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Electoral College - The Importance of the Electoral College
Dialectic Negation Tactics
War on the American Republic
Fighting CRT in the Classroom
Really, Can You Just Can It?
BLEXIT: In My Own Words
Competing Cultures Breaking Down America’s Culture
Trump may be savior of American civil liberties
After the Republic
Politics as usual is dead, as are the two party system and mainstream media gatekeepers
Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months
How the Left Took Over Everything
A New Book Warns of the Imminent Danger of a Kamala Harris Presidency
Our President, the progressive left, and the deconstructionist media
Cloward-Piven at the polls
Multiculturalism vs. America
Is Fascism Right or Left?
Looking Back on 2023; Painfully Looking Toward 2024
The Core Battle and the Republican Party
Social Contract 2019 Writers' Workshop videos are online
Beating Left-wing Authoritarianism
The Curse Of Cultural Marxism, Pat Condell
Winner Take All
Why the vacant Supreme Court seat had to be filled before the election
Preserving our Constitution for an Un-Serious Nation
Video: KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov's warning to America
Congress can and must impeach the judicial tyrants
The farcical fallacy of face diapers (face muzzles)
Colorado’s Votes for President should go to the candidate who gets the most votes IN COLORADO
The educational gulag and the liberal - conservative divide
The Long March Toward the End of Exceptionalism
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
Free speech has become a partisan issue in America
The Bodies of Others
Trump Administration Acomplishments
Happy Kwanzaa! The Holiday Brought To You By The FBI
Conservative Americans may be the last people who still believe in the American nation-state
The closing of the liberal mind and the globalist agenda
The Terrifying War on 'Disinformation'
The immense stakes in the 2020 election
Environmentalism, pay-to-play, and the Colorado Plateau
Creepy Technology - A review of the video documentary The Creepy Line
The Swamp Exposed
Senate Report's Explosive Hunter Biden Report
Degrowth and the Great Reset
CNN Commentator Don Lemon’s Racist Charges Divide America
5 Things Trump Did for the Left That They Refused to Thank Him For
Has the left crapped out?
On Donald Trump’s Extraordinary Achievements
The Real Anthony Fauci, the Movie
America Bad
Is patriotism obsolete? A borderless world will lead to nothing but chaos
Protecting "Our Democracy"
Democrats Are Done With Elections
The English have figured out what they want
Joe Biden WAY Past the Threshold of Senility & Fragility
Untold History of the Cold War, CIA Coups, China Virus - Video
When Liberals Were For Sensible Policies on the Environment, Immigration, and Advancing the National Interest - the Social Contract Winter 2019 issue
Social Distancing and the Mask Masquerade
Character, Julius Caesar, and Trump
We Must First Understand That We Are In A War
America's Republic - if we can keep it
Four Stages of Marxist Takeover
The liberal case for reducing immigration
Letters Of Thanks to President Trump
Progressives' dearest illusions
Democracy or a Republic?
Leftists hate the nation-state
Color Revolution
Rethinking the Second Amendment
Must read book: American Marxism
Second Presidential debate - a calm, masterful Donald Trump made mincemeat of Joe Biden
Reflections on Memorial Day
Ranked Choice Voting - RCV
The Ideas That Formed the Constitution
Retired Colonel Goes on Tucker’s Show to Expose the End Game of Mass Migration
Failing by Marquess of Queensberry rules
The Great Taboo: a follow-up
The loony left - like sharks in the water, they can't stop; they won't stop
Climate Change: Don't Panic!
America's very own Color Revolution
Perhaps the best description of progressivism yet
Debunking the 1619 Project
Killing the First Amendment
The Perfect Storm Descending Upon America part 4: Your Actions
We are the Prey!
Peter Schweizer Explains How China Purchased U.S. Congress as a Trade Strategy
Carlson Encounter: Bret Weinstein
The movie Hillary's America is a real eye-opener
Reading: The Woke Supremacy
What the Media Isn't Telling You About Jan. 6
Communist Constant Contact cancels CAIRCO account - Marxists are on a real roll! What fun!
Tucker with Tulsi Gabbard: What We Must Confront
Biden - Harris positions on key issues
The Fall 2019 Social Contract final issue is online
Global Predators Fauci, Gates, and Schwab Behind the COVID Reign of Terror
Immigration and the Failure of Democracy
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