the citizenry. Sometimes the Democratic Party runs against the corrupt status quo, as did FDR, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack...

Top 100 most damaging Wikileaks
Most Damaging Wikileaks

"The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it."  - George Orwell

The Top 100 Most Damaging Wikileaks (so far)

This list contains titles, links of proof, quotes from the links, and commentary from Reddit. These are just SOME of the thousands of leaks exposing Hillary...

Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens
Trump may have won popular vote

Three million votes in the U.S. presidential election were cast by illegal aliens, according to Greg Phillips of the organization.

If true, this would mean that Donald Trump still won the contest despite widespread vote fraud and almost certainly won the popular vote.

“We have verified more than...

Dear Democrats: Here Is Why You Lost
Daily Caller

Behold. The end of the 2016 presidential election...

The victor is Donald J. Trump, a businessman and television personality from New York City, in an extraordinary upset with little, if any, historical precedent...

In light of the foregoing, if you are Democrat, you are likely asking yourself: what...

Dear Foreign Friends, Here’s Why Trump Won (From A Clevelander)

... So many toxic individuals said that I and tens of millions of other people were “racists”, “fascists”, and “white supremacists” just because we’ve been publicly sharing our observations over the past year and a half that Trump’s rhetoric and platform represent the desires of many Americans, but we held our ground and...

Growth of Foreign-Born Population Surges as U.S. Economy Recovers
Negative Population Growth

Summary and Introduction

Census projections proclaim that, with Americans’ fertility falling and deaths soon to begin rising, immigration – not natural increase – will become the principal driver of U.S. population growth as early as 2023 (Rubenstein, 2016).

A September 2014 Census projection estimated that,...

Donald Trump Wins Constitutional Mandate as Democrats Bet on Anarchy

American voters on November 8 gave Donald Trump a constitutional mandate to govern the country, a message rejected and challenged immediately by the same forces that hate constitutional limitations of any kind.

Anyone who expected the left to cooperate with President-elect Trump has not been paying attention......

Mexican consulates: 'We will defend firmly the rights of Mexican citizens' in U.S.
Orange County Register

Donald Trump said this week that he has three front-burner priorities when he gets into office in late January -- job creation, revoking at least some elements of Obamacare, and cracking down on undocumented immigrants.

“We're looking very strongly at immigration,” Trump told reporters covering his first visit to the...

Metro State Professor: Trump Can Change A Lot Without Approval

A political science professor at Metro State University in Denver says although President-Elect Donald Trump will need Congressional approval for some of his goals, he can deliver a number of promises with a stroke of a pen ...

Trump’s planned crackdown on illegal immigration could become a reality.

“Up to a...

Trump Landslide: Electoral Votes Map

State and county voting map for the 2016 election (as of November 11, 2016):



The above map is available as an interactive map showing US presidential election results by county, 1952-2016 - see the article A country divided by counties, The Economist, November 11, 2016.

The unbearable smugness of the press
CBS News

The mood in the Washington press corps is bleak, and deservedly so.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that, with a few exceptions, we were all tacitly or explicitly #WithHer...  More than that and more importantly, we also missed the story, after having spent months mocking the people who had a better sense...

George Soros likely funding the Trump protests just as he funded Ferguson
D.C. Clothesline

As riots and protests rage through the streets of America, the question has to be asked:

Does someone behind the scenes want to see civil war in the United States?

...There’s a lot of evidence that someone is funding these protests...

Just a little background: this has been going on since the...

Video: Coulter: Election of Trump about Globalism vs. Nationalism
US Defense Watch

Bestselling author and early Trump advocate Ann Coulter appeared on ‘Good Morning Britain’ shortly after the Republican candidate officially won the presidency.

“It was entirely predictable, that’s why lots of us did predict it,” she said about Trump’s victory.

“It is all part of the same thing,” Coulter said...

Video: George Soros Front Groups Connected To Anti-Trump Riots
The Daily Sheeple

Tens of thousands of demonstrations and riots have been raging in major cities across the country for the past three days since Donald Trump’s election to the presidency, and as it turns out, some of  these anti-Trump riots were sponsored by a George Soros front group and allied organizations.

In a 2007 email from...

What Donald Trump’s Victory Means for the Mainstream Media
American Thinker

After a long night that ended up with a clear Trump victory, I think it’s safe enough to say that, from now on, there are going to be some radical changes in the relationship between the American people and Mainstream Media (MSM).

Here there are the following 15 talking points that should be considered (in a random...

Identity Politics in America: An Obama Administration Post-Mortem

... After denigrating millions of Trump supporters as “deplorable” and “irredeemable” earlier this year, Clinton then unctuously confessed on election eve: “I regret deeply how angry the tone of the campaign became.”

Note the classic textbook employment of the passive voice to evade personal responsibility.

American Uprising - Everything is about to change.
Front Page Magazine

 This wasn’t an election. It was a revolution.

It’s midnight in America. The day before fifty million Americans got up and stood in front of the great iron wheel that had been grinding them down. They stood there even though the media told them it was useless. They took their stand even while all the chattering...

Donald Trump's 10 point plan on immigration
Donald Trump
Donald Trump's Vision
Prioritize the jobs, wages and security of the American people. Establish new immigration controls to boost wages and to ensure that open jobs are offered to American workers first. Protect the economic well-being of the lawful immigrants already living here by curbing uncontrolled...
This Election Had Nothing to Do with White People Wanting Their Country Back on the Basis of Race
American Renaissance

RUSH: Did you hear what Van Jones said? I have a question. I’m sure this question is gonna be controversial as it can be, but I’m gonna ask it anyway. Van Jones at CNN . . . We even have the audio sound bite. Let me find this. I didn’t know . . . Number eight. Listen to Van Jones. He is the resident communist–well (chuckles...

Video: The Clintons: how Putin grabbed a fifth of all US uranium
D.C. Clothesline

Update: The Times has verified that Hillary’s uranium transfer to Russia represented, at the time, a projected 50% of all U.S. uranium output (as referenced below).

No. It couldn’t be. It’s unbelievable. It’s too insane. Nobody could get away with a crime like this.

But it’s true. And the Clintons have...

Video: Obama Encourages Illegals to Vote, Says They Won't Get Caught
Information Liberation

This is surreal.

Barack Obama just told Hispanic activist group "Mitú" illegals don't have to be fearful of voting.

While speaking with Obama on Friday, Mitú's Gina Rodriguez said: "Many of the millennials, DREAMers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country --...

Map: Gang territory in Los Angeles, a mature Sanctuary City

Here is a map of gang territory in Los Angeles, a mature Sanctuary City:



See more gang maps.

Only one presidential candidate - Donald Trump has committed to eliminating Sanctuary Cities.



CAIRCO Research

Sanctuary Cities in Colorado and the Sanctuary...

The Votes Are In - The Media Lost the Election

The Fourth Estate enjoys no special immunity from the law of diminishing returns.

The louder Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper, and Andrea Mitchell scold voters for daydreaming of committing heresies against democracy in the voting booth on November 8, the firmer viewers press that internal mute button in their minds. A...

The plot thickens: Clinton Cartel death list and scandals

It seems that every day, Wikileaks reveals more emails that reflect the true - and questionable - character of the Hillary Clinton. Just when you think there can't be anything else to reveal, there is. Here are two expository articles by World Net Daily:

Clinton death list: 33 spine-tingling cases - Bill and...

It’s the Supreme Court, Stupid!

[Originally published August 27, 2016]

In the early days of Bill Clinton’s campaign to oust President George Herbert Walker Bush from the White House in 1992, his campaign strategists concocted a slogan that defined Bush as a failure and set the guardrails for the Democrats’ entire campaign: “It’...

Border Surge Brings Wave of Gang Violence in New York! MS-13 machete attacks, scalpings, other violent crimes

The surge of unaccompanied minors from Central America at the U.S.-Mexican border has caused more than administrative headaches — it is bringing gang violence to the American heartland, an immigration researcher said Friday.

The Center for Immigration Studies, which favors lower levels of immigration, released a pair...

I Own A Ranch In Arizona - Illegal Aliens Are Destroying The Land And Killing The Livestock
lawsuit filed by the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) in the US District Court for the Southern District of California against the DHS
Independent Journal Review

What was once a tranquil, pristine cattle ranch of 10,000 acres near the U.S./Mexican border is in serious trouble. The Davis cattle ranch – in our family since 1867 – has been overwhelmed by a constant flow of illegal alien border crossings and people who are turning the land into a very stressful, sometimes dangerous...

Taxpayer Costs of Criminal Aliens in Colorado Jails and Prisons
Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform

The unreimbursed cost to Colorado taxpayers in 2015 was over $68 million for Colorado Department of Corrections alone, plus an equal or greater amount for the 35 county jails. This is particularly important when Colorado's Governor says we have a $500 million shortfall in the budget for 2017.

See the new

Secrecy abounds as Unaccompanied Alien Children arrive in massive numbers again, on par with 2014!
Refugee Resettlement Watch

No surprise! Election year silence about invasion at our Southern Border, as they make a mad dash for America before Trump is elected!

In 2014 it was wall-to-wall media coverage of the run on our southern border by what turned out to be mostly teenage boys from Central America. The country was stunned that year as...

Video: Under Hillary Clinton Presidency, U.S. Muslim Population Would Exceed France’s by 2024

If Hillary Clinton’s expansionist immigration policies were put into effect, the U.S. Muslim population could exceed France’s current Muslim population by the end of a President Clinton’s second term, according to data from Pew Research and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

The Muslim population of France...

Biggest Threat to 2016 Election Is Illegal Alien Voting
J. Christian Adams explains the threat

J. Christian Adams of the Election Law Center and the Public Interest Legal Foundation and author of the book Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department explains that the Biggest Threat to 2016 Election Is Illegal Alien Voting:

... Adams warned that “the Left has created structural edifices...

Media bias: Ann Coulter makes some good points
Ann Coulter: My Final Argument for Trump: Humiliate the Media!

CAIRCO note: in her article, Ann Coulter presents 13 instances of blatantly biased reporting against Donald Trump by the mainstream media. While Coulter makes a pretty solid case for voting for Trump, the points she raises stand as shining examples of mainstream media bias.

For every argument the media make against...

Video: Biggest Election Fraud In History Discovered In The United States
Vote fraud expert Bev Harris exposes electronic voting machines
D.C. Clothesline

Shocking video reveals secret software designed to rig elections.

Vote fraud expert Bev Harris exposes electronic voting machines.

Okay. She finally did it. On Monday, Bev Harris (, the great investigator of vote fraud, appeared on the Alex Jones show and laid it all out. The GEMS vote-fraud...

A concise comparison of Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump on eight key issues
Hillary vs. The Donald: What the news media avoids telling the American people
Conservative Base

Here are the big election cycle political issues and Donald Trump's and Hillary Clinton's positions on what each wants to see and make happen, according to political analysts John Porter, James Kouri, John Snyder and others who've contributed their analysis to Conservative Base. The news media — according to its own email...

What could happen now that the FBI has reopened its investigation on Hillary Clinton?

Here are some thoughts on how the FBI reinvestigation could play out. It's not at all cut and dried at this point:

Will Barack Obama Delay Or Suspend The Election If Hillary Is Forced Out By The New FBI Email Investigation?, by Michael Snyder, October 29, 2016:

Just when it looked like Hillary Clinton was...

One new Immigrant for Every two U.S. Births in 2015

New government data shows 1.6 million legal and illegal immigrants settled in the United States during 2014, up 40 percent since President Barack Obama was inaugurated in 2009.

The government data, which was publicized by the Center for Immigration Studies, also showed 914,000 immigrants in the first six months of...

Increasing number of migrants from around the world making way to US border
Fox News

Arrest data from the Homeland Security Department reported that an increasing number of people from around the globe have tried to sneak in the U.S. among the hundreds of thousands of other, mostly Latin American migrants caught at the Mexican border within the last year.

More than 8,000 people from different...

47 new middle-America cities targeted for Islamic Mideast resettlement
Coming by 2019! Sweden will sink under this load as family reunification ramps up
Refugee Resettlement Watch

Invasion of Europe news….

Sweden is my guess for the first European country to completely implode with the burden of needy Middle Eastern and African refugees (it has been my choice for years).  Although, I admit, Germany (larger and wealthier) is working hard to catch up with Sweden.

The 5 Biggest Revelations About Hillary Clinton From WikiLeaks


1) Hillary Got Multiple Debate Questions In Advance: Debates are inevitably unfair for the Republican candidate in a presidential race because liberal members of the media try to slant their questions to help the Democrat. In Hillary’s case, we now know she received multiple questions in advance. The most...

Syrian refugee numbers to soar in Nevada in FY2017; cheap labor needed!
Refugee Resettlement Watch

We learned about the Syrian numbers soaring yesterday from Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart.

His story is here. If you live in Nevada you need to read this!

We’ve told you about the new resettlement office in Reno on several occasions.

We were fortunate to have an advance copy of the R & P...

Video: Trump rally and Clinton rally October 29

In a recent CAIRCO alert, we asked you to send us photos of Trump and Clinton rallys today, October 29, 2016. We actually found live streams on the internet. Here they are:


Video: Donald Trump rally in Golden Colorado, October 29, 2016:

Donald Trump begins speaking at 2:27:00. Prior to...

The Visual Guide to Disputing Media Polling
American Thinker

To believe recent mainstream media polling releases, one would have to suspend reality enough to believe that John Podesta's email leaks, the ongoing Project Veritas video series, a world on fire, and new revelations about Obamacare are driving the public to embrace Hillary Clinton as never before.  Things are apparently so...

Media Bias Is One Thing; Its Complicity Is Another

... talk about allegations against Trump all you want, but don't use them as a license for Clinton's misconduct, and don't always try to besmirch the character of people seeking accountability from the Clintons by saying they are indifferent to women's claims against Trump.

I'm not indifferent to those claims, but I'...

29 of Hillary's scandals: The early years
Jack Cashill offers chronology spanning 1969-2001
World Net Daily

...1969 – Debut: Hillary speaks at Wellesley graduation, insults Edward Brooke, Senate’s lone black member.

1973 – Watergate committee: Says Chief Counsel Jerry Zeifman of Hillary’s performance, “She was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House...

VIDEO: 'Hillary's America' is already here
And it's spreading rapidly across the U.S.

They call it “culture shift.” Places, in America, that no longer look or feel like America.

Cedar Riverside in Minneapolis fits the bill, with its large Somali community known as “Little Mogadishu,” as does and Hamtramck, Michigan, where the Islamic call to prayer is shouted over loudspeakers and the local city...

Feds: 275,000 born to illegals in one year, would fill city the size of Orlando
The Examiner

Moms in the United States illegally gave birth to 275,000 babies in 2014, enough birthright U.S. citizens to fill a city the size of Orlando, Florida, according to an analysis of data from the National Center for Health Statistics.

The data showed that newborns to illegals accounted for 7 percent of all births in...

Investigation Finds People Voting Twice
CBS4 Colorado

An ongoing CBS4 voter fraud investigation has uncovered a dozen cases where Coloradans are suspected of voting twice. Previous CBS4 Investigations revealed ballots cast in the names of Coloradans who had been dead for months– sometimes years- before votes were cast in their names.

In six of the new cases, voting...

E-Verify shuts down illegal immigration's magnet
The Hill

Ten years ago today, President George W. Bush signed into law the Secure Fence Act, a bill requiring the kind of 700-mile partition on our southern border so controversially called for by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

The mandate to build double-layered fencing, which was designed to stop...

Soros makes big move in Colorado as left-wing cash pummels down-ballot candidates
The Complete Colorado

... New York hedge fund tycoon George Soros has dramatically escalated his involvement in the battle for control of the state legislature, reinforcing the efforts of other left-wing groups and donors – including California billionaire Tom Steyer – in Colorado’s down-ballot races this year.

Immigrant Voters Win CO,...

Video Sting 3 part series: Voter Fraud and Democrats’ Effort to Incite Violence at Trump Rallies

Part 1 of the series:

Democrats have used trained provocateurs to instigate violence at Republican events nationwide throughout the 2016 election cycle, including at several Donald Trump rallies, using a tactic called “bird-dogging,” according to a new video investigation released Monday by James O’Keefe’s Project...

Timely WikiLeaks Email Highlights Deception Within "Media Polling"
Conservative Treehouse / Last Refuge

... WikiLeaks reveals an internal communication within the Clinton camp that also discusses “media polling” and provides an extensive attachment to an archived Atlas Project political polling research memo.

[We have formatted into a pdf for your review]

The combination of the two events provides an...

The political establishment elite versus We the People
10 big facts a voter must ignore to support Hillary
World Net Daily

... WikiLeaks emails are being downplayed in the media as “yet to be authenticated,” but since not one has been proven inauthentic, the emails are almost certainly genuine. Additionally, the Clinton media are trying to make the case that they believe Russian hackers are responsible for the email hacks, so the emails somehow...

Video: Trump's Long Path To The White House Based On Patriotism, Not Power
VDare's John Derbyshire plucked a striking passage - a philosophical and personal highlight - from Donald Trump's speech in Florida last Thursday, October 13:

This is our moment of reckoning as a society and as a civilization itself. I didn't need to do this, folks, believe me - believe me. I built a great...

Video: Donald Trump Gettysburg speech: 28 action items
Breitbart / Right Side Broadcasting Network

Video: Donald Trump's Gettysburg speech, October 22, 2016. Forward to 1:35:55 when Donald Trump's speech begins.


Here is a link to the video starting at 1:35:55.




28 Things Donald Trump Promises to Do as President, Breitbart, October 22, 2016:...

Prof. John Banzhaf: Yes, the Election Can Be Rigged

...Election computers have already been hacked, other hacking has resulted in the release of documents quite capable of affecting the election, both federal and state officials are taking steps aimed a preventing such interference, and a few professors and others have shown how easily such an event could occur.


Sen. Sessions: Obama Keeps 182,761 Convicted Foreign Criminals in United States

Roughly 180,000 foreign criminals with court-approved removal orders are still living in the United States because President Barack Obama’s administration is not trying to send them home, says a new Senate report.

Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions hit the administration Wednesday for allowing other countries to...

Video: Third presidential candidate debate fact check - guess who's lying?
Big fat lies Hillary told during the final presidential debate

Video: 5 Big Fat Lies Hillary Told at the Final Presidential Debate, Daily Sheeple, October 21, 2016:



Fact-Check: No, the Clinton Foundation Did Not ‘Spend Ninety Percent’ of Money Donated on ‘Programs’, Breitbart, October 19, 2016:

... Peter Schweizer, president of...

Lawsuit Charges Environmental Impacts of High Legal, Illegal Immigration Ignored
Immigration Reform Law Institute

Whitewater Draw Natural Resource Conservation District
U.S. Department of Homeland Security


The Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) filed this lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for ignoring our nation’s preeminent environmental law, the...

A Record 64.7 Million in U.S. Spoke a Foreign Language at Home in 2015
The number has doubled since 1990, tripled since 1980
Center for Immigration Studies

An analysis of newly released Census Bureau data by the Center for Immigration Studies shows explosive growth in the number of U.S. residents five years of age and older who speak a language other than English at home. In 2015 a record 64.7 million U.S. residents spoke a foreign language at home – up 5.2 million since 2010...

Family Units Entering U.S. Via Mexico Doubles, Unaccompanied Minors Up 52%
Judicial Watch

While the nation is absorbed with presidential election theatrics, the Obama administration continues letting huge amounts of illegal [alien] immigrants to pour in through the southern border and the latest figures released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are incredibly chilling. The number of family units...

Obama Voter Fraud In Colorado

I have been working my way through the John Podesta emails that were released by Wikileaks. They provide an interesting look behind the scenes of the Hillary Clinton campaign, but generally don’t seem to contain a lot of blockbusters. This one was spotted by Breitbart. Podesta reports on a meeting with two friends of the...

Clinton’s Spanish Language Website: Inciting Communal Hatred, Offering To Abolish America

Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine was just celebrated by the Main Stream Media for giving a campaign speech entirely in Spanish—the first (but probably not the last) time a member of a presidential ticket has done so... This is just more evidence of the linguistic balkanization that mass immigration is imposing...

Stolen Elections? It Has Happened and Could Happen Again

It is well accepted by historians and biographers that Richard Nixon had ample ground for contesting the 1960 election results because of widespread vote fraud in Cook County, Illinois and several counties in Lyndon Johnson’s home state of Texas.

Nixon chose to not challenge the election–but not because of lack of...

Hillary: Americans Who Want to Limit Immigration Are ‘Fundamentally UnAmerican’ - Wikileaks - Clinton to Goldman Sachs

Hillary Clinton told Goldman Sachs executives that Americans who want to limit immigration are “fundamentally un-American,” according to the leaked transcript of her private October 2013 speech made public by WikiLeaks.

Clinton’s statement is significant because it suggests that, according to polling data, Clinton...

Republican Party Leaders Plot Purge, Civil War

Over the past week, a few dozen prominent Republicans, led by 2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain and joined by Utah’s Senator Mike Lee and Colorado’s Cory Gardner, dropped their support for Donald Trump and called on Republican voters to vote for other, “down ticket” candidates but not Trump.

The New...

Video: TPP is BALLS
Paul Nehlen

The following video is arguably one of the simplest explanations of the dangers of TPP out there. We decided to use balls to break it down and explain why it gives up our sovereignty, why it rips us down to the level of countries who aren’t anywhere near us economically and how it pumps our jobs over to foreign workers...

Video: The Obama Immigration Policy Timeline Wrecking Ball

This is the Forward to a report on President Obama’s Record of Dismantling Immigration Enforcement 2009 – 2015. By The Federation for American Immigration Reform.


President Barack Obama came to office in 2009 and pledged that during his first year of office he would enact amnesty legislation for...

Federal Contractor Tells Local Official to Keep Syria Refugee Plans Secret
If we open it up to anybody and everybody, all sorts of people will come out of the woodwork
Judicial Watch

‘If we open it up to anybody and everybody, all sorts of people will come out of the woodwork’ — Amila Merdzanovic, executive director, Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program 

Second Group Helping to Resettle Syrian Refugees in Rutland, Vermont Received 91% of its Funding from...

Getting Facts Straight on Illegal Alien Crime

Kimberly Mehlman-Orozco, writing in Washington’s The Hill newspaper on October 10 about the issue of deporting illegal aliens, claimed, “In fact, there is a scholarly consensus, which has concluded for years that these foreign nationals [referring to illegal aliens], despite their violation of civil immigration law, commit...

Clinton called for 'open trade and open borders' in private, paid speeches
Fox News

Hillary Clinton told bankers behind closed doors that she favored "open trade and open borders" and said Wall Street executives were best-positioned to help reform the U.S. financial sector, according to transcripts of her private, paid speeches leaked Friday...

Excerpts of the speeches given in the years before...

10 Signs That An All-Out Attempt Is Being Made To Sabotage The Trump Campaign
D.C. Clothesline

... it was always going to be an uphill battle for Donald Trump, but what he didn’t anticipate was blatant and widespread sabotage of his campaign from within his own party...

The following are 10 signs that an all-out attempt is being made to sabotage the Trump campaign just before the election…


The Great Wall of Jordan–Obama Admin Builds Big Border Fence (Just Not on American Border)

From Vice:

The Great Wall of Jordan: How the US Wants to Keep the Islamic State Out

By William M. Arkin

February 24, 2016 | 8:40 am

… The Obama administration is spending close to a half a billion dollars to build a sophisticated electronic fence along Jordan’s northern and eastern...

Transforming America: Obama Administration Moves To Create New Census Category For People With “Middle East And North Africa” Origin

President Obama doesn’t see himself as a “lame duck “president and you can expect him to be transforming America until the day he leaves office.

Now the administration is trying to change the census so Middle Eastern people have their own category.

From USA Today:

The White House is putting...

Europe: Hungarian Intelligence Expert Describes How Muslim Conquest of Europe May Play Out
Limits To Growth

László Földi, a Hungarian security analyst, appeared recently on a news show to offer his expertise about the current migration situation in Europe. He warned that “thousands of Muslim soldiers arrived here” via Chancellor Merkel’s foolish opening of Europe’s borders more than a year ago.

What Földi says about the...

Ethnic cleansing? California town now less than 10 percent white
American Thinker

Ethnic cleansing used to be a bad thing.  But in America, when it happens to white people, it's called progress and the "new face of California."

The town of Santa Ana has been almost 100% purged of white people.  They were pushed out not by tanks and machine guns, but by a massive influx of people speaking a...

Border Crisis: Illegal Crossings May Be Far Higher Than Official Numbers
Head of border patrol union says government has been 'lying to the American people'

A new Department of Homeland Security study revises and lowers the estimated success rate in stopping illegal immigrants crossing the southern border, but even that figure paints a misleading picture, according to the president of the union representing border patrol officers.

The Associated Press said last week that...

Immigrant Displacement Of American Workers At Second-Highest Level In Obama Era (Last Month Was Highest)

Friday’s release of jobs data for September showed unemployment up and weak job growth—but more significantly, in a development apparently only tracked by, immigrant displacement of American workers is now at its second-highest level for the Obama years. (August was the highest). Additionally, there’s continued...

Why Clinton and Democrats Are So Keen on Early Voting
American Thinker

Democrats are out in force to ensure their supporters vote early. Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook boasted that he had hopes to build an insurmountable lead in early voting in key battleground states that will cut off any viable path for Donald Trump to become president, according to The Hill:

    Nevada, North...

Leaked emails show Hillary is all for open borders
American Thinker

The released emails of John Podesta show that Hillary favors open borders and open markets in our hemisphere.

My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, somtime in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every...

Two Boxes Of Hillary Emails Mysteriously Disappear
Zero Hedge

Buried deep in the FBI's latest 189-page summary of witness interviews is yet another startling revelation that seemingly points to potential evidence tampering in the Hillary email scandal.  Per the following interview with a State Department witness who worked in the Office of Information Programs and Services (IPS), IPS...

TISA, TTIP and TTP = Corporate hegemony and economic warfare
It’s all about the push towards global governance or world government, by centralizing power

TISA, TTIP and TPP continue to be negotiated in secret, as WikiLeaks recently released a new leak from the updated TISA (Trade in Services Agreement) core text and annexes. If you want to know what TISA means in 7 words, it’s this: total privatization and commodification of public services. Unfortunately, once something is...

Lifelong Socialist, Islam apologist, chosen as new Secretary General of the UN, Antonio Guterres
Refugee Resettlement Watch

Longtime readers of Refugee Resettlement Watch will surely know the name since Guterres served for ten years as the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and his office was primarily responsible for the flow of refugees coming to the US now. He is responsible for the fact that most Syrians chosen by the UNHCR to come to America...

Major Election Fraud Alert – Is This How They Are Going To Steal The Election From Donald Trump?
D.C. Clothesline

Every ounce of effort that ordinary Americans have put into getting Donald Trump elected could be completely wasted if we allow them to steal the election.  If you have confidence in the integrity of our elections, that confidence will be shaken by the time you are done reading this article, because I am about to share some...

Obama Administration Is Quietly Delaying Thousands of Deportation Cases
New York Times

The Obama administration is delaying deportation proceedings for recent immigrants in cities across the United States, allowing more than 56,000 of those who fled Central America since 2014 to remain in the country legally for several more...

Obama invites hundreds of foreign 'election observers' to monitor electoral process
American Thinker

Banana Republics around the world are being invited to send representatives to the US to monitor polling places on election day.

Just think how much about voter fraud we can learn from them!

President Obama has invited the foreigners ostensibly to make sure that all the illegal aliens, non citizens, felons, and...

Immigration Expert: U.S. Refugee Vetting ‘Criminally Irresponsible’
Bureaucratic ineptitude, political concerns, and assembly line mentality plague migrant screening process

A recent report from the Department of Homeland Security found that United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) erroneously naturalized almost 900 ineligible illegal aliens due to database errors. All of these individuals were ordered deported but subsequently applied for citizenship using a fake identity....

Medicare Paid $9.3 Million in Benefits to Illegal aliens
Agency paid out over 14,500 claims to nearly 500 illegal aliens
Washtington Free Beacon

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services paid $9.3 million in benefits to illegal immigrants in 2013 and 2014, according to an audit from the agency’s inspector general.

“Medicare benefits are generally allowable when rendered to a beneficiary whom the Social Security Administration has determined to be a U.S...

Audio: Ann Coulter: Our Home is Being Taken Away From Us!
Information Liberation

Stefan Molyneux interviews Ann Coulter on why immigration is the only issue in this election as Americans face becoming minorities in their own country.

This is huge, Molyneux had to be the most radical host I've ever heard Ann Coulter talk with, but the times are changing and people are realizing we're in a fight...

White House reportedly puts thousands of deportation cases on hold

The Obama adminstration has delayed deportation proceedings against more than 56,000 Central American immigrants who have entered the U.S. illegally since 2014, The New York Timesreported Thursday ...

Federal officials told the Times that some deportation cases have been pushed as far back as 2023, creating what one...

Authorities caught barely half of all illegal border crossers last year, report finds
Fox News

Immigration authorities caught just over half of the people who illegally entered the U.S. from Mexico last year, according to a report commissioned by the Department of Homeland Security that offers one of the most detailed assessments of border security ever compiled ...

The 98-page report was completed in May,...

Record 42.4M immigrants, Muslims biggest jump
Pamela Geller



This isn’t just stupid, it’s suicidal. Look at Europe, that’s our future. Obama and Hillary’s legacy.


Muslim praying on Madison Avenue in NYC.


“Census: Record 42.4M immigrants, 23% of school kids, Muslims...

DPS fails to comply with federal mandate for English language learners (again)
Fox 31

The Denver Public Schools district, under court order to provide extra English classes to tens of thousands of struggling students, can`t get it done.

In 2012, a federal judge gave DPS a fairly simple order: For students with low English language scores, sign them up for at least one, daily, 45-minute specialized...

Report: Ineligible Aliens Voted in Philadelphia in Recent Years
Dozens have cast ballots in recent elections
Washington Free Beacon

Dozens of ineligible aliens who have been removed from the voter rolls in the city of Philadelphia, Pa., have cast ballots in recent elections, according to a new report from an election watchdog group.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation, an Indiana-based nonprofit that litigates to protect election integrity,...

Will Illegal Foreign Voters Steal the Election?

“It could all come down to Colorado.”

That’s the latest conventional wisdom from presidential poll watchers. But it may not be legal American citizens in my adopted home state who choose the next commander in chief.

Instead, it could very well be foreign noncitizens voting illegally in the Rocky Mountains—and...

Visualizing the ISIS Terror Threat in America

Terrorism continues to be among the top concerns for Americans, and the House Homeland Security Committee’s October Terror Threat Snapshot Tuesday helps explain why.

The monthly assessment of the global terror threat shows that ISIS’s ability to carry out attacks in the West has not significantly diminished....

Leaked FBI Data Reveal 7,700 Terrorist Encounters in USA in One Year; Border States Most Targeted

Leaked documents with sensitive FBI data exclusively obtained by Breitbart Texas reveal that 7,712 terrorist encounters occurred within the United States in one year and that many of those encounters occurred near the U.S.-Mexico border. The incidents are characterized as “Known or Suspected Terrorist Encounters.” Some of...

Voter fraud: Tens of thousands of fraudulent Clinton votes found in Ohio warehouse
Christian Times

...Election officials in Franklin County, Ohio are reportedly stumped over what one maintenance worker found in a dilapidated downtown Columbus warehouse earlier this week.

According to sources, Randall Prince, a Columbus-area electrical worker, was doing a routine check of his companies wiring and electrical systems...

Soros to make a killing with European 'forced migration'

The philanthropist George Soros recently published a letter in the Wall Street Journal entitled, 'Why I’m Investing 500 million USD in Migrants'. In this article, I will be looking at that letter and separating what it means from what it appears to say...

Soros continues: “Our collective failure to develop and...

Texas officially withdraws from US Refugee Admissions Program; feds cannot assure security screening of all refugees
Refugee Resettlement Watch

This is a major blow to the US Refugee Admissions Program since Texas is, by far, the largest resettlement state in the nation

Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Governor Greg Abbott seem to be in sync this week on protecting Texas from not adequately screened refugees.

The governor’s complaint is that the federal...

The Computer Voting Revolution Is Already Crappy, Buggy, and Obsolete
Bloomberg Businessweek

...If you’re an election official, losing votes is a very big deal, but it presents a special problem in Tennessee. Most counties in the state don’t keep paper records of ballots, so there are no physical votes locked in a room somewhere, ready to be recounted.

When underperforming voting equipment in Florida nearly...
