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Will House Republicans Follow the Money or Their Consciences on Immigration in 2014?

“Follow the money.” It’s still the surest way to trace the roots of a political disaste...

It will also be the surest way to trace the next political disaster if John Boehner and his inner circle of House Republican leaders decide to force through a package of immigration bills that include amnesty for illegal...

Give amnesty to illegal immigrants and then keep them from voting? It’ll never work
National Review

Senator Rand Paul recently suggested the following as part of a possible immigration compromise: giving amnesty to the illegal population but not giving them "immediate voting privileges."

His phrasing about voting is the result of either hyperbole or ignorance, since there's never been any proposal that would give...

Colorado River Drought Forces a Painful Reckoning for States
New York Times

The sinuous Colorado River and its slew of man-made reservoirs from the Rockies to southern Arizona are being sapped by 14 years of drought nearly unrivaled in 1,250 years...

Reservoirs have shrunk to less than half their capacities...

But many experts believe the current drought is only the harbinger of a...

Wait For Immigrant Visas Is Over A Decade For Some
Huffington Post

...Here are some questions and answers about the U.S. immigration system, and the widely varying waiting times facing those who deal with it.


Q: How many people are "in line" seeking to emigrate to the U.S.? Are they on any sort of comprehensive official list?

A: There are many different queues......

The ICE Shell Game
How the Obama crew has gotten around a reform in the enforcement of immigration law
National Review

When it comes to enacting President Obama’s second-term agenda, nothing stands in the way more than his own administration. By serially flouting our nation’s laws, this administration has ignored its constitutional duties and completely discredited itself, losing good will along the way from members of Congress...


After 20 years, NAFTA hasn't closed Mexico wage gap
The Denver Post

[...] Mexico's weak unions and competition from Asia and Central America kept wages down; the tightening of security along the U.S. border closed off Mexico's immigration "escape valve," and environmental provisions in the agreement proved less powerful than those protecting investors.

Mexico took advantage of the...

Fast and Furious gun turns up after Mexican resort shootout

A dramatic shootout between authorities and suspected cartel gunmen at a Mexican seaside resort this month has ties to a botched U.S. gun operation.

A U.S. official said Tuesday that investigators have traced at least one firearm recovered at a December 18 gunfight in Puerto Peñasco, across from the Arizona border,...

Will America become a third world country in 2014?
Washington Times

...How do you compromise with those who support amnesty for millions of illegals? That position is radical from the start. It does not ignore moderation; it’s an assault on the very concept.

As with other extremist crusades, important facts are unmentioned for the sake of perpetuating a narrative...


Diversity prompts increased racial isolation
The Denver Post

In a grassy downtown plaza, strolling musicians wearing glitzy cowboy outfits blast a mariachi song, while Spanish-speaking shoppers bustle between farm stands ...

The scene is an increasingly typical one in towns across California, where Hispanics are on pace to become the largest ethnic group next year. And...

Temporary Protected Status for Filipinos Would Increase Population Growth Permanently

Philippine President Benigno Aquino III has formally requested that the U.S. government designate his country as eligible for "temporary protected status" (TPS). If granted, the most likely outcome, Filipinos would be allowed to stay and work in the United States even if they are currently illegal residents.


Obama Deportations Definitely Not Record-Breaking
Center for Immigration Studies

In its first four years the Obama administration deported 3.2 million aliens, averaging just over 800,000 per year. Pro-amnesty advocacy groups, administration officials, lawmakers, and lazy reporters all have claimed this is a record, but it is not. In fact, according to historical DHS statistics, this is the lowest total...

Obama’s dangerous immigration reform agenda and amnesty
Republicans must insist laws are enforced, not just woo Hispanics for midterm election
Washington Times

...Not so fast. The speaker has said the House will do its own immigration reform in piecemeal form, but not take up the 1,200-page Senate monstrosity. Even then, House conservatives fear that any legislation will result in granting amnesty, while the border with Mexico will never be secured.

Mr. Obama is using his...

Feds see surge in children crossing US-Mexico border amid concerns over [Obama] immigration policy
"Unaccompanied alien children" nearly double the number from 2012-agents are being "overrun" with children crossing the border
Fox News

The number of children caught crossing the U.S.-Mexico border has surged over the last two years, raising questions about whether the Obama administration's changing immigration policies are creating a magnet ...

Pew Poll: Exemption from Deportation Is More Important to Illegals Than Citizenship
Limits To Growth

Recent research shows what has been obvious for a long time — many illegal aliens don’t want to join the American community but care only about being able to work here and make money without being repatriated. Unobstructed job thievery is Job #1!

Even among legal immigrants, a sizable number do not want to become...

Aurora reaching out to refugee community- more than one in five Aurora residents born in another country
The Denver Post

Aurora has become Colorado's "port of entry" for refugees escaping other countries — and with good reason ...

Family & Intercultural Resource Center Offers Support To Summit County Families In Need
Reyes started signing up for programs with her son last they’re getting help for everything from rent to scholarships to pay for preschool

Summit County is a popular vacation spot for families but some of the families who call it home get some help from the Family and Intercultural Resource Center ...

CO Labor & sex traffickers increasing, gangs involved
We are starting to see a larger influx of gang members
The Denver Post

[...] Trafficking in children for the sex trade is increasingly the domain of street gangs, said Sgt. Daniel Steele, a Denver police officer who heads the FBI task force for the Front Range.

Sixty-three percent of those arrested for trafficking and pimping offenses by the task force since January 2012 are documented...

Fewer deportations big issue for Asians, Hispanics
MSN News

With immigration legislation stalled in Congress, Hispanics and Asian-Americans say getting relief from deportations is more important for many of the 11 million [to 40 million] immigrants here illegally [illegal aliens] than creating a pathway to U.S. citizenship [amnesty], a new study finds.

Two polls released...

Judge: US government assisting child smuggling
Denver Post

McALLEN, Texas—A federal judge in South Texas said in a recent order that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is assisting in criminal conspiracies to smuggle children into the country when it helps reunite them with parents who are known to be in the U.S. illegally. 

U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen in...

Dems block eliminating IRS credit that illegal immigrants have claimed, leave in cuts for military retirees
GOP fails in final bid to block military pension cuts in budget bill
Fox News

Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., tried unsuccessfully to use a parliamentary tactic to force a vote on the amendment, which he wrote to undo the cuts for military retirees ...

Sessions wanted to instead eliminate an estimated $4.2 billion in annual spending by reining in an IRS credit that illegal immigrants [illegal...

Chinese investors 'buying' US green cards for $1m

As the US debates how to reform its immigration system - and deal with roughly 11 million [to 40 million] undocumented immigrants [criminal illegal aliens] living in the country - wealthy foreigners already have a legal route to a new life in America.

A visa programme called EB-5 offers overseas investors the...

China City - A perfect storm EB-5 proposal in upstate New York
Center for Immigration Studies

The latest EB-5 investor visa controversy is based on the idea of building an all-Chinese residential and commercial development, China City of America (CCOA), about a 90-minute drive northwest of New York City at the southern edge of the Catskill Mountains.

It would be largely financed by funds from immigrant...

More Immigration = More Americans = Less Wilderness
Earth Island Journal

The Big Thing facing Earth today – dwarfing all else – is the mass extinction of animals and plants unprecedented in size and scope for 65 million years, and wholly unprecedented in its cause. This ghastly crash in species abundance is happening from highest peak to deepest sea, from the poles to the equator. It is caused by...

U.S. seeing a surge in Central American asylum seekers
With gang and drug violence growing in Central America, 'credible fear' applications to the U.S. have risen sharply. But critics fear fraud
The Los Angeles Times

He was 10 when the gangsters flung rocks through the windows, and 12 when they beat him black and blue. At 15, a gang member shot at him while he was shopping at a grocery store — and killed his cousin instead.

At 17, he left Honduras for the United States.

He applied for political asylum, telling a judge that...

Red Cross & Mexican Consulate in Denver join to help Mexican citizens who fear deportation
Many immigrants [illegal aliens] in the country illegally were afraid to come forward
The Denver Post

When hundreds of immigrant workers were flooded out of their trailers and apartments near Greeley and Evans this summer the American Red Cross was there to help — with a good partner.

The Mexican Consulate in Denver helped with interpreters and with links to aid from the Mexican government for flood victims who are...

Obama Vigilantes at Media Matters Muscle Critics Of Treason Bar USCIS Takeover

Immigration law enforcement is in shambles, but now the Obama Regime is using it for outright subversion. Reversing decades of policy, the Obama Administration is staffing the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) with lawyers from the Treason Lobby who specialize in helping illegals break the laws USCIS is...

60% Think U.S. Not Aggressive Enough In Deporting Illegal Aliens
Rasmussen Reports

...Only 29% of Likely U.S. Voters think the government should stop deporting illegal immigrants [illegal aliens] until Congress passes an immigration reform [amnesty] plan. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 57% oppose a halt to deportations. Fourteen percent (14%) are undecided. (To see survey...

Reporter Finally Gets It Right on H-1Bs
Center for Immigration Studies

I nearly had a seizure reading Liz Peek's article on H-1B in the Fiscal Times. Ms. Peek had actually done some research and independent thinking; something nearly absent in today's media.

Ms. Peek observed the claims about the state of the job market for technology workers are conflicting. That alone puts Ms. Peek...

Obamacare isn't the big problem facing America; overpopulation is
Wathington Times

...The real issues facing our country lurk in the shadows, blissfully ignored while impacting every one of us.

Chief among these issues is overpopulation. Just how big a problem is it? Centuries ago, Thomas Malthus warned about what could happen if populations were left to grow unchecked.

Urban designer and...

Boehner: Amnesty After GOP Primary Filing Deadlines

A new report from the Texas-based Quorum Report, published by longtime Texas journalist Harvey Kronberg, says that House Speaker John Boehner plans to push amnesty legislation through the House, after the primary filing deadline for candidates. The move would prevent Tea Party from challenging GOP lawmakers who support...

Temporary U.S. immigration status urged for Filipinos after typhoon, including those already here illegally
Prior temporary legal status recipients, even from 1991, stiil have current 'temporary' visa extensions today
The Los Angeles Times

Advocates are putting pressure on the U.S. government to grant temporary refuge to Philippine nationals because of Typhoon Haiyan.

Only Filipinos already in the U.S. would be eligible for temporary protected status, which is granted to foreign nationals following natural disasters or civil wars. Recipients, who would...

Migration Hurts the Homeland
New York Times

Liberals have long fought for the rights of immigrants. Businesses have long fought for the right of people to immigrate. It’s a crucial distinction.

Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook created a lobbying organization,, this year to try to unite the two causes by casting comprehensive immigration reform [amnesty for...

500+ take advantage of Colorado's immigrant [illegal alien] tuition offer
CMC vice president Lin Stickler - the school has recruited students by placing ads in Spanish-language newspapers and sending recruiters to high schools
The Denver Channel

More than 500 students across the state are taking advantage of Colorado's in-state tuition rates for immigrants without legal residence ...

CAIRCO Background

In-state college tuition for illegal aliens

In-state tuition for illegal aliens is a violation of Federal Law. Federal Law Title 8,...

I Want an American Baby! Chinese Women Flock to the U.S. to Give Birth - U.S. is one of the few nations where simply being born on its soil confers citizenship
Lured by U.S. citizenship for their children, thousands of Chinese women give birth annually in the States, supporting a thriving birth-tourism industry

Jiang Wenjun was getting ready to go to America. His wife, due to give birth to their son any day, was already there. Like any expectant parents, the Shanghai couple agonized over how best to prepare for the arrival — and upbringing — of their firstborn child. American citizenship, they decided, was one of the finest gifts...

Massive Delays for Legal Immigrants

In a response to complaints, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) said last week that it has improved wait times from 13 months, now processing applications filed in February...

President Barack Obama has promised to streamline legal immigration as part of comprehensive immigration reform.


Border Patrol: A group of about 100 attempting to enter U.S. illegally assaults agents
Several agents were struck
The San Diego Union-Tribune

A group of about 100 people attempting to cross the border illegally Sunday threw rocks and bottles at U.S. Border Patrol agents who used a pepper ball launcher to force the crowd back into Mexico, federal officials said Monday.

No one was seriously injured, no shots were fired and no arrests were made, said Mary...

Update: Arapahoe County voter-fraud investigation
Voter-fraud investigation dating back to 2008
The Denver Post

Two of the people charged are immigrants — one from Africa who has donated to Democratic causes, the other from Poland — who have been deemed ineligible to vote in Colorado.

The two non-citizens who were charged are Tadesse Degefa, 72, and Vitaliy Grabchenko, 47, both of Aurora ...

The other two are...
Boehner: Immigration Reform "Absolutely Not" Dead

House Speaker John Boehner on Thursday bristled at the notion that immigration reform is dead for the coming year.

"Is immigration reform dead? Absolutely not,” he told reporters at his weekly press conference.

The Speaker said that he is “hopeful” the House can make progress on the issue, even though one of...

Only 2.1% of ‘DREAMers’ Denied Work Permits in DHS Reviews
Low denial rate may indicate lack of thorough screening of DREAM applications
Washington Free Beacon

Of the cases reviewed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), only 2.1 percent of young illegal aliens have been denied work permits through its deferred action program ...

Jessica Vaughn, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, said denying such a low number of applicants is...

ABC exclusive: US may have let 'dozens' of terrorists into the country as refugees

Several dozen suspected terrorist bombmakers, including some believed to have targeted American troops, may have mistakenly been allowed to move to the United States as war refugees, according to FBI agents investigating the remnants of roadside bombs recovered from Iraq and Afghanistan.war

The discovery in 2009 of...

Senate bill would redistribute seats in Congress
Senate bill would redistribute seats in Congress
Center for Immigration Studies

A new report from the Center for Immigration Studies finds that if the Gang of Eight immigration [amnesty] bill (S.744) becomes law, three states: Indiana, Oregon, and Virginia may lose seats in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2020; and five states: Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, North Carolina and Ohio may lose seats by...

Obama Administration Undermines Rule of Law...Again

In yet another move calculated to fulfill the President's backdoor amnesty agenda, the Obama Administration issued a new policy memorandum Friday, this time granting illegal aliens who are immediate relatives of active and veteran U.S. military members the ability to obtain a green card and eventual citizenship. (USA Today...

How immigration [amnesty] died — Part 1
The Hill

[See video summary in the original article.]

...Denis McDonough told Gutiérrez that Obama opposed a key concession that Democratic negotiators had made to House Republicans.

Sen. Charles Schumer later called. The New York Democrat, the architect of more liberal legislation from the Gang of Eight that was...

How immigration [amnesty] died, part 2: Boehner bails on bipartisan legislation
The Hill

[See video summary in the original article.]

...Reps. John Carter and Sam Johnson had worked for more than four years to craft a bipartisan immigration overhaul, risking their political reputations to join with liberal Democrats on the kind of legislation that many conservatives reviled.

In the summer of...

AFL-CIO Sees Illegal Aliens as 'Recruits'

Some may have wondered why Big Labor and unions like the AFL-CIO would support amnesty when it would drive unemployment numbers up and wages down, particularly for workers who are members of those unions. Now, according to the Huffington Post, the AFL-CIO's position is much clearer: it views illegal aliens as potential “...

Pew Poll: 60% Oppose Obama on Immigration Reform

A new national poll conducted [Oct. 30 - Nov. 6] by Pew Research has found that 60% of Americans oppose the comprehensive immigration reform [amnesty for illegal aliens] legislation President Barack Obama has been pushing...

In addition, 65% of Americans disapprove of the job Obama is doing on the economy...

Without immigration reform, 200-square-foot apartments will be common
The Oregonian

In a sign of the times, tiny apartments of less than 200 square feet are to be built in Portland. They will have shared kitchens.

To those familiar with population trends, this isn’t surprising. Tight living quarters may be in the future for all but the richest elite...

Ballooning population increases of...

Immigrants and the Welfare State
Why is the GOP not speaking out?
National Review Online

Welfare reform is usually an issue Republicans are more than happy to discuss. However, in the context of the debate over reforming the immigration system, the GOP has been relatively silent on matters of welfare...

The Senate immigration bill would amend existing law so that immigrants likely to become a public...

Obamacare and Uncontrolled Immigration: Full Speed to National Disaster
Tribune Papers

...A principle objective of Obamacare is to make healthcare insurance available to all residents of the United States at reasonable prices. Note that “residents” of the United States include native-born American citizens, naturalized American citizens, legal immigrants, and illegal immigrants [illegal aliens]. Most...

Deportation Numbers Unwrapped
Raw Statistics Reveal ICE Enforcement in Decline
Center for Immigration Studies


Introduction from the article ICE Deportations at Record Lows, NumbersUSA, October 30, 2013

A new report by the Center for Immigration Studies shows that deportations by Immigration and Customs Enforcement are in fact at record lows, not the record highs claimed by Obama administration officials. This...

H-1B visas may still harm U.S. workers
Hartford Sentinal

No American immigration program draws as mixed reviews as the H-1B plan that allows U.S. companies to import foreign workers [purportedly] when there are no qualified Americans available to do the same jobs.

Large California high-tech companies like Cisco Systems and Intel love the program, often said to allow in 65,...

The Intergenerational Big Government Culture of Hispanics

A Pew report in 2012 confirmed common knowledge that Hispanics want more big government, not less. While the report did not differentiate between Hispanic citizens and legal immigrants versus illegal alien Hispanics, the report showed that 75% of all Hispanics want bigger government, as compared with 41% of the general...

Camp of the Saints Author Fears for the Future of European Civilization
Limits to Growth

Jean Raspail, the author of Camp of the Saints, was recently interviewed by the French publication Valeurs Actuelles. The 1973 novel described a dystopian future in which millions of third worlders took to boats to migrate to Europe, a narrative that looks more like prophecy by the day, as Europe fears to turn away the...

Stopping the Amnesty Train in its Tracks

...The most absurd idea – one that just won’t die – is that we [Republicans] can somehow pass “immigration reform” with Obama as president in a way that will work for us.

What better way to reward the President for his malfeasance over Obamacare than by passing amnesty? This is what passes for logic with inside-the-...

The Elites’ Strange Plot to Take Over the World
One World Government

... the way political decision-making around security issues ricochets around the world, from Western capital to Western capital, is making a mockery of commonly held conceptions of national sovereignty..

This all demands the question: Why do we hold the conception that we live in separate nation-states? Well, it...

ICE Union: If Obama Won't Meet with Us On Immigration Bill Concerns, GOP Should
CNS News

If President Obama won't meet with Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) officers regarding their concerns, House Republicans should consult with them before introducing any immigration reform [amnesty for illegal aliens] legislation, the president of the ICE union said today.

Chris Crane, President of the...

Tennessee Supreme Court Upholds Voter ID Law

Last Thursday, the Tennessee Supreme Court upheld SB16/HB7, a 2011 Tennessee law that requires voters to provide photo identification at the polls. (WBIR, Oct. 17, 2013) The Court held that "[p]rotection of the integrity of the election process empowers the state to enact laws to prevent voter fraud before it occurs. "And...

September Jobs: Immigrant Displacement of American Workers Reaches ANOTHER New High

The shutdown-delayed employment report for September, which was supposed to be released about three weeks ago, found that only 148,000 jobs were added over the month. Even this may be too optimistic, as it reflects the situation prior to the government shutdown. Government employment actually rose in September.


Behind the scenes, business leaders press for immigration overhaul
McClatchy DC

While the immigration debate has been put on the back burner in Washington, national and local business heavyweights have been working behind the scenes – and using their financial might – to press House Republicans to bring legislation overhauling the immigration system to a vote.

The well-organized groups are led...

Soros-Funded Group Plans 'Fly-In' to Push House Republicans on Amnesty

The George Soros-funded National Immigration Forum (NIF) is organizing a “fly-in” of what it calls conservatives from across the country aimed at lobbying House Republicans for an amnesty bill.

According to USA Today’s immigration beat writer Alan Gomez, NIF is planning to organize the fly in with the U.S. Chamber of...

Paying Illegal Aliens to Stay - IRS gives out billions each year
Center for Immigration Studies

An estimated $4.2 billion dollars has been sent to families of illegal aliens in a single tax period through the Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC), which offers up to $1,000 per child to all resident families, including illegal aliens. A new Center for Immigration Studies’ report faults congressional inaction,...

Obama: End Shutdown So We Can Pass Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

In his weekly radio address on Saturday, President Barack Obama said the government shutdown needed to end so Congress could work on comprehensive immigration reform [amnesty for illegal aliens].

Obama rejected a House Republican proposal that would have re-opened the government and raised the debt-ceiling for six-...

S.774 amnesty Immigration Bill Creates Millions of Potential Voters
Adds 4.6 million voters by 2024, 17.3 million by 2036

The Center for Immigration estimates that if the Senate Gang of Eight Immigration bill (S.744) becomes law it will add more than 17 million new potential voting-age citizens by 2036. These new potential voters are in addition to the roughly 15 million that the current level of legal immigration will add by 2036. Combined,...

Immigration Agents Rip House Lawmakers Pushing Amnesty

U.S. Immigration Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agents have expressed strong concerns over House Judiciary Committee chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) and other Representatives pushing for immigration legislation that would legalize the status of America’s at least 11 million [to 40 million] illegal [alien]...

USCIS Agents Warn House Republicans on Amnesty

Tomorrow morning (Thursday) the U.S. Immigration Citizenship and Immigration Services agents will deliver to the House republicans a letter of warning on passing anything that resembles amnesty. The letter is a message specifically for Rep Bob Goodlatte, Rep Paul Ryan, Rep Eric Cantor and Rep. Luis Gutierrez.


Arizona to Require Proof of Citizenship in Statewide Elections

Officials in Arizona are seeking to ensure that residents who cannot prove they are United States citizens do not vote in statewide elections.

...Attorney General Tom Horne and Secretary of State Ken Bennett announced on Monday that "residents who haven't submitted proof of citizenship won't be able vote for such...

Mexican consulate & Denver Public Schools form partnership
As many as 500 people visit the consulate each day
The Denver Post

A partnership between the Mexican consulate and Denver Public Schools is working to close the gap between Spanish-speaking parents and Colorado's educational system with each school brochure and English-language kit they hand out.

Hundreds of people have utilized the Educational Opportunities Information Booth since...

CA 'Immigration activists' press Congress to end gridlock over Obamacare & Immigration reform [amnesty]
Banners depicting House Speaker John A. Boehner & Rep. Kevin McCarthy: 'We won’t let you stop us'
Los Angeles Times

More than 1,000 activists ended their hours-long rally and march through Hollywood on Saturday on a high note after getting word that Gov. Jerry Brown had signed several bills that would ease conditions for immigrants.

Just before noon on Saturday, a swelling crowd of union workers, immigrants and activists started...

Exclusive--Border Patrol Rep Claims Agents Being Ordered to Stand Down

...Shawn Moran, Vice President of the National Border Patrol Council, spoke exclusively with Breitbart News and claimed that Border Patrol management has begun the practice of ordering Border Patrol Agents to stand down and cease pursuing drug smugglers, human smugglers and traffickers, and illegal aliens. He also warned it...

CA driver’s license law for est. 1.4 million CA illegal aliens
Tax cost estimate: $140 million to $220 million for the first three years
Orange County Register

The law got passed. But the details have yet to be ironed out.

Following Gov. Jerry Brown’s signing Thursday of a driver’s license law for undocumented immigrants, the Department of Motor Vehicles is looking to draft new regulations and prepare field offices before an onslaught of new applications for the permits...

CA joins growing list of states giving driver’s licenses to immigrants in US illegally
Hard-working people who simply want to drive to work [State Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg]
Washington Post

California on Thursday joined the growing list of states that allow immigrants who are in the U.S. illegally to obtain driver’s licenses — a measure supported not only by Latino activists but by police chiefs and insurance authorities.

Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown signed the bill in front of a cheering crowd of...

House Republicans Work Immigration Behind Scenes
The issue is a top second-term goal for Obama
ABC News

Immigration overhaul legislation has been dormant in the House for months, but a few Republicans are working behind the scenes to advance it at a time the Capitol is immersed in a partisan brawl over government spending and President Barack Obama's health care law.

The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep....

Past 5 years, number of illegal aliens caught crossing Texas border rose 80.4 percent
Cronkite News

[...] The number of people caught crossing the border illegally in Texas rose from 125,000 in fiscal 2009 to 225,548 as of Sept. 19 – just two weeks before the end of fiscal 2013. That represented an 80.4 percent increase over the five-year period.

CAIRCO Research

2009 Study: Illegal immigration...

Senator Jeff Sessions Explains Special Interests on Senate Floor
Congressional Record

Senator Jeff Sessions on the Senate Floor describes the role of special interests. They want the House to pass a bill that appears to be tough on enforcement. The bill will then go to conference committee, where it will be melded with the worst aspects of the disastrous Senate Bill S. 744.

See the Congressional...

Video: Ex-ICE Official: Neglect of Workplace Enforcement Harmful to Workers and the Economy
Center for Immigration Studies

View Mr. Riley’s video interview. 
View the CIS policy video series. 

In a new Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) video, a former Assistant Special Agent in Charge at U.S. Immigration and Custom’s Enforcement (ICE) examines worksite enforcement and the agency’s neglect of illegal employment. William Riley...

ICE Released 2,837 Convicted Alien Sex Offenders to Comply With Supreme Court Ruling
CNS News

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has released 2,837 convicted criminal alien sex offenders back into American communities in order to comply with a Supreme Court decision authored by Clinton-appointed Justice Stephen Breyer, according to a new report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

The 2,837...

Drug cartel teams with Mexican Mennonites to move pot to Colorado
Some drivers from the Mennonite community, others were members of notoriously brutal cartel
The Denver Post

A group of Mexican Mennonites are accused by federal authorities of working with the Juárez drug cartel to move tons of pot to Colorado Springs and North Carolina.

"They would grow, process, package the marijuana, and manufacture the sealed compartments" they installed in large pieces of farm machinery, then truck it...

The Colorado Recalls Explained
The Volokh Conspiracy

Yesterday voters in Colorado recalled two State Senators. One result was not a surprise, and the other is a shock. Of course the votes are Second Amendment victories for the right to arms, but more fundamentally, they are Fourteenth Amendment victories for Due Process of Law...

Former State Senate President John...

Can the US Feed the World?

The September issue of Progressive Farmer magazine included a well-researched spread on “Feeding the World - Food Cliff - Can a booming world population be fed without overtaxing resources?" The article asks:

By now, just about everyone knows the scenario: more than 9 billion people on the planet by 2050, all ready...

20 million illegals in US, say former border patrol officers
Daily Caller

The number of undocumented immigrants [illegal aliens] residing in the United States is likely as high as 20 million, according to the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers (NAFBPO).

In an open letter to Congress Monday, NAFBPO chairman Zach Taylor wrote that the current estimate of 11 million...

August Jobs: Immigrant Displacement Of American Workers Off The charts

Immigrant displacement of American workers has reached an all-time high—right as Congress returns from its August recess and, incredibly, is looking at passing some version of the Eight Gangsters’ Amnesty/ Immigration Surge bill.

Employers added 169,000 jobs in August, slightly below expectations. The unemployment...

Immigrants from India surge across Arizona border

...Indians are part of a mysterious surge in migrants from the South Asian country showing up at the Arizona border without legal visas and then requesting asylum to remain permanently in the U.S. out of fear they may be persecuted if returned to their homeland.

They arrive after paying as much as $35,000 to be...

Australia Adopts Tough Measures to Curb Asylum Seekers
New York Times

SYDNEY, Australia — Prime Minister Kevin Rudd of Australia moved on Friday to curtail the record number of people trying the dangerous boat journey to claim asylum in the country, pledging that no one who arrives by boat without a visa will ever be granted permission to settle in Australia.

Under the tough policy,...

Overpopulation in America and the world: radioactive oceans
Fukushima in overflow: radioactive effluent circulating into all oceans

“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.” ― Chief Seattle

Twenty-nine months after Fukushima’s nuclear power plants exploded and started leaking millions or possibly billions of...

Giving a Voice to the Victims Killed by Illegal Aliens - The Remembrance Project
National Campaign Underway: State Leaders Needed
Numbers USA

The Remembrance Project, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation based in Houston, Texas, honors and remembers Americans who have been killed by illegal aliens. One of their initiatives, "The Stolen Lives Quilt" serves to unite the victims' family members with each other, and with our American families ...

Now in 18...

An Unspoken Truth: It's the Immigration Enforcement System that Is Broken
Center for Immigration Studies

The immigration policy of an moderate, democratic, relatively wealthy country like the United States that is the preferred destination of tens of millions of potential immigrants and the actual destination of over a million new legal immigrants every year is likely to be complex and therefore difficult.


An Unspoken Immigration Truth: What's NOT Broken
Center for Immigration Studies

One of the most overused and hackneyed phases in the present immigration debate is: "The system is broken." The metaphor is meant to convey the immigration system is important, that its major elements are dysfunctional, and that therefore the system must be fixed. QED.

It follows from this logic that all the major...

Sessions: Immigration plan bad for U.S. workers
Business groups want cheap labor, but what about loyalty to our own people.
USA Today

There is an unspoken question at the heart of the immigration debate: What is the loyalty a nation owes to its own citizens?

Business groups financing the push for comprehensive immigration reform [amnesty for illegal aliens] believe they have the right to demand from Congress as many workers as they want from abroad...

Immigration Enforcement: A History of Neglect
Center for Immigration Studies

In 2007, former Secretary Napolitano wrote in the Washington Post that, "No one favors illegal immigration. But there are upwards of 12 million [to 40 million] people illegally in this country — people who work, who have settled their families and who have raised their children here. For 20 years our country has done...

Immigrant (entered illegally twice now) without green card asks CA top court for law license
In the meantime, he has been working as a motivational speaker and an independent contractor.
Los Angeles Times

The California Supreme Court will hear arguments Wednesday on whether a Mexican immigrant in the United States without legal permission who graduated from law school and passed the bar should be licensed as a lawyer.

Sergio C. Garcia, 36,  has been trying to get his California law license for four years. The State...

Media owned by six corporations

There are 1,500 newspapers, 1,100 magazines, 9,000 radio stations, 1,500 TV stations, 2,400 publishers... owned by only 6 corporations.

Which is why we at CAIRCO take the time to research and present news coverage from wide-ranging and diverse - but not politically correct -...

Obama Administration Backdoor Amnesties Illegal Alien Parents

The Obama Administration has once again used the summer months to issue new policy that circumvents Congress and further expands its prosecutorial discretion policy, which encourages Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to ignore immigration violations by classes of individuals.

This time, the Obama...

Coretta Scott King in 1991: Hold Employers Accountable for Hiring Illegal Aliens

Pro-amnesty activists trying to co-opt the civil rights messages of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to push immigration reform [amnesty for illegal aliens] through Congress seem to be directly contradicting the wishes of the late Dr. King and his wife, Coretta Scott King. Mrs. King carried on her husband's civil rights activism...

Amnesty Immigration reform's No. 1 enemy: Time

Immigration reform [amnesty for illegal alien] advocates have a new enemy: the congressional calendar.

Fall’s fiscal fights have lined up in a way that could delay immigration reform [amnesty] until 2014, multiple senior House Republican leadership aides tell POLITICO, imperiling the effort’s prospects before the...

Immigration Advocates Hijack Dr. King's Legacy for Amnesty

This past weekend, several thousand people gathered on the National Mall to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech. In the powerful address, Dr. King envisioned a society where the "content" of a man's character meant more than the "color of his skin." Events this weekend, however,...

Media Ignore Americans Killed by Illegal Alien 'DREAMers'

An illegal alien brutally murdered Laura Wilkerson's 18-year-old son in Texas, tied his body up, and then doused him with gasoline before burning him.

Wilkerson recalled the harrowing details on Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125, yet her story has gone unheard in the broader press.


Civil rights and immigration history connected
The United States has its roots in being a welcoming place for immigrants but that wasn't always the case
The Denver Post

[...] While the United States has its roots in being a welcoming place for immigrants, that hasn't always been the case.

 It is true that a wave of new arrivals flooded U.S. shores in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, but a movement to restrict who was allowed into the country took hold as well.

In 1882...

Population growth drives need to transform flushed toilet water to tap water
Every corner of Colorado is facing a future with more people and less water
9 News

[...] Every corner of Colorado is facing a future with more people and less water ...

"The state continues to develop and we've got to provide for the long-term future of the residents here in Castle Rock as well as around the state," Marlowe said.

More and more communities are turning wastewater into drinking...

A slow-motion Colorado River disaster - a people longage in the Southwest
La Times

On Aug. 7, the head of the Southern Nevada Water Authority called for federal disaster relief to address the consequences of water scarcity in the Colorado River system. On Friday, the Bureau of Reclamation announced it would be forced to cut the flow of water into Lake Mead in 2014 to a historic low...

A nearly...

Liberal Voice Laments Mass Immigration’s Inequitable Impact on the Labor Market
Center for Immigration Studies

WASHINGTON, DC (August 21, 2013) — An internationally recognized authority on immigration policy and a Fellow of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), Mr. David North, argues in a new video that the United States immigration policy is “tilted against the people at the bottom of the American labor market.”

